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Jieun Kim

Lesson Plan
Expressions of Likes and Dislikes

Class Information
One beginning level of English class and 1st year of 15-20
students in the University in South Korea. Non-native English
speakers. Twice of class meeting: each class consists of 60 minutes
(120 minutes in a week).

1. Students will be able to speak about their likes and dislikes.
2. Students will be able to ask and answer differently by using
various expressions
of likes and dislikes.
3. Students will be able to read and write expressions of likes and

1. Learn about different verbs that indicate likes and dislikes
2. Have speaking about likes and dislikes personally with given
various things by asking each other how like or dislike
3. Read a script and figure out the writer’s likes and dislikes
4. Write a few sentences by using expressions of likes and dislikes

Materials- Handout, Index cards with pictures, reading scriptures,

one bag of candies

1. Warm-up activity: “Telling about Your-self” Pass around one bag
of candies and ask students to have or pick from 1 to 5 candies.
Let students talk about themselves as many as numbers of
candies they have <10 minutes>
2. Main Activities
a. Distributing handouts and introducing different expressions of
likes and dislikes with different verbs by showing many
examples <5 minutes>
b. Grouping by pairs and giving each student two index cards that
have pictures and asking them to talk each other about likes
and dislikes by dictating things of pictures (Using “How do you
like ____?” question to ask) <15 minutes>
c. Distributing and reading a script “I like and I don’t like”. After
figuring out what and how the writer like and dislike things,
students have pair work by talking about that (answering to
questions) <15 minutes>
d. Having students write 4-5 sentences by using likes and dislikes
expressions <10 minutes>
e. Summing up by going over expressions of likes and dislikes
orally <5 minutes>
3. Assessment: Observing students’ informal questions and
answers through
activities and practices and formal assessment by correcting
writing works which would be counted as 5% of the overall
4. Closure: Assigning homework (finish writing assignment)

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