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Unit 5: The Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977 (Continued) Reading List As mentioned previously, Unit 5 will continue

to discuss UCTA. In particular, we will discuss contractual estoppel. I will provide you with an overview of the law in my lecture ne t wee!. I will also review what we have discussed so far in the lecture ne t wee!. In the seminar, we will discuss certain cases concerned with contractual estoppel. The "ac!ground reading and case law assigned for Unit # are useful for Unit 5 as well. In addition, for the seminar ne t Tuesday, please ta!e a loo! at the following cases$ Peekay Intermark v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group %&''() & Lloyds Rep 5** JP Morgan Chase v Springwell Navigation Corp, %&''+) ,-.C **+( /affirmed %&'*') ,-CA *&&*0 This is a very long case, please focus only on paragraphs 51(25(+. If you find this case hard to read, please read the other two cases3 they are easier to digest. I will discuss the 45 6organ case in the lecture and in the seminar. rident ur!oprop v "irst "light Couriers, %&''+) ,-.C *(+( Also read the 7udgment on appeal which focuses on international supply contracts$ %&''8) ,-CA Civ &8' The facts in Unit # 5ro"lem are "ased on this case 9or secondary reading on these cases, please see Ale ander Tru!htanov, :6isrepresentation$ ac!nowledgement of non2reliance as defence;, *&5 L<R (#+2(=' /&''80 Please bring our co! of Unit "#Problems to the seminar ne$t %ee&

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