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Bacon, Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Savory and creamy, this cheesy dip is perfect for the game or dinner.

:Carlini Cooking Spray

8 slices Specially Selected Thick Sliced Hickory Bacon, diced

2 9 o!nce packages "ittle Salad Bar #lat "eaf Spinach, chopped

$2 o!nces T!scan %arden &rtichokes, drained and chopped

2 %oldhen "arge 'ggs, (eaten

8 o!nces Happy #arms Cream Cheese, room temperat!re

) c!ps Happy #arms Shredded Col(y *ack Cheese, divided

$ c!p #riendly #arms Cottage Cheese

$ + teaspoons Stonemill 'ssentials %ro!nd Black ,epper

- teaspoon Stonemill 'ssentials .odi/ed Salt

$ teaspoon Stonemill 'ssentials %arlic ,o0der

$ teaspoon Stonemill 'ssentials 1nion ,o0der

Directions: $. 2. ,reheat oven to 2334. "ightly coat an $$ 5 9 inch (aking dish 0ith cooking spray. .n a large sa!t6 pan over medi!m high heat, cook (acon !ntil crisp, appro5imately 8 min!tes. Transfer to a plate and drain fat, reserve $ ta(lespoon of (acon fat in pan. ). 2. 7eheat the sa!t6 pan to medi!m heat. Sa!t6 the spinach in (atches !ntil 0ilted, a(o!t 2 min!tes. 8rain and set aside to cool. .n a large (o0l, com(ine (acon, spinach, artichokes, eggs, cream cheese, $ + c!ps of col(y 9ack cheese, cottage cheese, pepper, salt, garlic po0der and onion po0der. Stir !ntil 0ell (lended. :. ,lace mi5t!re into (aking dish, top 0ith $ + c!ps col(y 9ack cheese and (ake for 23 min!tes. Serve 0ith yo!r favorite chips, toasted (read or vegeta(les.

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