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Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Application 2013-2014

Name: Address: Class Standing: Undergraduate Graduate Ph.D E-mail address: City: State: Zip:

Anticipated date of graduation (m/yr.):

Major/Minor/Concentration: Do you give permission to NLA to post images you may be in, solely for the use of the organization? Current Schedule please include your current weekly schedule hours you are committed to? Class: Work: Internship: Volunteer: Other:

The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance exists to strengthen the leadership of the social sector and to sustain the ability of nonprofits to fulfill their missions with a talented and prepared workforce. Georgia State University is a chapter of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance national office. Our chapter is a certificate program that is received upon completion of the Magic 5 and additional outlined chapter requirements. As a chapter we focus on gaining hands-on skills to ensure members are well-rounded as they enter the workforce. As a group we collectively participate in community service, networking, and fundraising initiatives. Learn more at: GSU NLA website:
1. How did you hear about the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance ?

As a leadership organization we have high expectations concerning membership involvement. The following membership requirements are as follows: 1. During the Fall and Spring semesters you must attend at least 1 monthly meeting, held Thursdays bi-weekly at 3:00 or 7:00. The only excusable reason for absence is class conflict. If you have a class conflict during both the 3:00 and 7:00 scheduled meetings you must immediately submit a deferral notice and return it to Dr. Maggie Tolan in Andrew Young School G-49B. (meetings dates/times can be found on our GSU NLA website) 2. Attend at least 1 fundraising, 1 community service, and 1 networking event each active semester. If you have conflicts regarding all of the scheduled activity dates you must fill out a deferral notice and submit it to Dr. Tolan including a similar outside activity you will attend as a replacement. 3. Attend additional career fairs, networking events, and mini-conferences hosted by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. 4. Check email daily and respond as necessary within 2 days upon retrieval, including: sign-ups for events, survey requests, etc.
2.A- Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Membership Application Template


Outline for us your interest in the nonprofit sector? What inspired you to apply for the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance?


What types of nonprofit skills are you interested in gaining?

Comprehensive skill-based interests (i.e. fundraising, programs, public relations, development, etc.), Specialized job expertise (i.e. Volunteer Manager, Special Events Coordinator, Research Analyst, etc.), Other:


What qualities do you possess that exemplify strong leadership?


Out of the 10 NLA competencies, do you feel any skills are personal strengths?


Do you have any previous nonprofit internship/volunteer history? If so, please list the organization and volunteer role. Role: Role: Role: Role: Role: Role:

Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization:

Disclaimer: I understand the roles and responsibilities laid out regarding my participation within the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance at Georgia State University. *Please remember to include a copy of your resume with this application. Name (printed): _____________________________
2.A- Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Membership Application Template

Signature: ________________________________

Date: __________

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