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Question Bank of HRP&D

1. What is human resource planning? Explain steps in Humana Resource planning & its significance for organization. 2. What is HRD? What are the different HRD strategies used in the organization? 3. Describe in detail the performance appraisal system. Or Performance appraisal is not merely for appraisal but is for accomplishment &improvement of performance. Discuss. Or Construct a plan for a post appraisal interview with an employee who has performed poorly. 4. Discuss the pros & cons of using different potential raters to appraise a persons performance. 5. Explain life & career development? Describe the role of Human resource staff in designing & implementing career development programs. 6. What is HRD culture & how is it useful in developing HRD climate in the organization? Describe in detail the elements of HRD climate in the organization. 7. What is Human Resource accounting? Outline the different methods of measuring the value of Human Resource. Or Briefly explain the merits & demerits of human resource accounting. 8. Define HRIS. Explain its Objective & function. Or How will you design & develop a human resource information system in an industrial organization? 9. What forces are causing growing members of organization to strive for improved employee relation & QWL? 10. Discuss the various methods & techniques of forecasting the demand & supply of manpower. Or Distinguish between the quantitative & qualitative approaches to forecasting the need for human resource. 11. Define HRD briefly. Discuss its instrument.

12. Define Manpower Planning. What are the activities involved in manpower planning? Explain the importance of macro level manpower planning in India. 13. Discuss the importance of HRP. Explain emerging trends in HRP. 14. What are HRD processes? Describe them in detail. 15. Briefly explain the concept of HRD matrix & outline the various subsystem of HRD. 16. Discuss 360 Degree Feedback system & MBO?

Short Question
Labor market analysis Wastage Analysis Human Resource valuation, accounting, audit Career planning & Career development Retention Succession planning Mgt development & mgt development planning Performance appraisal & potential appraisal HRM & HRD Mapping & age group preference Competency mapping Redeployment Age & grade distribution mapping Demand forecasting Career planning v/s Manpower planning Wastage analysis Potential appraisal Succession planning Three cs of HRD OCTAPACE

Employee retention Exit Strategy Work force flow mapping HRM & HRD QWL Halo effect MBO HR audits HRIS Human resource forecast Trend analysis Attrition Down sizing Mentor Personnel Mgt Retention Appraisal MBO Paired comparison Rating scale Checklist

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