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A Story Report

Characters Name: Robbo Title of the story: Dumpas the Problem This story is about Robbo and his sister, Callie who has an action plan to get rid of their stepfather Roy The Beard and reconcile their own parents. However, Callie s plan bac!fires when their "u" gives birth to #u"pa, their stepbrother. #u"pa is very attached to Roy and that s why he s the proble" to their plan.

The setting of this story is $u" s house #ad s house %hopping arcade &ina s 'ce Crea" (arlour %chool Haw!s"oor Hill

The "ain characters in this story are The two siblings Callie and Robbo. Callie is an intelligent girl who wants her parents to get bac! together and at ti"es can be very rude towards her stepfather. Robbo is the younger brother who )ust follows whatever Callie instructs hi" to do even though he does not have any ill feelings towards his stepfather.
Describe the main character.

*ther i"portant people in the story are Roy +ic!na"ed as The Beard. ,ery "uch detested by Callie. -dored by #u"pa. The children s "other. - .uarrelso"e wo"an, "ostly because of Callie s actions. The child of Ray and Hope. /oves and dotes on Roy.
wor!sheet adapted fro" 0ducation 1orld2 step by wicked step by anne fine



The biggest proble" in the story is -ctually not #u"pa but Callie who tries to separate her "other and stepfather. 3nfortunately the bla"e is put on #u"pa because of his attach"ent towards Roy which thwarts Callie s action plan.

%o"e i"portant events in the story are The parents split Roy the beard "oves in #u"pa s arrival Callie s conflict with Roy Children s action plan to get rid of Roy and reconcile their parents Roy .uarrels with Hope and leaves ho"e for a wee!. Robbo s confrontation Callie "oves out fro" "u" s house to stay with her father

-t the end of the story The children s action plan bac!fires and instead of Roy "oves out, Callie s the one who goes on to stay with her father. Hope and Roy tries to "end their relationship for #u"pa s sa!e.

'41e thought this story

Tell whether you liked or didnt like this story. Give 3 reasons for your opinion.

wor!sheet adapted fro" 0ducation 1orld2 step by wicked step by anne fine

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