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Facilities Management Report to the Board of Trustees

Facilities Management Report for July and August 2008.

Facilities management has had the opportunity to work on the following projects:

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

• Contract was awarded for the purchase of new furniture for the fourth floor
renovation with a delivery date of September 25.
• Minor repairs and renovation were completed on IT office and repair
space on A level.
• Installation of new cooling system has started on the A level computer
room with expected completion date of September 20.
• Painting has been completed in Room 443 and the new IT area. Next
painting will be in the Collections area. This work is part of the fourth floor
renovation project.
• New carpet has been installed in Room 443 and Human Resources.
• New energy ballasts and light tubes have been installed in the Board
• Major repairs completed on condenser pump #5.

Neighborhood Libraries
• Lamond Riggs – Repair work has been completed on the chill water pump
#1, the return air fan and air handlers.
• Cleveland Park – Repairs completed on the Cooling Tower electronic feed
• Parkland Turner – Completed installation of water cooling, repaired
several outlets and installed two (2) new A/C units.
• Chevy Chase – Plumbing repairs were completed in several restrooms
and existing expansion tank was repaired.
• R. L. Christian – Electrical up-grade was completed and two (2) new A/C
units were installed.
• Southeast – Fan coil repairs were done in the kitchen, work room and
manager’s office; most piping in the basement was re-insulated.
• Capitol View – Repaired leak in condenser pump and replaced exhaust
fan in boiler room.
• West End – Replaced motor in air handler unit # 2 and re-insulated piping
in ceiling area of the second floor.

Miscellaneous Items
• Facilities welcomes a new Fleet Manager George Williams, who began
work on August 18. Mr. Williams comes to DCPL with a long history in
that field. We also welcomed a new third class engineer on August 4.
• Facilities has requested that United Parcel Service look at providing DCPL
with as assessment of our delivery and mail distribution system. The
reason for this assessment is to increase DCPL circulation by getting
materials to our customers within 24 hours.

Document #9C
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
September 24, 2008

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