CN Lab Syllabus

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EC2356 COMPUTER NETWORKS LABORATORY 1. PC to PC Communication 2. Parallel Communication using 8 bit parallel cable 3.

Serial communication using RS 232C 4. Ethernet LAN protocol

LTPC 0 0 32

. !o create scenario an" stu"# the per$ormance o$ CS%A&C' protocol through simulation (. !o)en bus an" to)en ring protocols *. !o create scenario an" stu"# the per$ormance o$ to)en bus an" to)en ring protocols through simulation 8. +ireless LAN protocols ,. !o create scenario an" stu"# the per$ormance o$ net-or) -ith CS%A & CA protocol an" compare -ith CS%A&C' protocols. 1.. /mplementation an" stu"# o$ stop an" -ait protocol 11. /mplementation an" stu"# o$ 0obac)1N an" selecti2e repeat protocols 12. /mplementation o$ "istance 2ector routing algorithm 13. /mplementation o$ Lin) state routing algorithm 14. ./mplementation o$ 'ata encr#ption an" "ecr#ption 1 . !rans$er o$ $iles $rom PC to PC using +in"o-s & 3ni4 soc)et processing

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