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Marulam M. Pangabean, SpPD, KKV, SpJP

Divisi Kardiologi, Bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)

QT interval
Normal 0.38 0.46 detik Predispose to Torsade de pointes QTc = QT int dlm detik)/V(R-R int det)

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)

Sistematika EKG
Rate and Rhythm Interval(A-V,BBB,QT) and Axis Chamber enlargment(?LAE/RAE;?LVH/RVH) QRST change(Q,PRWP,ST T changes)


Ischemia Injury Necrosis

T wave inversion
Myocardial ischemia Perikarditis Cardiomyopathy LBBB atau LVH Post takikardia Elektrolit,pO2,pCO2,pH dan Temperatur Inntracranial Bleeding

ST Depression
Myocardial Ischemia Digtalis Efect Hypokalemia(u wave) LBBB atau LVH

ST Elevasi
Acute MCI Prinzmetal Angina(Coronary Spasm) Perikarditis Normal Early Repolarization

Poor R Wave Progression(PRWP)

R di V3 < 3mm Old AS MCI Cardiomyopathy LVH RVH/COPD LBBB Clockwise rotation;Misplacement lead

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