A Study On Prefreence of People Towards Social Networking Sites

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Hormaz Patel, Conducting survey on A Study on Preference of People towards Social Networking Website. The study is conducted only for academic purpose and I assure you that I will not share information with anyone else.

Name: __ Age : ______________ Income:___ Occupation:__ ________________________ Country:_____ Q-1 Since When you are using Social Networking Website? 1) 2) 3) 4) Q-2 Less than a year One year to three years Three years to five years More Than Five years

Which Social Networking Website you prefer to use majority? ____________FB_________________________ In a week, on an average how much time you spent on SNS? ______________3-4 hrs in whole week_________________ From which device you prefer to use SNS? 1) Mobile 2) Computer How many Friends you have for your SNs profile (on average): Less than 20 61 to 80 20 to 40 81 to 100 41 to 60 More than 100 For which reason/s you are using SNS? ( 1= Always-----------------------5= Never) Reason Find information Get opinions from friends Playing Game/s Entertainment Online Shopping 1 2 3 4 5


Q-4 Q-5



Stay up-dated with friends life Socialize your self To make new friends Promote your business Pass important information to your friends Exchange Files/Data Profile Sharing How often do you check for updates on SNS?

Daily Less than once a week

Q-8 Q-9 Have you shared your right name on SNS?

Once a week Several times a week


Yes Yes Yes

Have you shared your right age on SNS?

No Q-10 Have you shared your right marital status on SNS? No Q-11 16. Do you trust information you obtain via social networking websites?

Yes Yes if it comes from my friends/connections Yes if comes from professional communities Yes if it comes from company official profiles/places No, Im always critical to such kind of information and check other sources
Q-12 Have you ever faced a problem using social networking website?



( If yes Plz Continue) Q-13 What type of Problem you have faced while using social networking website? Problem Account Hacked Pornography Abusive comments from unknown friend Identity Theft Stalking (unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual ) Photos shared by others If anything else , please mention Q-14 Please Give Your Suggestion towards SNS Opinion

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