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lydla "#$%&'%(

2329 8lo Crande SL. ApL. #93 ) AusLln, 1exas ) 78703

*+,, (210) 337-6989 ) +-./0, lydlaschendel[ ) 1+2304+

LuuCA1lCn 25#$%(67 68 96:7&5(;"< (May 2014) =%(%>5&? *6:7"%@67A
unlverslLy of 1exas aL AusLln
MulLlmedla !ournallsm ConcenLraLlon
Mlnor ln Spanlsh Language
8uslness loundaLlons CerLlflcaLe
CurrenL CA: 4.0
uean's Ponor LlsL

LxL8lLnCL B5?;6&5( 0&"?7:<%&?" !anuary 2014 - resenL
Lmployee CommunlcaLlons lnLern

CreaLed orlglnal conLenL and managed producLlon for weekly lnLernal newsleLLer
SLarLed serles on lnLernaLlonal branches and lncreased lnLernaLlonal readershlp
MalnLalned monLhly employee evenLs calendars
CreaLed and managed conLenL for dlglLal slgnage
Led promoLlonal efforL for employee volunLeerlsm aL annual end users conference

B5?;6&5( 0&"?7:<%&?" AugusL - uecember 2013
MulLlmedla and Web lnLern

lnvesLlgaLed and lmplemenLed Adobe SlLeCaLalysL and creaLed process documenLaLlon
Complled monLhly analyLlcs dashboards Lo measure web Lrafflc and lead generaLlon
MalnLalned company ?ou1ube channels
o osLed vldeos and wroLe capLlons and annoLaLlons
o 8eplled Lo vlewer commenLs and quesLlons
o Complled monLhly analyLlcs reporLs
Analyzed weblnar meLrlcs Lo deLermlne paLLerns ln reglsLraLlon and aLLendance

B%@25C .%';5 november 2011-uecember 2013
news lnLern

WroLe feaLure arLlcles for ulglLal Slgnage Magazlne and
LdlLed, formaLLed and posLed news sLorles Lo
AsslsLed wlLh compllaLlon of conLenL for prlnL edlLlons of ulglLal Slgnage Magazlne
and 8enLal & SLaglng SysLems Magazlne
Managed 1wlLLer accounL Lo drlve Lrafflc Lo

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May - AugusL 2013
MulLlmedla !ournallsm
o 8eporLlng and news WrlLlng
o hoLo, vldeo, LayouL ueslgn, Web ueslgn,
Soclal Medla, uaLa vlsuallzaLlon
8uslness loundaLlons
o AccounLlng, MarkeLlng, 8uslness Law,
llnance, ManagemenL, SLaLlsLlcs
AdverLlslng on Lhe lnLerneL

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