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Non-credit Chinese Course Offered by the Confucius Institute at UT Spring 2014

Course Time Basic Chinese 1 5:30-7:30 PM 15 , 22 , 29 5th, 12th, 19th Admission standard $hi" -our"e i" o.en to earnin0 ba"i- Chine"e1 +o Chine"e an0ua0e ba-20round i" a""umed1 Class hours 12 hour" Content Text book a, 5e""on" o3 6a"i- Chine"e 1 /i -o(er di33erent to.i-" re ated to dai y "ituation"1 7a-h e""on /i in- ude -on(er"ation, an0ua0e note", -u tura ti.", and e*er-i"e" 3or "tudent" to .ra-ti-e /ritin0 Chine"e -hara-ter"1 b, 8tudent" /i earn the 3undamenta 2no/ ed0e o3 Pinyinthe Chine"e .honeti- "y"tem1 -, Con(er"ation" 90reetin0, e*.re""in0 0ratitude, a"2in0 3or he ., ma2in0 an a..ointment, ma2in0 a .hone -a , ta 2in0 about your"e 3 and other .eo. e, et-1 d, Readin0 - Read a .a""a0e /ritten in Chine"e -hara-ter" and an"/er :ue"tion"1 Instructor: Course fee: #ni(er"ity .ro3e""or 3rom China /ith year" o3 tea-hin0 e*.erien-e1 ;120 Discount olic!: ;30 <FF 3or .eo. e /ith a #$ I=
th nd th

January Venue: February

Community Room in the Internationa !ou"e at #$ %1&23 Me ro"e '(e, )no*(i e, $+ 3799& ,

InstructionalThi" -our"e i" de"i0ned to and de(e o. earner"4 "2i " in -on(er"ation, -om.rehen"ion, readin0, and /ritin01 New Practical Chinese Reader

.eo. e /ho are intere"ted in objectives bui d 3oundation in Chine"e

Contact Us:

"mail: confucius#utk$edu

%hone: &'()*+,)(+(-

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