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Feedback Form
Training / Workshop / User group
This form was designed to help us collect feedback from you as an attendee to a training session, a workshop or a user group meeting. Your opinion is important to us and will be used to increase our service level and make our next event more effective and more enjoyable for participants. We thank you in advance for the time and effort you are investing in filling out this form.

Identification of the event

Your name Date Location Event Presenter

Rating scale for performance

1 2 3 4 " Extremely poor Very poor Poor Below a erage # erage 6 7 8 ! 1$ Satisfactory Good Very good Great Excelle%t

Assessment of content (please tick appropriate rating)

1 2 3 4 " 6 7 8 ! Ge%eral impressio% a&o't t(e co%te%t of t(e e e%t )ow well did t(e co%te%t address yo'r expectatio%s* )ow satisfactory was t(e str'ct're of t(e co%te%t* )ow do yo' rate t(e amo'%t of co%te%t prese%ted* )ow do yo' rate t(e +'ality of co%te%t prese%ted* )ow rele a%t was t(e co%te%t to yo'r ,o&* )ow clear was t(e prese%tatio% of t(eory* )ow rele a%t were t(e practical sectio%s* -t(er comme%ts a&o't t(e e e%t.s co%te%t
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " # # # # # # # # $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % % % % % % % & & & & & & & & ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1( 1( 1( 1( 1( 1( 1( 1(

Assessment of the format (please tick appropriate rating)

1$ 11 12 )ow satisfied are yo' wit( t(e format of t(e e e%t* )ow satisfied are yo' wit( t(e is'als 'sed* )ow do yo' rate t(e (a%do'ts*
1 1 1 ! ! ! " " " # # # $ $ $ % % % & & & ' ' ' 1( 1( 1(

/ 0(is wor1 is lice%sed '%der t(e 2reati e 2ommo%s #ttri&'tio%/S(are#li1e 3ice%se &y #lexa%der Papa%astassio' 4alex 5 (ttp67alexpapa8&logs8com98 0o iew a copy of t(is lice%se: isit (ttp677creati ecommo%s8org7lice%ses7&y/sa728"7 or se%d a letter to 2reati e 2ommo%s: ""! ;at(a% #&&ott <ay: Sta%ford: 2alifor%ia !43$": =S#8

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13 14 1"

<as t(e format i%teracti e e%o'g( for yo'* <as t(e i%fo gi e% i% preparatio% of t(e e e%t s'fficie%t a%d ade+'ate* <as t(e locatio% c(ose% for t(e e e%t ade+'ate*

1 1

! !

" "

# #

$ $

% %

& &

' '

1( 1(





Assessment of the presenter ) trainer (please tick appropriate rating)

16 17 18 1! 2$ 21 22 0(e prese%ter.s a&ility to explai% clearly was> )ow flexi&le was t(e prese%ter to matc( yo'r %eeds* 0(e prese%ter.s 1%owledge of t(e s'&,ect matter> )ow do yo'r rate t(e prese%ter.s a&ility to '%dersta%d participa%ts. +'estio%s a%d remar1s* )ow respo%si e was t(e trai%er w(e% prompted &y participa%ts to explai% somet(i%g or to (elp t(em* )ow good was t(e prese%ter i% practical demos of t(e s'&,ect matter* )ow did t(e prese%ter ta1e feed&ac1 from atte%dees*
1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! " " " " # # # # $ $ $ $ % % % % & & & & ' ' ' ' 1( 1( 1( 1(













*ther comments
22 23 <o'ld yo' recomme%d t(is e e%t to ot(er people* 4please mar1: tic1 or circle w(ere appropriate9 )ow ca% t(e e e%t &e impro ed i% yo'r opi%io%*
+o Pro,a,l- not .a-,e Pro,a,l- -es Yes


<(at f't're trai%i%g %eeds do yo' expect to (a e*


S'ggestio%s of follow/o% e e%ts 7 actio%s to set/'p

/ 0(is wor1 is lice%sed '%der t(e 2reati e 2ommo%s #ttri&'tio%/S(are#li1e 3ice%se &y #lexa%der Papa%astassio' 4alex 5 (ttp67alexpapa8&logs8com98 0o iew a copy of t(is lice%se: isit (ttp677creati ecommo%s8org7lice%ses7&y/sa728"7 or se%d a letter to 2reati e 2ommo%s: ""! ;at(a% #&&ott <ay: Sta%ford: 2alifor%ia !43$": =S#8

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Thank you for your feedback!

/ 0(is wor1 is lice%sed '%der t(e 2reati e 2ommo%s #ttri&'tio%/S(are#li1e 3ice%se &y #lexa%der Papa%astassio' 4alex 5 (ttp67alexpapa8&logs8com98 0o iew a copy of t(is lice%se: isit (ttp677creati ecommo%s8org7lice%ses7&y/sa728"7 or se%d a letter to 2reati e 2ommo%s: ""! ;at(a% #&&ott <ay: Sta%ford: 2alifor%ia !43$": =S#8

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