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Teaching and Learning Institute, Fall 2013 Conceptions of Education In the boxes below, describe two or three moments

when you felt that you learned something and were aware of that learning In the boxes below, identify what characterized each of the moments you describe on the left. What made them educational experiences?

Reading my first word in rabic


!eeting my mother"in"law for the first time without my husband and being able to con#erse with her in $rench.


$reshman year of college English professor helped with writing.

E#erytime I use what I was taught I thin% about the amount of time that teacher spent with me.

Teaching and Learning Institute, Fall 2013 Conceptions of Education Commitments Education must be based on constructi#ist principles Doubting &he use of the word 'must( Believing

Cooperative learning is often a great way to communicate and receive. Criticism is necessary for growth.

Education must be critical

Criticism can stunt the educational process.

Education is a negotiation of power ) of ris% *teachers use their power to ma%e space for students ) inspire trust+ students trust themsel#es to ta%e the necessary ris%s in learning, .ne brings one/s entire self 0 one/s #alues, tendencies, and needs, as well as a language in which to express them 0 to any educational endea#or. Central to any educational experience must be time for reflection upon and analysis of it. 3tudents need to be placed at the center of any experience or analysis of education

'-ower( is a strong word and may stunt the en#ironment.

Making space and inspiring trust. Risk is necessary for learning.

1ringing biases or stereotypes. 2anguage flexibility.

Creating personal connections.

&he use of the word 'must.(

Reflection and analysis as key components of the learning process.

Central to students does not ta%e into account teacher and other systems.

Student centered provides opportunity for personalized learning

Teaching and Learning Institute, Fall 2013 Conceptions of Education In my -reface I tal% about spaces, gaps, or distances between. What are the spaces, gaps, or distances between in your wor% that you see the need to bridge?

What is accomplished by bringing unli%e things into 4uxtaposition? What %inds of unli%e things is it useful for you in your wor% to 4uxtapose?

5ow do you conceptualize '#oice( and what is its role in learning?

5ow do you conceptualize 'self( and what is its role in learning?

5ow do you conceptualize 'language( and what is its role in learning?

5ow do you balance what the teacher thin%s is best for learning and what the student feels he needs to learn?

In your mind, how does 'education is translation( compare to 'education is production( and 'education is a cure(?

What is lost and what is gained when education is translation?

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