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Global Issues - Energy The premier strategy (of the World Game(TM)) was the interconnection of electric power

grids around the world with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy

resources. Electricity pro ides the foundation of our modern society! and power grids act as freeways that deli er the electricity to power our homes! businesses and industry. "ere you will find details that support the GE#I Initiati e as a compelling argument for global electricity distribution.

Electricity o Energy $enefits for "uman %ife

o o o

Energy Trends Energy Models Energy Grid Maps

Electricity Generation
o o o o o

&enewable Energy 'ources &enewables in General $ioenergy Geothermal "ydrogen (ower

o o o o o

"ydropower )cean energy (olicy 'olar Wind

#on-renewable Energy 'ources

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#uclear *ossil

Global Organizations on Electricity Generation Electricity Transmission $enefits of Interconnected grids

In +,-,! .r. & $uc/minster *uller de eloped a World Game(TM) simulation to e0plore global resources and trends. It posed the critical 1uestion! 2how do we ma/e the world wor/ for +334 of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disad antage to anyone52 In other words! how do we pro ide a decent li ing standard for e eryone in an en ironmentally sustainable way5 "ow does this change happen spontaneously around the globe5 The premier strategy was the interconnection of electric power grids around the world with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. Electricity pro ides the foundation of our modern society! and power grids act as freeways that deli er the electricity to power our homes! businesses and industry. .uring the 63th 7entury! transmission lines deli ered electricity from large! centrali8ed plants that burned fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Today! de elopers of wind! solar and geothermal resources in remote locations are plugging into these e0panding grid systems -- decentrali8ing power production while increasing grid integration.

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