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Item Internship Packet for 1 Internship Site 2 Letter of Agreement Internship Student 3 Waiver 4 Internship Journal

Checklist of Internship Requirements What to Do


For Interview with potential Sites Once both parties agree to participate; need AH Director's signature Submit to AH Director prior to starting the internship Complete daily after work at internship site Complete after each day of work - have supervisor sign the sheet after two weeks of work. Submit to AH director every two weeks

5 Time Activity Log

To be completed by student and Internship Supervisor after 6 Internship Evaluation - 1 150 hours; submit both evaluations to NLA Director Schedule a mid-internship meeting with Internship Supervisor, yourself and NLA Director

7 Mid-Internship Meeting

To be complete by Internship Supervisor after 300 hours; 8 Internship Evaluation - 2 submit evaluation to NLA Director To be completed by student and submitted to NLA Director no more than three weeks after completing the 300-hours internship.

9 Internship Paper

6.D Alliance Internship Requirements

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