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9th Grade Skills Checklist

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Class Artifacts (Must submit choice of any three artifacts) Class Artifact #1 Class Artifact #2 Class Artifact #3 Complex Thinker (choose minimum of two) Comparing: Ability to show how things are alike or different. Classifying: Ability to group things in appropriate ways. Scientific Inquiry: Ability to form hypotheses and prove or disprove them. Analysis: Ability to identify the parts of a system and their connections to the whole. Reasoning: Ability to use logic and supportive ideas to form a conclusion. Decision Making: Ability to make important decisions and take responsibility for outcomes. Critiquing: Ability to recognize and examine flaws and provide constructive feedback. Problem Solving: Ability to overcome obstacles or constraints. Invention: Ability to create original ideas, products, or processes. Planner for the Future Completes a school/personal resume. Completes at least one job shadowing or community service experience. Completes Discover assessment and understands results. Completes 9th grade assessment and understands results. Explores a career pathway.

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