ECE590 - Tutorial 3 (UiTM)

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Tut#3: Diode Applications

1. Determine the currents ID, VD and VR for the circuit of Figure 1.

Figure 1

2. Determine the currents I 1, I2 and ID2 for the network of Figure 2


Figure 2

3. Refer to the circuit in Figure 3. The diode is made of sillicon,

a) the current that flows in the 1.5 kΩ resistor

b) the power dissipated in the 4.7 kΩ resistor
c) the voltage VO

State any assumption(s) made.

Figure 3

4. The circuit ib Figure 4 below shows the voltage regulator of a DC

power supply system. If I Z(max) = 32 mA, VZ = 12V, RS = 0.5kΩ and
VS = 45V.

d) Calculate the minimum value of RL for VL = 12V

e) Calculate the minimum value of I L
f) Calculate the power rating of the Zener diode.

Figure 4
5. Figure 5 shows a load RL, requires a voltage of 6 volts at 0.5
amperes. The available power supply is from a battery, which
fluctuates from 11V to 14V.

a) State the required Zener voltage VZ.

b) What is the required value of resistor RS and its wattage.
c) Calculate the variation in the zener current IZ.

Figure 5

6. Figure 6 below shows a regulator circuit which uses a Zener diode

to stabilize the DC output voltage across RL. Determine the series
resistor RS and the maximum Zener diode current for the regulator
which is required to provide a load current of 10 mA stabilized at
12V from a DC supply VS which varies from 24V to 28V. Take
minimum Zener current as 3 mA.

Figure 6

7. For the network of Figure 7, determine the range of RL and I L that
will result in VRL being maintained at 15V. Determine the maximum
wattage rating of the diode.

Figure 7

8. Refer to the circuit in Figure 8 below. The Transformer turns ratio is

10:1 and VS is a 60 Hz sinusiodal voltage having peak value of
240V. Assume that the diode is ideal.

a) Sketch and label the output voltage, VL

b) Calculate the current in RL when RL is 1 kΩ

Figure 8

9. The circuit in Figure 9 has a line voltage of 240 Vrms. Determine

a) the peak primary voltage, VP

b) the peak secondary voltage, VS
c) the load current IL
d) and sketch the output signal, VL.

Figure 9

10. The circuit in Figure 10 has a line voltage of 240 V rms. Determine

a) the peak primary voltage, VP

b) the peak secondary voltage, VS
c) the load current IL
d) and sketch the output signal, VL.

10 : 1

Figure 10

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