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Global process which determines development of local and regional retail market started to knock on the door of our country. The retail branch network could hardly stay unaffected, and becomes to look more and more as it is in the other countries in the region. But, do the consumers and their shopping behaviour change in the same way? Do their shopping patterns change or remain the same? Since year 2003 there is a tool to monitor this topic according to comparable methods and measures. GfK has developed a research product, mapping in a complex way shopping behaviour and retail preferences of consumers in Serbia and Montenegro.
GfK Group GfK Group GfK Belgrade GfK Belgrade Shopping Monitor 2005/06 - SCG Shopping Monitor 2005/06 - SCG 03 March 2006 03 March 2006



FMCG FMCGRetail Retailchains chainsawareness awareness Spontaneous; Spontaneous;year year2005 2005vs. vs.2004 2004and and2003 2003
C market C market Maxi Maxi Rodic Rodic Mercator Mercator Pekabeta Pekabeta Univerexport Univerexport Nana Nana Impex promet Impex promet
36.5 34.7 36.5 34.7 38.2 35.8 38.2 35.8 44.5 44.5 50.6 50.6 55.9 51.7 55.9 51.7

28 28

SHOPPING MONITOR METHODOLOGY: Face to face inhome interviews on HH managers aged 18+ Nationally representative sample Sample size: 1000 ADDITIONAL DATA SOURCES: GfK ConsumerScan/Household panel data

13.8 15.8 13.8 10.3 15.8 10.3 13.3 16.4 13.3 16.4 10.3 8.1 10.3 7.5 8.1 7.5 8.7 8.7 8.1 9.1 8.1 5.9 9.1 6.9 5.9 6.9

28.8 28.8

25.0 25.0

1.6 Metro* 1.6 Metro* 5.8 0.7 Tempo 5.8 0.7 Tempo

Velkom Velkom Interex Interex Super Vero Super Vero Jabuka Jabuka Wissol Wissol 0

5.7 3.0 5.7 2.53.0 2.5 5.0 5.0

4.0 4.8 4.0 5.4 4.8 3.8 5.4 5.2 3.8 7.4 5.2 2.3 7.4 1.6 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.9

2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003

20 20
*Metro: Percentage in year 2004 refers to Metro in other countries *Metro: Percentage in year 2004 refers to Metro in other countries

Official national statistics (Statistical chambers, World bank, IMF, National Bank of Serbia, ISSPM, official statements, press )

10 10

30 30

40 40

50 50

60 60

70 % 70 %

Base: Total sample N=1,000 Base: Total sample N=1,000


STUDY PUBLISHED IN MARCH 2006 OFFERS: Answers to those and many other questions reported in Power Point report on more than 100 slides with detailed charts, descriptions and analysis. Trends and data comparison for years 2003, 2004 and 2005! Data tables of the consumer survey detailed breakdowns on almost 200 pages by socio-economic and demographic status: gender, age, head of household, working status, monthly income, marital status, education, type of dwelling, size of household, type and size of settlement, and region of residence)

INFORMS YOU ABOUT: What are the latest shopping patterns among SCG shoppers and how do their shopping preferences develop? What do the shoppers miss most in their stores? Which factors have impact on their choice of shopping place? Which store formats do they prefer when buying particular assortments? Which chains do they like most and why? How do they perceive different retail chains? Where do they spend most of their money? Do they go shopping by car? Do shoppers buy private labels? Image of particular retail chains by their customers? Are they influenced by retailer leaflets? How frequently do they buy non-food products? Where do they shop for non-food? Price of the report in electronic version: 1,740 Euro*

(English or Serbian) - 5% extra discount for the last year buyers 1,650 Euro*
(English or Serbian)

We will be pleased to give you a more detailed information on the study presented. Please contact: GfK Belgrade Takovska 42, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3290 777, fax +381 11 750 296 /

*VAT is not included



Globalni procesi koji determiniu razvoj lokalnih i regionalnih trita maloprodaje, zakucali su i na vrata naeg trita. Maloprodajna struktura teko da moe opstati nepromenjena i sve vie poinje da lii na trita susednih zemalja. Meutim, da li se potroai i njihove kupovne navike takodje menjaju? Da li se oni ponaaju slino pri kupovini, ili prilagodjavaju svoje ponaanje novim okolnostima? Od 2003. godine postoji nain da se takva pitanja prate zahvaljujui specifino kreiranoj metodologiji. Kompanija GfK razvila je istraivaki projekat koji omoguava kompleksno mapiranje kupovnog ponaanja, navika i preferenci potroaa ka trgovinama u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori.



SHOPPING MONITOR METODOLOGIJA: Intervjui licem u lice sa kunim menaderima starijim od 18 godina Nacionalno reprezentativan uzorak Veliina uzorka: 1000 DODATNI IZVORI: GfK ConsumerScan - podaci iz GfK panela domainstva Zvanini statistiki podaci (Statistiki zavodi, Nacionalni izvetaji Svetske Banke, IMF, Narodna Banka Srbije, Institut za strategijske studije i prognoze, zvanina saoptenja, novinski lanci )


IZVETAJ PUBLIKOVAN U MARTU 2006. VAM PRUA: Odgovore na ova i mnoga druga pitanja u Power Point formatu na vie od 100 slajdova sa detaljnim grafikim prikazima, opisima i analizama Trendove i uporedne prikaze za 2003, 2004. i 2005. godinu Tabelarni prokaz podataka na priblino 200 strana po socioekonomskim i demografskim karakteristikama: pol, starost, glava domainstva, radni status, meseni prihod, brano stanje, obrazovanje, vrsta prebivalita, veliina domainstva, tip i veliina naselja i region.

VAM DAJE ODGOVORE NA SLEDEA PITANJA: Koji su poslednji modeli kupovnog ponaanja potroaa u SCG i kako se njihova kupovna opredeljenja razvijaju? ta potroaima najvie nedostaje u njihovim radnjama? Koji faktori imaju uticaj na njihov izbor mesta kupovine? Koje tipove prodavnica potroai preferiraju kada kupuju odreenu vrstu robe? Koji im se trgovinski lanci najvie sviaju i zato? Kako doivljavaju razliite trgovinske lance? Gde troe najvei deo svog novca? Da li idu u kupovinu kolima? Da li kupuju trgovake marke? Imid odreenih trgovakih lanaca koji imaju kod svojih potroaa? Da li trgovaki leaflet-i utiu na potroae? Koliko esto kupuju ne-prehrambene proizvode? Gde kupuju takve proizvode? Cena izvetaja u elektronskoj verziji: 1,740 Euro*

(na engleskom ili srpskom) - 5% dodatni popust za prologodinje kupce 1,650 Euro* (na engleskom ili srpskom) *PDV nije ukljuen

Bie nam drago da Vam damo vie informacija u vezi prezentovanog projekta. Moete nas kontaktirati na: GfK Beograd Takovska 42, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3290 777, fax +381 11 750 296 /

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