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Control of Microbial Growth

Chapter 7


Humans vs. Microbes

infections diseases plagues epidemics pandemics

Nursery Rhyme

Ring- a - ring of rosies Pocketful of posies Achoo ! Achoo !

We all fall down.

Bubonic Plague or the Black Death

Epidemic swept thru Europe in the Middle Ages (13th and 14th centuries) 40 million people were killed
About 1/3 of the population of the continent

Etiological agent:
Yersinia pestis Gram (-) rod

2 Vectors
Rat Flea

Yersinia pestis - Gram (-) bacillus Vectors - Rat and Flea

Bubonic Plague Infection

1. Flea bite with Yersinia pestis 2. Bacteria multiply in the bloodstream


3. Bacteria localize in lymph nodes, especially axillary and groin areas

4. Hemorrhaging occurs in lymph nodes, resulting in black and blue swellings or Buboes (hence the name Bubonic Plague or Black Death)

Bubonic Plague Infection

5. If untreated, about 50 % Mortality Rate 6. If bacteria spread to the lungs, it becomes Pneumonic Plague and is now highly contagious (Almost a 99 % Mortality Rate)

Nursery Rhyme
Ring - a - ring of rosies, A pocketful of posies Achoo ! Achoo !

We all fall down.

I wouldnt touch it with a 10 pole

Humans vs. Microbes

1. Most of History, microbes have been winning the battle

2. In the last 100 yrs or so the battle has swung in our favor
Because of our increasing knowledge of how to Control Microbial Growth


Variola virus Eradicated in 1977 (Somalia)

Methods to Control Microbial Growth

1. Physical
2. Chemical

Terms used:

Sterilization vs. Disinfection Sterilization

destroying all forms of life

destroying pathogens or unwanted organisms

Disinfectant vs. Antiseptic Disinfectant

antimicrobial agent used on inanimate objects

antimicrobial agent used on living tissue

cidal vs. static

Bactericidal - kills bacteria Bacteristatic - inhibits bacterial growth

Fungicidal Fungistatic Algacidal Algastatic

Factors that effect Antimicrobial Activity

1. Temp 2. Time 3. Concentration of Antimicrobial agent 4. Type of Microbe 5. Activity of Microbe 6. Presence of organic matter

Targets of Antimicrobial Agents

1. Cell membrane
2. Enzymes & Proteins 3. DNA & RNA

Physical Methods of Microbial Control

1. Heat
works by denaturing enzymes and proteins

A. Thermal Death Point (TDP)

lowest temp. at which all microorganism in a liquid culture are killed in 10 minutes

B. Thermal Death Time (TDT)

minimum length of time in which all microorganisms in a liquid culture are killed at a given temperature

Moist Heat

1. Boiling Water
kills vegetative bacterial cells, Fungi and many viruses not effective for endospores and some viruses Hepititis (20 min) Some spores may survive boiling water for up to 20 hrs

Moist Heat

2. Autoclave (Steam under pressure)

preferred method of sterilization Water boils at 100 C Increasing the pressure raises the Temp. 15 lbs./ per sq. inch (psi) ------> 121 C 121 C for 15 min.

Kilit Ampule

Spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus fermentable sugar pH indicator

basic - red acid - yellow

Dry Heat

1. Direct Flaming
Inoculating Loop and Needle 100% effective

2. Incineration
disposable wastes (paper cups, bags, dressings)

3. Hot Air Sterilization

Oven ( 170 C for 2 hours) used on substances that would be damaged by moist heat sterilization
gauzes, dressings or powders


Removes microorganisms from solutions that might be damaged by heat

culture media enzymes vaccines antibiotics


1. Ionizing Radiation
gamma rays & x-rays
penetrates most substances

Used on substances that could be damaged by heat

plastic petri dishes plastic syringes catheters surgical gloves


2. Non-Ionizing Radiation
UV Light
does not penetrate plastic, glass or proteinaceous matter

Used to reduce microbial populations

hospital rooms nurseries operating rooms

Thymine Dimers


Disinfection - not sterilization (removes unwanted organisms) Mycobacterium tuberculosis 63 C for 30 minutes 72 C for 15 seconds (HTST) Thermodurics
able to survive high temps.

Methods used to control Microbial Growth

1. Heat
Moist Heat
Boiling Water Steam Heat (Autoclave)

Dry Heat
Direct Flaming Incineration Hot Air Sterilization (Oven)

2. Filtration 3. Radiation
Ionizing Radiation Non-Ionizing Radiation

4. Pasteurization (Heat)

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