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:Make these sentences negative .I'm From France .They do a lot of sport ______________________________________________________________ .You're usually late .

I go shopping with my mother

Tick the correct sentences ( ) underline the incorrect sentences and :correct them .He never have milk in his tea .I always eat fruit for breakfast ! hat time does your classes start .He's accountant .I don't go out in the evening Read about Joe's job in a film studio. Fill in the ga s !ith the correct :form of these verbs watch !"nn: get leave have"#$% go"#&% start get up finish do visit

hat do you do' (oe

.Joe: I'm a waiter in the film studio restaurant !"nn: hat time )))))))))))))))))) you ))))))))))))))))))) in the morning

Joe: *t + o'clock. I ))))))))))))))))))))))) work at , o'clock. The actors arrive at .,.$- and they )))))))))))))))))))))) breakfast here !"nn: hen ...... you......... work


e usually )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) the studio at , p.m. but sometimes it's

./ or 0!"nn: That's very late. hat time ....... you ))))))))))))) home

Joe: *t about 0-.$-. I ........ watch T1 for an hour' then I ..... .to bed !"nn: *nd what ))))))))))))))))))))) you .......... in your free time Joe: ell' on 2aturday I usually ......... 3offee with friends or e

))))))))))))))))))))) shopping. 4n 2undays I )))))))))))))))))))))) my parents. always ))))))))))))))))))))) lunch in a restaurant near their house. *nd we're .always very nice to waiters

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