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MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY No. EA I/2/430/2013 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified that the I e!ester ".A/". #/".$o!

/""H/"$%/" & ' "(A )2013 Ad!ission * +e,-lar t-dy * $ / 2012 Ad!ission * $ -..le!entary/ Prior to 2012 Ad!ission / -..le!entary0 de,ree e1a!inations for the #andidates of affiliated #olle,es are s#hed-led to be #ond-#ted fro! 05.02.2014. (he last dates for the re#ei.t of a..li#ations in the 2ni3ersity offi#e e1#e.t in the #ase of the 2012 Ad!ission )$ 0 -..le!entary #andidates are 03.01.2014 (4itho-t fine0, 06.01.2014 (4ith a fine of `50// 0 and 10.01.2014 (4ith a s-.erfine of `500//0. (he last dates for the re#ei.t of a..li#ations in the #ase of the 2012 Ad!ission )$ 0 -..le!entary #andidates shall be anno-n#ed later. (he #andidates shall also re!it a s-! of `150// for re,-lar a..earan#e and `30// .er .a.er for s-bse6-ent a..earan#e to4ards $.7 $a!. fee, in addition to the .res#ribed e1a!ination fee. d// 7. PAD"A82"A+I %oint +e,istrar in/#har,e of
the $ontroller of E1a!inations

P.D. Hills, 28.12.2013

(o 1. (he Prin#i.als of the $olle,es $on#erned 2. P+9 for a Press +elease/En6-iry. 3. P to 7$/P7$ 4. %+ I/II/III/I7/D+ I/II/7I/7III/A+7/7III/I:/:I/:II/:7III/::I /Pool 9ffi#er )E1a!s0/$o!.-ter Pro,ra!!er in/#har,e of the yste! Ad!inistrator. 5. PA to $.E./$.E;s. n./$('D n./"on.$ell /$7 $ell/$E(E:/<ront 9ffi#e =. E>/(ab-lation ns.#on#erned/A#.$/ A#.A7/E8 ns/<+IEND ?. E1a!.(a..al/E1a!. tore/@en.$ash e#tions/ 2ty. Infor!ation $entres 8. </<$ A..ro3ed for Iss-e

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