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Running Head: Health Care Associations and Dissociations

Health Care Associations and Dissociations

Hyrum W. Smith Personal Finance

Running Head: Health Care Associations and Dissociations

This is an essay that describes the different types of Health Care Systems and which one is the best. In my second paragraph I will talk about our current Healthcare system and how it runs, and the good and the bad about it. In my third paragraph then I will talk about the Affordable HealthCare Act, how it will affect you and me, and I will also talk about the goods and the bad parts of the Act. In the fourth paragraph then I will talk about Frances Health Care System, it right now is rated #1 in the world for the best health care. I will talk about why it is rated #1, and also the bad things about it. In my fifth paragraph I will talk about what we should do with ours and what we need to do to make ours better. I will tell which one I think is better. Then I will talk about the different things people say against mine and then I will tell you why they are just plain wrong, and conclude my whole paper. The Current U.S. Health Care System has some good things about it and some bad things about it; throughout this paragraph I will give you some examples of both the good and the bad. First off is our system needs some help you cannot buy health insurance if you are already sick. So when you need the health insurance the most you cannot get it even if your life depends on it NO JOKE. You can decide if you want health care or not though, so before you get sick then you can buy it. It is your fault if you dont end up with it some of the times, but there are some down falls like if you are tall and too skinny then you cant get it because you are at a major health risk. That is stuff that is genetic that is not fair to all of the tall people, they are less likely to have insurance. A good thing is you can choose what your monthly premiums are by paying higher Stop loss with higher Percentage. You can choose your own on what you need and what you want. You can almost decide what your personal spending is (to an extent).

Running Head: Health Care Associations and Dissociations

This paragraph is about the good and the bad things that this new healthcare system is bringing to the U.S. Some of the good things that the new healthcare system is bringing are, one you can get health insurance if you are tall and skinny. You can go to any healthcare provider and if you want to get healthcare from them then they have to provide it to you. That can go both ways though; if you are supper sick then they have to help you even if you cannot pay them back so they are more likely to go broke. Then after that happens then everyone else that is getting provided by the same health care provider will end up charging more on premiums so they dont end up going broke. Also with this plan then you cannot reach your lifetime maximum because there is no maximum they made all of the insurance companies keep paying for you even after you reach that high. That can still go both ways if everyone starts getting cancer and then the insurance company has to pay for all of everyones visits then they are for sure going to go broke it will take the life out of them. There is no way that all of the health insurers are going to be able to afford all this money. One of the bad things is we CANNOT afford this plan at all it makes no at all to build a house that you cant even pay for. You will have to give it up right away when you are done. Then the next person that comes along is just going to throw it away, and start all over. That is a waste of time lets figure something out that everyone can work with. This might not be the best plan to fix our old Heal Care System. This paragraph is about the Health Care System in Paris. The Health Care System is rated #1 in the world. I will show you why in this paragraph it has the good and the bad just like all things it is not perfect there are still some problems with it. The first good thing is that their system combines private and public universal health coverage to everyone. So just like our new

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one than it helps everyone that needs it. It is there for anyone that could ever need it. Almost everyone there is insured by their employer, and almost everyone has supplemental private insurance. Most of the bills are paid by the government and the remainder is covered by individuals private insurance on the side. One of the bad things though is that the government is going broke because of this they cannot afford all of the things that are going on. This is the major down fall but it is still rated #1 in the world as of 2012. This paragraph will say what I think and the counter claim so you better read very closely and follow along. Personally I think that this is not the way to go, we need something that can help us better than this does. I think that this will put us so far down the rest of the world will take advantage of us and put the US in the ground. The only way the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) would work is if everyone in the United States tried to make it work. That means everyone getting health insurance and everyone trying to be healthy. That is the only way, otherwise this WILL FAIL to the extent that people will go crazy. There are some people that will try to destroy the government for this. This is not the right way to go at it we need to take a step back and come up with a plan that everyone will work with. Some people say that the AHCA is going to bring us out of our debt because we wont have to spend so much money one the other things, but as I said before everyone in the United States would have to want to do this first. This is my conclusion paragraph, listen closely. So I think that we need to step back and get everyone together for a month and set up a plan that everyone will help write, so there are no hidden secrets in this bill. Write something that everyone will work towards, something that

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everyone agrees to the same extent. We are America we need to be a union not split in half unions. If we do not work together all we are doing is tearing this country down, all we are doing is attacking ourselves from the inside out. This is not the right way to do it but I know for a fact that there is a right way to do it. Just like there is a right way to do everything, people in this country just need to grow up and work together like a strong family.

Running Head: Health Care Associations and Dissociations

Sanger-Katz, M (2013) Doctors Already Make More Than Enough Money: National Journal. Retrieved from 88797097 Marc, W. (2013) Shutdown 101: Is the affordable Health Care Act affordable? (Part 5): Market Realist. Retrieved from

Sandra, D. (2013) How Affordable Health Care affects you: My Plainview. Retrieved from Lee, R. (2013) 5 positive things about the Affordable Care Act: Retrieved from Albertina, T (2013) Frances Health-Care System Is Going Broke: Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Retrieved from Dr. Val, J. (2008) Ten Good Things About The U.S. Healthcare System: better health. Retrieved from Adam, T. and Samuel B. (2012) These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US: Business Insider. Retrieved from

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