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Steps for Applicants to Take in

Seeking Permit Acquiring a License to Carry a
Concealed Weapon
Applicant contacts local
sheriff’s office to identify
Certified Instructors in that KSP will conduct background KSP mails “Flash Pak”
county or other area of the check and issue or deny license to to Applicant notifying
state who are authorized to applicant within 90 days. Applicant to pick up
teach the required course. license at sheriff’s

Applicant arranges to enroll in Within 5 working days, the sheriff Applicant becomes
one-day training class transmits the application and licensee and may carry
conducted by Certified accompanying materials to the weapon concealed.
Instructor. Kentucky State Police (KSP).
License must be
renewed five years from
date of issue
Within five working days after
completing the course, the
Certified Instructor forwards Applicant submits Certificate of
information regarding the Training, application material, and Special Notice
applicant’s pass or fail training $60 fee to sheriff’s office in county in
status to DOCJT in Richmond. which applicant resides. Applicants who are peace
officers currently certified by
KLEC, or a retired peace officer
who is a member of KERS,
SPRS, CERS, or other
Within 15 days of receiving information from the retirement system operated by a
Certified Instructor, the DOCJT will, if the applicant city, county or urban-county in
successfully completed the training, issue a KY, do not have to meet the
Certificate of Training. If the applicant fails the training requirement or pay
training, the DOCJT will notify the applicant they will license fees.
not be certified.


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