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Activity Title Contributor Content Area(s) Grade Level Timeframe Necessary Lab Equipment

Indiana Standards

Prior Knowledge


Designing a Prototype: Use Calculus to Minimize the Production Cost for a Company Lexi Kutch Calculus 12 Four 50 minute class periods Pencils and scrap paper, computer lab, Google SketchUp (or similar modeling program), 3D printer, glue sticks, and plastic filament (PLA 1.75 mm) C.2.3: Find the derivatives of functions C.3.4: Find local and absolute maximum and minimum points C.3.9: Solve optimization problems Students should be able to create basic sketches on Google SketchUp, find derivatives of functions, and determine maximum and minimum values of functions. After this activity students should be able to: Determine ways to solve optimization problems Identify the applications of optimization problems Apply the process of finding maximums and minimums to solving optimization problems

Lesson Plan
Overview: The general overview of the lab activity is as follows: Activity Outline: 1. Introduction a. Present students with problem b. Discuss guidelines c. Create groups 2. Brainstorm a. Discuss in groups ways to determine dimensions b. Agree on a method and final dimensions 3. Create and Design Prototype a. Create model of container on Google SketchUp b. Create a label with appropriate dimensions for the container c. 3D print the prototype 4. Presentations a. Discuss the process i. Brainstorming ideas ii. Method chosen to solve with calculations

iii. Dimensions and final cost with calculations iv. Other (try to sell product) b. Questions from peers 5. Whole group discussion Introduction For the introduction, you will be presenting the problem to the students. For the problem, students will know that a fictional company has asked them to create a design for the most cost effective container for their product. They will be given a few guidelines: the container must be cylindrical, the container must be a certain volume (3.5 cubic inches), the material for the top and bottom will cost a certain amount ($0.02 per square inch), and the material for the lateral face will cost a certain amount ($0.01 per square inch). Students must complete five tasks: determine the dimensions of the most cost effective container (show method and any calculations), create a model on Google SketchUp, print a 3D model, design a label for the container, and present to the class (students must present their method(s), calculations, final dimensions and pricing, and anything else to try to sell their product). Brainstorm: After students have been given the problem and have chosen or been assigned their groups, they will begin brainstorming ways to determine the ideal dimensions to minimize the cost of the container. This activity will take place after students have learned how to find derivatives and maximums/minimums, but before solving optimization problems. I will mention to them that calculus can be used to determine the dimensions for the most cost effective container. However, students will not necessarily know how to solve these types of problems yet. I may throw around words and phrases like minimize or lowest cost to try to get them to think about maximums and minimums. In their groups, students must come to a consensus on the dimensions of their product. After determining the dimensions, they must determine the final cost of their product. Create Design and Print Prototype: Once students have determined the dimensions of their container, they will create a model of the container on Google SketchUp. In addition, students will create a label (with appropriate dimensions) for their container. When the model is finished, students will go through the necessary steps to 3D print their prototype. Presentations: Each group will present to the class. They must discuss the following items: a. Brainstorming process and ideas b. Method chosen to determine the dimensions (show calculations) c. Dimensions and final cost (show calculations) d. Other (students are trying to sell their product to the company a.k.a. the classencourage them to be creative!) Whole Group Discussion: After all students have presented their products, we will determine as a group the most costeffective product. The discussion questions include, but are not limited to:

What were the difficulties you encountered during the process? What are the pros and cons of the different methods? What is the best (most accurate) method? Why? What are the calculus applications? What are some other scenarios where this type of process is applicable? After the discussion, I will walk students through determining the optimum dimensions of the container using calculus (unless a group discovered the method). Safety Considerations: The safety considerations are limited to the actual printing of the 3D models. Students will need to take care around the 3D printer since the hot plate, hot end, and item itself may be hot. Activity Setup: On the first day, I will have sufficient copies for the students (Activity Overview, Google SketchUp instructions, and rubric), plenty of scrap paper, and calculators available. For the second and third days of the activity, I will reserve a computer lab. For the second and third days I will have the 3D printer up and running. I will likely have to write students passes throughout each day so that they can come in to start and end their print job. Notes for the Instructor: Be conscious of the time it will take to 3D print. Plan it out. It may be best to put students on a schedule throughout the school day. Prints should be running every 2 hours or so. Encourage students to try to use calculus. Maybe offer extra points to students who find a way to incorporate it.

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