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LTPC 3104

OBJECTIVE This course is in continuation of Structural Analysis Classical Methods. Here in advanced method of analysis like Matrix method and Plastic Analysis are covered. Advanced topics such as F method and Space Structures are covered. UNIT I FLEXIBILITY METHOD 12 !uili"rium and compati"ility #eterminate vs $ndeterminate structures $ndeterminacy % Primary structure Compati"ility conditions Analysis of indeterminate pin%&ointed plane frames' continuous "eams' ri(id &ointed plane frames )*ith redundancy restricted to t*o+. UNIT II STIFFNESS MATRIX METHOD 12 lement and (lo"al stiffness matrices Analysis of continuous "eams Co%ordinate transformations ,otation matrix Transformations of stiffness matrices' load vectors and displacements vectors Analysis of pin%&ointed plane frames and ri(id frames) *ith redundancy vertical to t*o+ UNIT III FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 12 $ntroduction #iscretisation of a structure #isplacement functions Truss element -eam element Plane stress and plane strain % Trian(ular elements UNIT IV PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES 12 Statically indeterminate axial pro"lems -eams in pure "endin( Plastic moment of resistance Plastic modulus Shape factor .oad factor Plastic hin(e and mechanism Plastic analysis of indeterminate "eams and frames /pper and lo*er "ound theorems UNIT V SPACE AND CABLE STRUCTURES 12 Analysis of Space trusses usin( method of tension coefficients -eams curved in plan Suspension ca"les suspension "rid(es *ith t*o and three hin(ed stiffenin( (irders

0. 1aidyanathan' ,. and Perumal' P.' 2Comprehensive structural Analysis 1ol. $ 3 $$4' .axmi Pu"lications' 5e* #elhi' 6778 6. ..S. 5e(i 3 ,.S. 9an(id' 2Structural Analysis4' Tata Mc:ra*%Hill Pu"lications' 5e* #elhi' 6778. 8. -havi;atti' S.S' 2Structural Analysis 1ol. 0 1ol. 64' 1ikas Pu"lishin( House Pvt. .td.' 5e* #elhi' 677< REFERENCES 0. :hali.A' 5e"ille'A.M. and -ro*n'T.:. 2Structural Analysis4 A unified classical and Matrix approach4 =th edition. Spon Press' .ondon and 5e* >ork' 6778. 6. Coates ,.C' Coutie M.:. and ;on( F.;.' 2Structural Analysis4' .-S and 5elson' 0??7 8. Structural Analysis A Matrix Approach :.S. Pandit 3 S.P. :upta' Tata Mc:ra* Hill 677@. @. Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures 9r. Ailliam Aeaver 3 9ames M. :ere' C-S Pu"lishers and #istri"utors' #elhi.

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