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cardboard large piece of bout or foam core (a ) es 20 x 30 inch ruler masking tape ials (things building mater n paper, like constructio bes, paper towel tu , cloth, sandpaper, yarn ge, clay) on cotton balls, sp marble

eed What You N

e d i R Marble
marble. er ride for a st a o c r e ll o slow, so it 1 Design a r your marble go ve ha to is al The go from the possible to go as ng lo as s ke ta ttom. ard to the bo top of the bo board. p a marble ride u t se t rs Fi 2 board or foam Lean the card wall. core against a bottom is Make sure the m the wall. 8 inches fro n you do design.What ca 3 Plan your the marble? to slow down

It! n g i s e Red
Make changes to your Marble Ride so it lasts longer.What other materials can you add to slow down the marble? What changes can you make to increase friction? Choose one thing to change (thats the variable) and make a prediction.Then test it and send your results to ZOOM.

Scoop Engineering e marble, you need

eed of th e of the To slow the sp things: the angl o tw t ou ab k to thin per the tion.The stee ramps and fric ill speed up. w e bl ar re the m ramps, the mo the less the p the ramps, The less stee arble moves d up. As the m marble will spee between o e is fricti n er th p, m ra a n dow n is a the ramp. Frictio the marble and when s en pp ha rce that dragging fo t each other. r slide agains objects roll o e friction es produce mor Rough surfac u roll a yo if surfaces. So than smooth like a ramp e, ac rf su a rough marble across ill be more paper, there w covered in sand did you w it down. How as slow friction to slo as w it e ride so bl ar m ur yo n desig as possible?

ing! 4 Start build Ride, to your Marble rt pa w ne a d u ad 5 Each time yo ur marble. test it with yo ble to takes your mar it ng lo w ho the table ready, time your result in rd 6 When youre o c re n he T finish. go from start to this sheet. on the back of

Sent i n by Jenny, Anna, Erin, Becky, Jessica, and Jackie of Page, AZ

2003 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved. ZOOM and the ZOOM words and related indicia are trademarks of the WGBH Educational Foundation. Used with permission. ZOOM is produced by WGBH Boston. Funding for ZOOM is provided by the National Science Foundation, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and public television viewers. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. All submissions become the property of ZOOM and will be eligible for inclusion in all ZOOMmedia.This means that we can share your ideas with other ZOOMers on TV, the Web, in print materials, and in other media. So, send it to ZOOM.Thanks! Illustrations by Stephen Schudlich.

Engineers Notebook

. e d i r e l b r a m y Heres m
s.) and label the part (Draw your design

Marble Ride

ZOOM ! Send It to ur design at


Tell us about yo om

Test your Marble Ride three times and record the times below.Then figure out your average time.
Trial 1 Time (in seconds) Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Time (Add each time together.Then divide the sum by 3.)

TM/ 2003 WGBH Educational Foundation.

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