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Writing Assessment Description | Kimberly Guppy This assessment is designed to test prekindergarten aged (4-5 year old), beginning

English language learners. The specific students being assessed range from low-beginner to intermediatebeginner, and are in the process of strengthening fine motor skills and improving their emerging writing skills. This test will assess students ability to identify letters of the alphabet and write them using a standard writing instrument. Students will be required to use their reading skills in conjunction with writing in order to identify the letter to be traced. This assessment uses images from Stephen T. Johnsons Alphabet City, which is a series of images of everyday structures containing a hidden letter. This assessment has been designed to follow KSDE ESOL curricular standards for prekindergarten level students. The students being assessed fall between beginner and intermediate writing level, so this assessment follows both the Beginning and Intermediate level Writing standards, as well as Intermediate level Reading standards. Specifically, this assessment will show the students ability to: 1. Demonstrate beginning control of drawing and writing tools; uses curved, straight, and diagonal lines, and recognize the difference between writing and drawing, with support. 2. Write some recognizable letters, with support; demonstrate an understanding that letters are combined to make words and know how print is written. 3. Identify some letters of the alphabet, with support.

Sources: ELP Standards Committee. "ESOL Curricular Standards: Writing" ESOL Curricular Standards. KSDE, 30 Sept. 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. <>. ELP Standards Committee. "ESOL Curricular Standards: Reading" ESOL Curricular Standards. KSDE, 30 Sept. 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. <>. Johnson, Stephen. Alphabet City. New York: Viking, 1995. Print.

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