Spring 2014: Course Title: Pre-Requisite: Instructor: Office Location: Email Address: Textbook(s)

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Spring 2014
Course Title: Pre-requisite: Instructor: O ice !oc"tion: E#"il $%%ress: Te&t'oo()s*: Callister +e erence ,oo()s*: Materials and pro#esses in Manufa#turing %y E.P &egarmo' Pro#ess and Materials of Manufa#turing %y (ind%erg Engineering Materials and Properties None Engr. Syed Asad Ali Zaidi ; Engr. Kashif Mushtaq FoEP Room !! asad.nednust"gmail.#om ; $ashif.mushtaq"nhu.edu.p$ Material Science and Engineering by William. D.

$ssess#ent: Assignments ) Attendan#e ) *lass Parti#ipation Midterm E-amination Final E-amination Tot"l +, Mar$s ., Mar$s /, Mar$s 100 -"r(s

.ee( 1 2 / 4 0 1

Course Outline: !ecture Topic Orientation Day, Introduction & Role of Engineering Materials 1 in Industry 2 *lassifi#ation of Materials Atomic Structure and Atomic onding in Solids / Structure of Metals! Crystal Structures 4 "CC, CC, #C$ 0 Density, Crystalline and %on Crystalline Materials 1 $olymers Structures 2 &'ermo(lastic & &'ermosetting $olymers 3 Im(erfection in Solids! $oint Defects & Im(urities in Metals & 4 $olymers Defects! Dislocation, Interfacial, )olume, )ibrations 10 A((lications & $rocessing of "errous Materials 11 A((lications & $rocessing of %on "errous Materials 12 A((lications & $rocessing of Ceramics 1/

Prepared 0y1 Saqi% Muna22ar &ate of 3ssue1 ++ 4#to%er +,!. Appro5ed 0y1 M. Kashif Shai$h ) Prof. &r. 6a2id As$ari Re5ision1 7777777777777777

2 3 4 10 11 12 1/ 14 10 11 14 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 2/ 24 20 21 22 23 24 /0 /1 /2 A((lications & $rocessing of $olymers Introduction to Com(osites 1st Hourly Exam Mec'anical $ro(erties of Materials Mec'anical $ro(erties of Materials Electrical $ro(erties of Materials Electrical $ro(erties of Materials Magnetic $ro(erties of Materials &'ermal $ro(erties of Materials O(tical $ro(erties of Materials "ailure of Materials "ailure of Materials Corrosion & Degradation of Materials E#onomi#' En5ironmental' and So#ial 3ssues of Material 8sage Re5ision Re5ision Re5ision Re5ision 2n% Hourl5 E&"#

Prepared 0y1 Saqi% Muna22ar &ate of 3ssue1 ++ 4#to%er +,!. Appro5ed 0y1 M. Kashif Shai$h ) Prof. &r. 6a2id As$ari Re5ision1 7777777777777777

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