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Crime detection begins with the discovery of a crime scene and proceeds through the precess of evidence collection,

identification and analysis. Crime prevention and detection is the major task of the police. Incarrying out this task, the police cooperate with the authorities concerned to promote public knowledge of crime prevention and they conduct investigation and collect evidence for examination with scientific instruments and methods through legal procedures in hope that all cases occurring could be solved promptly to ensure social security and stability. What are the goals of policing? 1. To protect life and property 2. To maintain peace and order 3. To enforce the law 4. To prevent and detect crimes 5. To assist the public in circumstances of personal emergency Problem Oriented Policing - police patrol personnel look at causes of crime and potential crime in particular areas rather than just dealing with incidents. Community Policing - crime prevention methods involving the wider community. Deterrence by Example - a reactive form of policing and crime prevention through the sight of police officer in uniform. Crime Prevention - is the anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a crime risk and the initiation of action to remove or reduce it. Whose responsibility is crime prevention? ans. everyone, however,law enforcement agencies such as the police are the focal point in community crime prevention. Whose responsibility is crime detection? ans. police, though speciallaw enforcement agencies may be responsible for the discovery of a particular types of crimes. Ex, PDEA for drug related offenses. Whose responsibility is crime investigation? ans. police and otherlaw enforcement agencies. Crime Detection Falls Into 3 Phases 1. The discovery that a crime has been committed. 2. The identification of the suspect 3. The collection of sufficient evidence to indict the suspect before the court of justice.

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