Protest of Bill of Exchange

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BE IT KNOWN that on the __________ of __________ at __________ A.M., in the city of_______________, Philippines, at the request of ____________________ the hol er of the co!!issione an raft hereinafter set forth, I ____________________, a uly Notary Pu"lic for an in ____________________, personally

presente the ori#inal of the sai

raft at ____________________ to the ra$ee,

e!an e pay!ent %or acceptance, as the case !ay "e& thereof, $hich

he refuse sayin# _________________________ _____' That sai raft is in $or s an fi#ures follo$in#(

______________________________' W)E*E+PON, I, the sai an "y these presents, in orsers of the sai Notary, at the request aforesai , i protest

o pu"licly protest as $ell a#ainst the all costs, char#es,

ra$er an

raft, as a#ainst all others $ho! it "oth or !ay a!a#es, an

concern, for e,chan#e, re-e,chan#e, an

interests alrea y incurre or to "e incurre "y reason hereof' AN. I .O )E*EB/ 0E*TI1/ that on the __________ 2345, notice of protest, si#ne "y !e, $as ser6e ra$er, %or in orser as the case !ay "e&, ay of __________,

upon ____________________ !ail& at No.

eli6erin# the sa!e to hi!

personally in this %city or !unicipality& %or "y re#istere _______________, such "ein# his repute place of resi ence. T)+7 .ONE an __________, 2345.

protest at ___________________ this __________

ay of

NOTA*/ P+B8I0 .oc. No. ______ Pa#e No. ______ Boo9 No. _____ 7eries of 2345


March :, 2342 To( ;esse <. A"a I!perial )o!es 7u" ., M. ). el Pilar 7t., ;aro, Iloilo 0ity, Philippines

7ir( Notice is here"y #i6en at the request of _____________________, the hol er of raft ra$n "y ____________________, ate ______________, paya"le to the in orse %or !a e, that the or er of _________ for the su! of ___________________ an

or ra$n, as the case !ay "e& "y you, that the sa!e $as this ay proteste for non-pay!ent %or non-acceptance, as the case !ay "e&, an hol er loo9s to you for the pay!ent thereof' an for a!a#es, interests, an costs, sai pay!ent %or acceptance& ha6in# "een e!an e an refuse .

<ery truly yours,

NOTA*/ P+B8I0 .oc. No. ______ Pa#e No. ______ Boo9 No. _____ 7eries of 2345

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