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find / -name *.

aud -mtime +1 -exec rm {} ; Autofix Failure - Tablespace:SYSAUX :: Instance:VLEG1K :: Reference SR# 3-7490 199263 Customer Problem Description ============================ Abnormal growth in Tablespace"EB_DATA". Thanks & Regards, Jayender. ORA-01652 -- TEMP =============================================================== Dear Customer, Added Data files to the tablespace "" and threshold has been cleared. Alert should clear during next EM collection. Placing under 'Solution Offered' and awaiting for EM to clear. @SO, Thanks, Jayender. Dear Customer, Added Data file to the tablespace "" and threshold has been cleared. Alert should clear during next EM collection. Placing under 'Solution Offered' and awaiting for EM to clear. @SO, Thanks, Jayender. There are no issues found. Alert should clear during next EM collection. No acti on required. Placing under 'Solution Offered' and awaiting for EM to clear. @SO, Thanks, Jayender. Alert should clear during next EM collection. Placing under 'Solution Offered' and awaiting for EM to clear.

/usr/local/git/bin/em-blackout-cmd -o list----To check Active Blockout List. ==========================================

Dear Customer, As per undo advisory there D - 2,722 MB and no recent There are no issues found. on required. Placing under @SO, Thanks, Jayender. ================================================================================ ================================================ set lines 300 col FILE_NAME for a55 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a20 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&tbs' order by b.CREATION_TIME d esc ) where rownum <10; ================================================================================ ===================================== set linesize 150 col FILE_NAME for a45 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a15 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&a' order by b.CREATION_TIME des c ) where rownum <100; ================================================================================ =========================================================================== select OWNER,SEGMENT_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME,BYTES/(1024*1024) from dba_segments where TABLESPACE_NAME='APPS_TS_TX_DATA' and rownum<30 order by SEGMENT_NAME; ================================================================================ ============================================================================== prompt Datafiles TEMP tbs added prompt ======================== set linesize 200 col FILE_NAME for a48 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a18 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_temp_files a, v$tempfile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&table_space' order by b.CREATIO N_TIME desc ) where rownum <10 ================================================================================ ================================================================================ === To check tbs status =================== ---select TABLESPACE_NAME,STATUS from dba_tablespaces where TABLESPACE_NAME in(' TDI_EBS_APPO_0003','TDI_EBS_INV_0003','TDI_EBS_INV_0004','TDI_EBS_INV_0005','TDI is Enough undo space available in APPS_UNDOTBS_NONPRO ORA-1555 errors found in alertlog file. Alert should clear during next EM collection. No acti 'Solution Offered' and awaiting for EM to clear.

_EBS_INV_0006','TDI_EBS_OM_0003','TDI_EBS_OM_0004','TDI_EBS_OM_0006'); ================================================================================ ====================== To check for free space: ----------------------------------------set lines 500 select (BYTES/1024)/1024 "Used Space(MB)",total "allocated size(MB)", maxi "maximum allowable (MB)",maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024 "effectivefree(MB)",--maxitotal "free(MB)", round(((maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024)/maxi)*100,2) "% FREE" from sys.SM$TS_USED,(select sum((BYTES/1024)/1024) total,sum((decode(MAXBYTES,0,bytes,maxbytes)/1024)/1024) maxi from dba_data_files where tablespace_name in ('&&tbs')) where tablespace_name in ('&t bs'); $ du -sh /pnidci/oradata/data01 859G /pnidci/oradata/data01 $ df -kh /pnidci/oradata/data01 Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on adc26stor05-nas:/export/pnidci_05/i_oradata 3.5T 1.6T 1.9T 47% /pnidci/oradata $ ls -ltr /pnidci/oradata/data01/apps_ts_tx_data13?.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data131.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data135.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data132.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data133.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data136.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:47 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data137.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:48 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data134.dbf -rw-r----- 1 orpnidci dbpnidci 5242888192 Feb 15 05:48 /pnidci/oradata/data01/ apps_ts_tx_data130.db ================================================================================ ======================= select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,25600,85,10240) from dual; -- BOROL & NEW ADGE select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,10240,85,5120) from dual; -- BORAL (TEMP TBS) select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,20480,85,1024) from dual; select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,20480,85,10240) from dual; select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,1843,85,1024) from dual; select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,25000,85,10240) from dual;

select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,51200,85,20480) from dual; -- Redrobin select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,50000,85,10000) from dual; -------- Defau lt threshold check dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,5120,85,2048) -- BT Group's ( APPS_UNDOTBS_NONPR OD) Select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,10000,85,12000) from dual; odem3

467872.1 ---ORA-1555 ------------------------alter tablespace IPCS_DATA add datafile '/tthy7t/oradata/data01/ipcs_data22.dbf' size 2000M; alter tablespace tablespacedname add datafile /dthyko/oradata/data02/DTHY2O2_mds _2.dbf size 128M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 1000M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

alter tablespace PSINDEX add datafile '/twsunv/oradata/data01/psindex02.dbf' siz e 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 10000M;

alter database backup controlfile to trace;

cd /ptsadmin/common/OHSMON to check for abnormal growth --------------------------------------perl ================================================================================ == Maxsize 5G : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=INTFD -maxsize=5120M Datafile location : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=INTFD -maxsize= 5000M -datafile=/pdcgri/oradata/data01/txn_data64.dbf Datafile location in Quotes: ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace=INTFD -datafile= '/psukai/oradata/data01/intfd86.dbf' Autoextend off : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=APPS_UNDOTBS_NONPR OD -autoextend=n -initsize=1800M

================================================================================ ======= : FOLLOW: ======== ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace= Maxsize 5G : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=APPS_TS_MEDIA -maxsize= 5120M Datafile location : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=APPS_TS_MEDIA maxsize=5000M -datafile=/pdcgri/oradata/data01/txn_data64.dbf Datafile location in Quotes: ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace=APPS_TS_MEDIA -d atafile='/pmnhmi/oradata/data02/a_media124.dbf' Autoextend off : ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=SYSAUX -autoextend =n -initsize=1800M ================================================================================ ================================================ set lines 300 col FILE_NAME for a55 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a20 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&tbs' order by b.CREATION_TIME d esc ) where rownum <15; ================================================================================ ===================================== =======TO RESIZE/ TO AUTOEXTEND OFF or ON DATAFILE======== alter database datafile '/sbtg3i/oradata/data01/undo_nonprod32.dbf' autoextend o ff; alter database datafile '/dkbr63/oradata/data01/infrm_reposito.dbf' autoextend o n next 20M maxsize 5000M; alter database datafile '/pjdsui/oradata/data01a/sabrix_data03.dbf' autoextend o n next 20M maxsize 5000M; alter database backup controlfile to trace; alter tablespace TEMP3 add tempfile '/paltit/oradata/data02/temp36.dbf' size 200 M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 5000M; ==========

Autoextend On: ============

alter tablespace OES_ITAB add datafile '/dcpa1o/oradata/dcpa1ses/OES_ITAB16.dbf' size 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 5000M; Resize/autoextend on ==================== alter database datafile '/tchpg010/oradata/data01/fusion_undo02.dbf' size 200M a utoextend on next 20M maxsize 10240m;

Resize/autoextend off: ===================== alter database datafile '/psukai/oradata/data01/intfd84.dbf' resize 5120M;

alter database backup controlfile to trace; ==========

Autoextend off: =============== alter tablespace AH_EDW_DATA add datafile '/pascnd/oradata/data02/ah_edw_data44. dbf' size 10000M; alter tablespace AH_EDW_DATA add datafile '/pascnd/oradata/data02/ah_edw_data45. dbf' size 10000M;

alter tablespace APPS_UNDOTBS_NONPROD add datafile '/ptausi/oradata/data04/APPS_ TS_TX_DATA51.dbf ' size 1800M; alter database backup controlfile to trace; ======================================================================= TEMP ==== alter tablespace TEMP add tempfile '/pbicgi/oradata/data01/temp08.dbf' size 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 5000M; alter tablespace TEMP_IMP_05 add tempfile '/dkbr5i/convfs/oradata/data01/temp_im p_06.dbf' size 5120M; alter database backup controlfile to trace; set linesize 132 col file_name for a40 select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes/1024/1024,maxbytes/1024/1024,autoextensib le from dba_temp_files where tablespace_name='TEMP3' order by file_name;

BIG FILE:----EX SR:3-7060342934 =============================== select Name,BIGFILE from v$tablespace where name='TNBT2O_SOAINFRA'; NAME BIG ------------------------------ --XXEISX NO (In case of autoextend off) ============================ ALTER TABLESPACE TSNAME RESIZE SIZE (M/G); (with Auto extend On) ==================== ALTER TABLESPACE TNBT2O_SOAINFRA AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 30 G; ASM Instance: ============= sho parameter asm; sho parameter db_creat; select GROUP_NUMBER,NAME from V$ASM_DISKGROUP; select NAME,FREE_MB,USABLE_FILE_MB from v$asm_diskgroup; alter tablespace OLAP_INDXTBS6 add datafile '+DATA_PSBUX3' size 1000M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 10240M; alter tablespace OLAP_AUTO add datafile '+DATA_TWTP13' size 200M autoextend on n ext 20M maxsize 10000M; alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_IDX4 add datafile '+DATA01_PCLO1I' size 1000M autoex tend on next 20M maxsize 10000M; alter database backup controlfile to trace; ALTER TABLESPACE APPS_TS_SUMMARY ADD DATAFILE '+DATA' SIZE 200M autoextend on ne xt 20M maxsize 5000m;

alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_LG_IDX add datafile '+DATA' size M; alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_IDX1 add datafile '+DATA01_PCLO1I' size 10000M;

alter tablespace TEMP4 add tempfile '+DATA_PACOR8' size 10000M;

ALTER TABLESPACE BORSOA_BCE_01 ADD DATAFILE '+DATA_XD01' SIZE 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 5120M;

Resize: ======== alter database datafile '/tsbu13/oracle/product/112/dbs/tbs_f11.dbf' autoextend on next 20M maxsize 200M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,20480,85,10240) from dual;

prompt prompt Time prompt ==== !date;ps -ef|grep smon;id;hostname -f prompt Blackout Details prompt ================ !/usr/local/git/bin/em-blackout-cmd -o list prompt Tablespace Threshold prompt ==================== select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(&threshold) from dual; / !perl /ptsadmin/common/OHSMON/ prompt Datafiles added recently prompt ======================== set pagesize 1000 set lines 300 col FILE_NAME for a55 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a20 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&tbs' order by b.CREATION_TIME d esc ) where rownum <15; / prompt Filesystem Size prompt ======================== !df -h /*/oradata*;du -sh /*/oradata/data* !df -k /*/oradata*;du -s /*/oradata/data* alter tablespace EA add datafile '/dkbrt7/oradata/data01/EA02.dbf' size 200M aut oextend on next 20M maxsize 1800M; alter tablespace OES_ITAB add datafile '/dcpa1o/oradata/dcpa1ses/OES_ITAB6.dbf' size 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 5000M;

alter database backup controlfile to trace; alter tablespace APPS_UNDOTS1 add datafile '/taemxi/oradata/data01/undo04.dbf' s ize 1800M; autoextend on next 20M maxsize 1800M;

================================================================================ ========

Blackout ==========

/usr/local/git/bin/em-blackout-cmd -o list

Diagnostic log file location will be /var/log/serviceengineering/tsfull/ <SID>.t xt file. adding data file --------------------------------------1. 2. 2. ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace= ls -l /ttss2i/oradata/data01/a_txn_ind24.dbf ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=

3.$target=SMTR 1I*$type=oracle*_database

Check for following query ------------------------set linesize 200 col file_name format a55 select file_name,tablespace_name, bytes/1024/1024, autoextensible, maxbytes/1024 /1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='&tbs_name';

Check for free space : ======================

To check for free space: ----------------------------------------set lines 500 select (BYTES/1024)/1024 "Used Space(MB)",total "allocated size(MB)", maxi "maximum allowable (MB)",maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024 "effectivefree(MB)",--maxitotal "free(MB)", round(((maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024)/maxi)*100,2) "% FREE" from sys.SM$TS_USED,(select sum((BYTES/1024)/1024) total,sum((decode(MAXBYTES,0,bytes,maxbytes)/1024)/1024) maxi from dba_data_files where tablespace_name in ('&&tbs')) where tablespace_name in ('&t bs'); *********

prompt Find % of free space prompt ==================== set linesize 100 pagesize 30 feedback 1 echo off wrap on undefine tbsp column tblspace format a12 heading "Tablespace" column "Used Space(MB)" format 999999999 column "allocated size(MB)" format 999999999 column "maximum allowable (MB)" format 999999999 column "effective free(MB)" format 999999999 column "%FREE" format 999.99 set linesize 100 pagesize 30 feedback 1 echo off wrap on column tblspace format a12 heading "Tablespace" column "Used Space(MB)" format 999999999 column "allocated size(MB)" format 999999999 column "maximum allowable (MB)" format 999999999 column "effective free(MB)" format 999999999 column "%FREE" format 999.99 SELECT (a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0))/1024/1024 "Used Space(MB)", a.bytes/1024/1024 "allocated size(MB)", a.maxbytes/1024/1024 "maximum allowable (MB)", (NVL(f.bytes,0) + (a.maxbytes - a.bytes))/1024/1024 "effective free(MB)",100-round(((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0))*100/a.maxbytes),2) "%FREE" FROM (select sum(bytes) bytes,sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files where tablespace_name='&&tbsp') a, (select sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space where tablespace_name='&tbsp') f;

check recent datafiles added with cration date ================================================ set pagesize 100 set linesize 200 col FILE_NAME for a80 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a18 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&table_space' order by b.CREATION_TIME desc ) where rownum <30;

Check used space, free space and % ================================================================================ =============

SELECT /* + RULE */ df.tablespace_name "Tablespace", df.bytes / (1024 * 1024) "Size (MB)", SUM(fs.bytes) / (1024 * 1024) "Free (MB)", Nvl(Round(SUM(fs.bytes) * 100 / df.bytes),1) "% Free", Round((df.bytes - SUM(fs.bytes)) * 100 / df.bytes) "% Used" FROM dba_free_space fs, (SELECT tablespace_name,SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name) df WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) = df.tablespace_name GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,df.bytes UNION ALL SELECT /* + RULE */ df.tablespace_name tspace, fs.bytes / (1024 * 1024), SUM(df.bytes_free) / (1024 * 1024), Nvl(Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_used) * 100 / fs.bytes), 1), Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_free) * 100 / fs.bytes) FROM dba_temp_files fs, (SELECT tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used FROM v$temp_space_header GROUP BY tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used) df WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) = df.tablespace_name GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,fs.bytes,df.bytes_free,df.bytes_used ORDER BY 4 DESC;

Jay L3 script -----------------

Top 50 object growth on tablespace &TS over the past &days_back days. ==========================================================================

set line 200 col object_name for a25 col tablespace_name for a15 select * from ( select b.owner, b.object_name, round(sum(space_used_delta) / round(avg(c.bytes) / round(sum(space_used_delta) / from dba_hist_snapshot sn,

c.tablespace_name, 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1024 / 1024 / 1024, avg(c.bytes) * 100,

b.object_type, 2) "Space Growth (Gb)", 2) "Total Schema Size (Gb)", 2) "% of Object Size"

dba_hist_seg_stat a, dba_objects b, dba_segments c where end_interval_time > trunc(sysdate,'dd') - nvl('&days_back',30) and sn.snap_id = a.snap_id and b.object_id = a.obj# and b.owner = c.owner and b.object_name = c.segment_name and c.tablespace_name = nvl('&TS',c.tablespace_name) and space_used_delta > 0 group by b.owner, b.object_name, b.object_type, c.tablespace_name order by 5 desc ) T where rownum <= 50;


Adding datafile Manually =========================

Adding a new datafile (not autoextensible): SQL> alter tablespace &TBS add datafile '/pempxi/oradata/data01/applsysx04.dbf' size 1800M;

Adding a new datafile (autoextensible): SQL> alter tablespace tablespacedname add datafile /pempxi/oradata/data01/applsy sx04.dbf size 128M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 1800M;

example auto extend on ====================== alter tablespace HFM add datafile '/dckor7/oradata/data01/HFM_01.dbf' size 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 1800M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

example auto extend off

========================= alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA add datafile '/pcsuvi/oradata/data02/APPS_TS_TX _DATA2515.dbf' size 5000M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

================================================================================ ======================


col FILE_NAME for a45 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a15 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_dat a_files a, v$datafile b where a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&a'and order by b.CREATION_TIME desc ) where rownum <15; col FILE_NAME for a45 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a15 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,b.CREATION_TIME,autoextensib le AUTO,bytes/1024/1024 BYTES,maxbytes/1024/1024 MAXSIZE from dba_data_files a, v$datafile b where a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&a'and order by b.CREATION_TIME desc ) where rownum <15;

col file_name for a50 select file_name,bytes/1024/1024 BYTES,autoextensible,maxbytes/1024/1024 MAXSIZE from dba_data_files where tablespace_name like '%APPS_TS_TX_DATA%' and file_name like '%/pclo1i/orad ata/data07%'; alter tablespace APPS_TS_INTERFACE add datafile '/dtam4i/oradata/oradata1/data01 /a_int04.dbf' size 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 1800M; select TABLESPACE_NAME, TOTAL_BLOCKS, USED_BLOCKS, MAX_USED_BLOCKS, MAX_SORT_BLO CKS, FREE_BLOCKS from V$SORT_SEGMENT; Adding datafile Manually -----------------------Adding a new datafile (not autoextensible): SQL> alter tablespace &TBS add datafile '/pempxi/oradata/data01/applsysx04.dbf'

size 1800M;

Adding a new datafile (autoextensible): SQL> alter tablespace tablespacedname add datafile /pempxi/oradata/data01/applsy sx04.dbf size 128M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 1800M;

SQL> alter tablespace &TBS add datafile '&filefullpath' maxsize 1800M; take backup of controlfile after adding datafile: SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace; Example ======= alter tablespace APPLSYSD add datafile '/dmtrli/oradata/data02/applsysd441.dbf' size 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 1800M;

alter database backup controlfile to trace;

UNDO TBS ============ Hi Sudha, Please add 1 datafile to Undo tablespace. and provide output of follwing query in csv format... ================================= SELECT TO_CHAR(s.sid)||','||TO_CHAR(s.serial#) sid_serial, NVL(s.username, 'None') orauser, s.program, undoseg, t.used_ublk * TO_NUMBER(x.value)/1024||'K' "Undo" FROM sys.v_$rollname r, sys.v_$session s, sys.v_$transaction t, sys.v_$parameter x WHERE s.taddr = t.addr AND r.usn = t.xidusn(+) AND = 'db_block_size'; =================================

SQL> alter tablespace APPS_UNDOTS1 add datafile '/tloroi/oradata/data01/undo_03. dbf' size 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 5000M; Tablespace altered. SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace; Database altered.

Making AUTOEXTEND OFF of existing datafile -----------------------------------------alter database datafile '+DATA_XD01/pbrali_pdc/datafile/apps_ts_queues.1321.8233 51243' autoextend on; alter database datafile '/sbtg2i/oradata/data01/undo_nonprod02.dbf' autoextend o ff;

alter database datafile '/dbtg4i/oradata/data01/undo_nonprod13.dbf' autoextend o ff;

******************************************************************************** *****************************

Resizing Existing datafile -------------------------auto extend off =============== Example ------ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/tbtgri/oradata/data01/undo_nonprod09.dbf' RESIZE 5000M ; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

worked -------alter database datafile '/tmin5i/oradata/data01/summary.dbf' resize 1800M;

auto extend on =============== Example -------

alter database datafile '/pclo1i/oradata/data10/APPS_TS_TX_IDX_1029.dbf' autoext end on next 10m maxsize 5000m;

alter database backup controlfile to trace;

******************************************************************************** ********************************** alter database datafile '<DATAFILENAME>' autoextend on next 10m maxsize 5000m; Example: ======== alter database datafile '/pclo1i/oradata/data05/APPS_TS_SUMMARY_14.dbf' autoexte nd on next 10m maxsize 5000m; Resize DF ========== alter database datafile '/pclo1i/oradata/data10/APPS_TS_TX_IDX_1029.dbf' autoex tend on next 10m maxsize 5000m; Checking TBS free space ======================= select (BYTES/1024)/1024 "Used Space(MB)", total "allocated size(MB)", maxi "maximum allowable (MB)", maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024 "effectivefree(MB)", --maxi-total "free(MB)", round(((maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024)/maxi)*100,2) "% FREE" from SM$TS_USED,(select sum((BYTES/1024)/1024) total,sum((decode(MAXBYTES,0,bytes,maxbytes)/1024)/1024) maxi from dba_data_files where tablespace_name in ('&tbs')); -------------------------------temp tbs -------------------------------perl cd /ptsadmin/common/OHSMON set lines 152 col FreeSpaceGB format 999.999

col UsedSpaceGB format 999.999 col TotalSpaceGB format 999.999 col host_name format a30 col tablespace_name format a30 select tablespace_name, (free_blocks*8)/1024/1024 FreeSpaceGB, (used_blocks*8)/1024/1024 UsedSpaceGB, (total_blocks*8)/1024/1024 TotalSpaceGB, i.instance_name,i.host_name from gv$sort_segment ss,gv$instance i where ss.tablespace_name in (select tables pace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents='TEMPORARY') and i.inst_id=ss.inst_id; select FILE_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE,bytes/1024/1024 from dba_temp_f iles; set linesize 200 col file_name format a55 select file_name,tablespace_name, bytes/1024/1024, autoextensible, maxbytes/1024 /1024 from dba_temp_files where tablespace_name='&tbs_name';

set linesize 200 col FILE_NAME for a48 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a18 select * from (select a.FILE_NAME,a.TABLESPACE_NAME,a.bytes/1024/1024,a.maxbytes /1024/1024,a.autoextensible,b.CREATION_TIME from dba_temp_files a, v$tempfile b where and a.TABLESPACE_NAME='&table_space' order by b.CREATION_TIME desc ) where rownum <50;

Session Using TEMP Segemet ==========================

col col col col col col

SID_SERIAL for a15 USERNAME for a15 USERNAME for a10 MODULE for a15 PROGRAM for a15 TABLESPACE for a10

select * from ( SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.m odule, S.program, SUM (T.blocks) * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, lespace, COUNT(*) sort_ops FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P


T.session_addr = S.saddr S.paddr = P.addr T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module, S.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace order by mb_used desc ) where r

col col col col col col

SID_SERIAL for a15 USERNAME for a15 USERNAME for a10 MODULE for a15 PROGRAM for a15 TABLESPACE for a10

select * from ( SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.m odule, S.program, SUM (T.blocks) * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, lespace, COUNT(*) sort_ops FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr AND S.paddr = P.addr AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name GROUP BY S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module, S.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace order by mb_used desc ) where r ownum <10;

with auto extend off ======================= alter tablespace TEMP_IMP_01 add tempfile '/dkbr5i/convfs/oradata/data01/temp_im p_01_001.dbf' size 5120M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

with autoextend on ==================== alter tablespace TEMP2 add tempfile '/tmatai/oradata/data01/TEMP22.dbf' size 200 M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 1800M; alter database backup controlfile to trace;

Checking the recent ora-1652 error -----------------------------------show parameter dump; cd /ppqsti/oracle/product/102/admin/PPQSTI_auohspqst06/bdump $ ls -l al* $ vi alert_PPQSTI.log $ tail -f alert_PPQSTI.log

UNDO -----cd /ptsadmin/common/OHSMON perl SELECT d.tablespace_name, round(((NVL(f.bytes,0) + (a.maxbytes - a.bytes))/1048 576+ u.exp_space),2) as max_free_mb, round(((a.bytes - (NVL(f.bytes,0)+ (1024*1024*u.exp_space)) )*100/a.maxbytes),2) used_pct FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes, sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files group by tab lespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f , (select tablespace_name , sum(blocks)*8/(1024) exp_space from dba_undo_extents where status NOT IN ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') group by tabl espace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.ta blespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name AND d.contents = 'UNDO' AND u.tabl espace_name = (select UPPER(value) from v$parameter where name = 'undo_tablespace'); APPS_UNDOTS4 TO GET 0RA 1555 ==================== select sum(ssolderrcnt) "Total ORA-1555s", round(max(maxquerylen)/60/60) "Max Query HRS", sum(unxpstealcnt) "UNExpired STEALS", sum(expstealcnt) "Expired STEALS" from v$undostat order by begin_time;

REM check for undo TS usage in GB REM ----------------------------set linesize 152 col tablespace_name for a20 col status for a10 select tablespace_name,status,count(extent_id) "Extent Count", sum(blocks) "Total Blocks",sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) spaceInGB from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name, status having tablespace_name=upper('&TSNAME') order by tablespace_name;

RAC ----------------------col host_name for a20 select instance_name , host_name from gv$instance; (undotbs) col HOST_NAME for a15 select INSTANCE_NUMBER,INSTANCE_NAME,HOST_NAME from gv$instance; ( undotbs rac) (4) SELECT d.tablespace_name, round(((NVL(f.bytes,0) + (a.maxbytes - a.bytes))/ 1048576+ u.exp_space),2) as max_free_mb, round(((a.bytes - (NVL(f.bytes,0)+ (1024*1024*u.exp_space) ))*100/a.maxbytes),2) used_pct FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes, sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files group by ta blespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f , (select tablespace_name , sum(blocks)*8/(1024) exp_space from dba_undo_extents where status NOT IN ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') group by tab lespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.t ablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name AND d.contents = 'UNDO' AND lespace_name = (select UPPER(value) from v$parameter where name = 'undo_tablespace'); ================================================================================ ===== -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) col host_name for a20 select instance_name , host_name from gv$instance; (2) col tablespace_name for a20 col status for a10 select tablespace_name,status,count(extent_id) "Extent Count",

sum(blocks) "Total Blocks",sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) spaceInGB from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name, status having tablespace_name=upper('&TSNAME') order by tablespace_name; (3) select sum(ssolderrcnt) "Total ORA-1555s", round(max(maxquerylen)/60/60) "Max Query HRS", sum(unxpstealcnt) "UNExpired STEALS", sum(expstealcnt) "Expired STEALS" from v$undostat order by begin_time; ( undotbs rac) (4) SELECT d.tablespace_name, round(((NVL(f.bytes,0) + (a.maxbytes - a.bytes))/ 1048576+ u.exp_space),2) as max_free_mb, round(((a.bytes - (NVL(f.bytes,0)+ (1024*1024*u.exp_space) ))*100/a.maxbytes),2) used_pct FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes, sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files group by ta blespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f , (select tablespace_name , sum(blocks)*8/(1024) exp_space from dba_undo_extents where status NOT IN ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') group by tab lespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.t ablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name AND d.contents = 'UNDO' AND lespace_name = (select UPPER(value) from v$parameter where name = 'undo_tablespace');

(5) select to_char(begin_time, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi') "Int. Start", ssolderrcnt "ORA-1555s", maxquerylen "Max Quer y", unxpstealcnt "UNExp SCnt",UNXPBLKRELCNT "UnEX Pblks", expstealcnt "Exp SCnt",EXPBLKRELCNT "ExpBlks", NOSPACEERRCNT nospace from v$undostat where ssolderrcnt>0 order by begin_time;

################################################################################ #####3 LOCATION =========

1] cd /ptsadmin/common/OHSMON/ 2] ./add_data_file -debug -tablespace=<tablespace name>

CHECKING DEBUG MODE ==================== 1. ./add-data-file -debug ========================== $ ./add-data-file -debug ./add-data-file: Thu Mar 2 05:37:09 CST 2006 on auohstest17 Fixing tablespace: TEST Last added file is : /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test1.dbf Next file to add: /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test02.dbf Available space is : 25.92 GB, Used percentage : 71 % Enough space is available in /tpmp1i/oradata/data01 ****Not adding file as debug mode was specified Successfully added file. Done. No more tablespaces to process. $ 2. ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace=TEST ------------------------------------------$ ./add-data-file -debug -tablespace=TEST ./add-data-file: Thu Mar 2 05:38:40 CST 2006 on auohstest17 Fixing tablespace: TEST Last added file is : /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test1.dbf Next file to add: /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test02.dbf Available space is : 25.92 GB, Used percentage : 71 % Enough space is available in /tpmp1i/oradata/data01 ****Not adding file as debug mode was specified Successfully added file. Done. No more tablespaces to process. $ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Verify the results from the Debug mode.If everything is fine execute the script to add the datafile. ADDING DATA FILE ================ 1../add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=UNDOTBS1 ---------------------------------------------------$ ./add-data-file -backupctrlfile -tablespace=UNDOTBS1 ./add-data-file: Thu Mar 2 05:40:22 CST 2006 on auohstest17 Fixing tablespace: TEST Last added file is : /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test1.dbf

Next file to add: /tpmp1i/oradata/data01/test02.dbf Available space is : 25.92 GB, Used percentage : 71 % Enough space is available in /tpmp1i/oradata/data01 Successfully added file. Done. No more tablespaces to process.

TBS USAGES =========== select tablespace_name tablespace, to_char((max_space-free_space)/1048576, '999G999') used_space, to_char(free_space/1048576, '999G999') free_space, to_char(max_space/1048576, '999G999') max_space, to_char((max_space-free_space)/max_space*100, '99.99') percent_full from ( select tablespace_name, sum(greatest(fs_free_space, dba_free_space)) free_sp ace, sum(maxbytes) max_space from ( select df.tablespace_name, df.file_name, df.file_id, greatest(df.maxbytes,df.bytes) maxbytes, (greatest(df.maxbytes,df.bytes)-df.bytes) fs_free_space, (select SUM(bytes) from dba_free_space where df.tablespace_name=tablespace_name and df.file_id=file_id) dba_free_space from dba_data_files df ) where dba_free_space <= maxbytes group by tablespace_name) order by percent_full asc

select (BYTES/1024)/1024 "Used Space(MB)", total "allocated size(MB)", maxi "maximum allowable (MB)", maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024 "effectivefree(MB)", --maxi-total "free(MB)", round(((maxi-(BYTES/1024)/1024)/maxi)*100,2) "% FREE" from SM$TS_USED,(select sum((BYTES/1024)/1024) total,sum((decode(MAXBYTES,0,bytes,maxbytes)/1024)/1024) maxi from dba_data_files where tablespace_name in ('&&tbs')) where tablespace_name in ('&tbs');

Threshold limit queries ================

select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,1843,85,1024) from dual; select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,1843,85,500) from dual; Infopia ------select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(85,9999,95,9999) from dual; Clopay=== PCLOPI_PCLOPI1/ALPENA-PAPASI -----------------------select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,10240,85,5120) from dual; Essilor: ======== select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,7500,85,5000)from dual; ARAMARK: select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,5120,85,3072) from dual; ; PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP ========================= select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,1843,85,1024) ========================================================================= Customer : Media Saturn IT Services GmbH ****************************************

Step 1: ======= Login: ood Password: xsw23edc step 2: ======= Login to the ffm04ortpdba1de as oracle user. sudo su - oracle

step 3: ======= Run the following two steps: 1) . ./ort/ 2) sid P01RMS03 (P01RMS03 is Instance name and this step is herwise it won't connect to instance ) manditory ot

step 4: ======= Login to sqlplus as sysdba

=========================================================================== Customer : PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP sr - 3-5165881134 =======================================================

$ ps -ef |grep pmon 10202 22183 1 0 Jan08 ? sudhaana 26714 26493 0 00:24 pts/0

00:04:59 ora_pmon_PPFGR010 00:00:00 grep pmon

pbrun ohsdba -u orppfgr010

$ pbrun ohsdba -u orppfgr010 Please enter the SR or TAR number you are working on: You entered: 3-5165881134 SQL> select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(85,9999,95,9999) from dual; DBSNMP.MGMT_DB_TBSP_MAX_SIZE(85,9999,95,9999) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING COUNT: 1, WARNING LIST: FUSION_TS_TOOLS 87.59% 6857.63MB

Since it is FUSION_TS_TOOLS tablespace we can check : od_fusionapps - channel

select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,1843,85,1024) from dual;

75,1843,85,1024 =========================================================================

PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP =========================

$ ps -ef |grep pmon srsrnair 13259 13200 0 21:59 pts/0 10001 18627 1 0 Jan31 ?

00:00:00 grep pmon 00:40:24 ora_pmon_DRDRB010

pbrun ohsdba -u ordrdrb010 SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------DRDRB010

threshold ========= odem2 login =========== User : ohsmon Pwd : welc0me ( note the 'Zero' not O ) select dbsnmp.mgmt_db_tbsp_max_size(75,50000,85,10000) from dual;

Ref sr - 3-5430709531

============================================================== EXADATA ======== Target=PSASCO-sasdbpr_sasdbpr1

channel ======= oms_exadata Ref SR - 3-5327638456 - Maaz owned

================================================================================ ===============

Tablespace SR : 3-5999102195 ============================ Customer : Balfour Beatty Group Limited Syntax used : =============

existing files ============== FILE_NAME YTES/1024/1024 A.MAXBYTES/1024/1024 AUT CREATION_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --- --------/tbab7i/oradata/data01/apps_ts_media.378.785423479 5000 5000 YES 08-JUN-12 /tbab7i/oradata/data01/apps_ts_media.379.777385071 5000 5000 YES 08-MAR-12 /tbab7i/oradata/data01/apps_ts_media.380.769276013 5000 5000 YES 07-DEC-11 /tbab7i/oradata/data01/apps_ts_media.330.761492691 5000 5000 YES 27-NOV-03 TABLESPACE_NAME A.B


SQL> alter tablespace APPS_TS_MEDIA add datafile '/tbab7i/oradata/data01/apps_ts _media.381.769276014' size 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE 5000M; Tablespace altered. SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace; Database altered.

================================================================================ ================

BIG DATAFILE ============= Please follow the instruction while handling the Big datafile tablespace

query to check Big datafile tablespace

select Name,BIGFILE from v$tablespace where name='PCVO3O_IAS_IAU'; NAME BIG ------------------------------ --MSP_INDEX YES 1 row selected.

about Big file tablespace =================== 1) it will contain only 1 datafile won't allow you to add more files 2)Unlike normal tablespace you can't just resize the datafile. For resizing data file use

ALTER TABLESPACE TSNAME RESIZE SIZE (M/G);(If no auto extend) alter tablespace RESULTS_CC_INDX AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 272384 M;(with Auto exten d)

Ref sr ;-3-6142984659

Query to capture Fragmentation Index ========================================================== SELECT tablespace, files, count_free_blocks,

free_bytes, free_blocks, largest_bytes, largest_blks, percent_largeblk_total_freeblk, average_fsfi, case when average_fsfi < 30 then 'CRITICAL' when average_fsfi between 30 and 40 then 'High' else 'NONE' end alert_level FROM (SELECT tablespace, COUNT(*) files, SUM(count_free_blocks) count_free_blocks, SUM(free_bytes) free_bytes, SUM(free_blocks) free_blocks, SUM(largest_bytes) largest_bytes, SUM(largest_blks) largest_blks, SUM(largest_bytes)/sum(free_bytes)*100 percent_largeblk_total_freeblk, SUM(fsfi)/COUNT(*) average_fsfi FROM (SELECT tablespace_name tablespace, file_id, COUNT(*) count_free_blocks, SUM(bytes) free_bytes, SUM(blocks) free_blocks, MAX(bytes) largest_bytes, MAX(blocks) largest_blks, SQRT(MAX(blocks)/SUM(blocks))*(100/SQRT(SQRT(COUNT(blocks)))) fsfi FROM sys.dba_free_space where tablespace_name ='&TABLESPACE_NAME' GROUP BY tablespace_name, file_id, relative_fno) GROUP BY tablespace) / Query to capture Fragmentation Index for all the tablespace of a DB =================================================================== rem FUNCTION: Provide data on tablespace extent status rem FUNCTION: Use 0 = OK , 1= Warning , 2= Critical rem FUNCTION: includes fsfi from DBA Handbook rem SET FEED OFF SET FLUSH OFF SET VERIFY OFF set pages 65 LINES 150 set colsep | set tab off COLUMN tablespace HEADING Name FORMAT a26 COLUMN files HEADING '#Files' FORMAT 9,99 COLUMN pieces HEADING 'FREE_BLKS_PIECE' FORMAT 9,999,99 COLUMN free_bytes HEADING 'Free Byte' FORMAT 9,999,999,999,99 COLUMN free_blocks HEADING 'Free Blk' FORMAT 999,999,999 COLUMN largest_bytes HEADING 'Biggest Bytes' FORMAT 9,999,999,999,99 COLUMN largest_blks HEADING 'Biggest Blks' FORMAT 999,999,999 COLUMN ratio_maxbyte_totalfree HEADING 'FREE_BLK_PERCNT' FORMAT 999.999 COLUMN average_fsfi HEADING 'Average FSFI' FORMAT 999.999 COLUMN alert_level HEADING 'Alert level' FORMAT 99 SELECT tablespace, files, pieces, free_bytes, free_blocks,

largest_bytes, largest_blks, ratio_maxbyte_totalfree, average_fsfi, case when average_fsfi < 30 then 'CRITICAL' when average_fsfi between 30 and 40 then 'HIGH' else 'NONE' end alert_level FROM (SELECT tablespace, COUNT(*) files, SUM(pieces) pieces, SUM(free_bytes) free_bytes, SUM(free_blocks) free_blocks, SUM(largest_bytes) largest_bytes, SUM(largest_blks) largest_blks, SUM(largest_bytes)/sum(free_bytes)*100 ratio_maxbyte_totalfree, SUM(fsfi)/COUNT(*) average_fsfi FROM (SELECT tablespace_name tablespace, file_id, COUNT(*) pieces, SUM(bytes) free_bytes, SUM(blocks) free_blocks, MAX(bytes) largest_bytes, MAX(blocks) largest_blks, SQRT(MAX(blocks)/SUM(blocks))*(100/SQRT(SQRT(COUNT(blocks)))) fsfi FROM sys.dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name, file_id, relative_fno) GROUP BY tablespace having SUM(fsfi)/COUNT(*)<40) order by average_fsfi

========================================================== Intuit Inc ----------

select TABLESPACE_NAME ,STATUS from dba_tablespaces where STATUS like 'READ ONL Y'; select TABLESPACE_NAME ,STATUS from dba_tablespaces where TABLESPACE_NAME IN ( 'TDI_EBS_APPO_0001','TDI_EBS_APPO_0004','TDI_EBS_APPO_0005', 'TDI_EBS_APPO_0006','TDI_EBS_INV_0001','TDI_EBS_APPO_0003','TDI_EBS_INV_0003','T DI_EBS_INV_0004','TDI_EBS_INV_0005','TDI_EBS_INV_0006', 'TDI_EBS_OM_0003','TDI_EBS_OM_0004','TDI_EBS_OM_0006');

NIKE Customer ----------------Resizing BIG DATAFILE -----------------------

taken from alert logfile ==========================

alter database datafile '+DATA_EXPD01/pnms/datafile/nikeos_data.344.774064955' A UTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 6G Completed: alter database datafile '+DATA_EXPD01/pnms/datafile/nikeos_data.344.7 74064955' AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 6G

NIKE Customer ================ Target=TNIKEO-QAMS1

(4:42:38 AM) NIKE ondemand Ch@ngeme123# sudo su - oracle . ./db.env

NIKE Customer ===============

Target=TNIKEO-QAMS1 username : ondemand password : Ch@ngeme123# We need to set --------------[oracle@exqa01db02 ~]$ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [QAMS11] ? QAMS12 The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle [oracle@exqa01db02 ~]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'

Hi Team, Nike password and login details, I have uploaded a doc for time-being. Until details are uploaded by concerned OMS team in OMP. Use details in below file. ssword.txt

========================================================== TBS REF SR # 3-6384333452, added file using script for 2048m.

TBS REF SR # 3-6516839007, added file sing script for 5120M

============= CRITICAL: ORA-error stack (1653, 1653) logged in /penvxo/oracle/product/102/admi n/PENVXO_auohsenvx09/bdump/alert_PENVXO.log.

ORA-1653 --------3-6542041794 3-6541205985 TBS TBS closed ORA-1653 - New event closed ORA-1653 - New event

================================================================================ =====================

SR # 3-6408716759 file added wit.dbff

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