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How we can improve our teaching grammar

The ability to recognise and to produce well-formed sentences is an essential part of learning a second language.But there are many problems concerning this part of our teaching English,especially how this ability is best developed. An experienced teacher agrees that grammar is not as easily achieved by the students thats why the teachers job is to discover new and attractive ways of introducing grammar as a main part of our lesson.From my own experience I can say that the discovery technique when teaching grammar is very successful.Using relevant examples, the teacher can lead the students to discover grammar rules by themselves.Another important aspect is teaching grammar in an authentic context.Teachers can choose suitable contexts for what they want their students to be able to use and to achieve.When teaching a grammar point I usually use the technique of parallel writing which is very successful among students and sometimes also funny. Sometimes translation is a very good method to deal with grammar structures.I have improved this method with the help of new technology which attracts my students more and more.For example when I want them to translate something into English I choose funny pictures or images of well-known sights around the world and all the pictures are described by a small text in Romanian.Students task is to translate that text into English;I usually send them this type of homework through email and different students receive different images.After translating the texts they send me back their work and I go to the next class with all the pictures accompanied by further information previously translated into English by my students and I present those pictures to the whole class.I usually use Power Point presentations a lot during my lessons and students are very satisfied that they had the chance to participate in preparing the respective presentations.

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