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Facilities Management Report

Board of Library Trustees

Facilities Management has had the opportunity to work on several major projects
at the branches during the last few months. Following is a list of projects:

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

• Completed repairs to drinking water chiller and drinking fountains. Several
fountains are now working on the 2nd and 3rd floors in the building.
• Contractor completed work on re-connecting cooling coils for the
southeast portion of the 4th floor. There are no more problems with
cooling in Finance/Budget and other areas of the building.
• Installed new condenser water pump for chiller # 1.
• DCPL staff worked with contractor to inspect and test all fire extinguishers.
• Completed repairs to A/C unit in the Computer Room
• Repairs were completed to several chill water coils throughout the building
• Elevator Card reader installation for elevators is complete

• Installation of new chiller at Chevy Chase is completed.
• All air conditioning system preventive maintenance was completed and all
branches were in service prior to May 15.
• Installation of two (2) new book drops was completed at West End
• Painting of staff lounge/kitchen and replacement of three (3) broken
windows was done at Southwest.
• Installed new cooling coil for second floor of Mount Pleasant
• Contractor installed two (2) new fan coil units for restrooms at Woodridge.
• New replacement A/C units were installed at RL Christian and Parkland
• Major repairs completed to the cooling system to include chiller pump #1,
return fan and air handling unit at Lamond-Riggs.
• Repaired second floor restrooms and meeting room ceiling at West End
• Installation of new air compressor for West End

Miscellaneous Items
• The Library started a new contract with Zipcar Corporation to make lease
cars available for employee use during the times that government vehicles
are not available. This program allows greater access to transportation for
all staff.
• Facilities welcomed a new Risk Manager, Mrs. Sonya Williams on June 9;
she comes to DCPL after three (3) years as the Risk Manager at the
Office of Property Management.
• Facilities also welcomed 3 new custodial staff members who began work
on July 7 and 21.

Document #8C.1
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
July 23, 2008

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