Callister - Concept Check Answers

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1 7 Concept Check 2.

Question: Why are the atomic weights of the elements generally not integers? Cite two reasons. Answer: The atomic weights of the elements ordinarily are not integers because: (1 the atomic masses of the atoms normally are not integers (e!cept for 12C " and (2 the atomic weight is taken as the weighted a#erage of the atomic masses of an atom$s naturally occurring isotopes.

2 3 Concept

Check 2.2 ions.

Question: Give electron configurations for the Fe3+and


Answer: The %e&' ion is an iron atom that has lost three electrons. (ince the electron configuration of the %e atom is 1s22s22")&s2&")&d)*s2 (Table 2.2 " the configuration for %e&' is 1s22s22")&s2&")&d+. The (2, ion a sulfur atom that has gained two electrons. (ince the electron configuration of the ( atom is 1s22s22")&s2&"* (Table 2.2 " the configuration for (2, is 1s22s22")&s2&").

3 # Concept

Check 2.&

Question: $ffer an e%"lanation as to why covalently &onded materials are generally less dense than ionically or metallically &onded ones. Answer: Co#alently bonded materials are less dense than metallic or ionically bonded ones because co#alent bonds are directional in nature whereas metallic and ionic are not- when bonds are directional" the atoms cannot pack together in as dense a manner" yielding a lower mass density.

' ( Concept

Check &.1

Question: What is the difference &etween crystal structure and crystal system? Answer: A crystal structure is described by both the geometry of" and atomic arrangements within" the unit cell" whereas a crystal system is described only in terms of the unit cell geometry. %or e!ample" face,centered cubic and body,centered cubic are crystal structures that belong to the cubic crystal system.

) ( Concept

Check &.2

Question: For cu&ic crystals* as values of the "lanar indices h* +* and l increase* does the distance &etween ad,acent and "arallel "lanes -i.e.* the inter"lanar s"acing. increase or decrease? Why? Answer: The interplanar spacing between ad.acent and parallel planes decreases as the #alues of h" +" and l increase. As #alues of the planar indices increase" the magnitude of the denominator in /0uation &.1* increases" with the result that the interplanar spacing (dh+l decreases.


Concept Check &.& Question: /o noncrystalline materials dis"lay the "henomenon of allotro"y -or "olymor"hism.? Why or why not? Answer: 1oncrystalline materials do not display the phenomenon of allotropy- since a noncrystalline material does not ha#e a defined crystal structure" it cannot ha#e more than one crystal structure" which is the definition of allotropy.

( ) Concept

Check *.1

Question: 0he surface energy of a single crystal de"ends on crystallogra"hic orientation. /oes this surface energy increase or decrease with an increase in "lanar density? Why? Answer: The surface energy of a single crystal depends on the planar density (i.e." degree of atomic packing of the e!posed surface plane because of the number of unsatisfied bonds. As the planar density increases" the number of nearest atoms in the plane increases" which results in an increase in the number of satisfied atomic bonds in the plane" and a decrease in the number of unsatisfied bonds. (ince the number of unsatisfied bonds diminishes" so also does the surface energy decrease. (That is" surface energy decreases with an increase in planar density.


Concept Check *.2 Question: /oes the grain si1e num&er -n of 23uation '.1). increase or decrease with decreasing grain si1e? Why? Answer: Taking logarithms of /0uation *.1) and then rearranging such that the grain si2e number n is the dependent #ariable leads to the e!pression log4 log 2

n 31'

Thus" n increases with increasing 4. 4ut as 4 (the a#erage number of grains per s0uare inch at a ! magnification of 155 times increases the grain si2e decreases. 6n other words" the #alue of n increases with decreasing grain si2e.


Concept Check +.1 Question: 5an+ the magnitudes of the diffusion coefficients from greatest to least for the following systems6 4 in Fe at 7##7C Cr in Fe at

7##7C 4 in Fe at (##7C Cr in Fe at (##7C 4ow ,ustify this ran+ing. (4ote6 8oth Fe and Cr have the 8CC crystal structure* and the atomic radii for Fe* Cr* and 4 are #.12'* #.129* and #.#)9 nm* res"ectively. :ou may also want to refer to ection '.3. Answer: The diffusion coefficient magnitude ranking is as follows: 1 in %e at 7558C- /1(755 1 in %e at 9558C- /1(955 Cr in %e at 7558C- /Cr(755 Cr in %e at 9558C- /Cr(955 1itrogen is an interstitial impurity in %e (on the basis of its atomic radius " whereas Cr is a substitutional impurity. (ince interstitial diffusion occurs more rapidly than substitutional impurity diffusion" /1 : /Cr. Also" inasmuch as the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient increases with increasing temperature" /(755 : /(955 .

Concept Check +.2 Question: Consider the self!diffusion of two hy"othetical metals ; and 8. $n a schematic gra"h of ln / versus 1<0* "lot -and la&el. lines for &oth metals given that /5(A = /5(4 and also that >d(A >d(4 . =

Answer: The schematic ln / #ersus 1;0 plot with lines for metals A and 4 is shown


As e!plained in the pre#ious section" the intercept with the #ertical a!is is e0ual to ln /5. As shown in this plot" the intercept for metal A is greater than for metal 4 inasmuch as /5(A : /5(4 <alternati#ely ln /5(A : ln /5(4 =. 6n addition" the slope of the line is e0ual to >>d<5. The two lines in the plot ha#e been constructed such that negati#e slope for metal A is greater than for metal 4" inasmuch as >d(A : >d(4

1' 9 Concept

Check ).1

Question: Cite the "rimary differences &etween elastic* anelastic* and "lastic deformation &ehaviors. Answer: /lastic deformation is time,independent and nonpermanent" anelastic deformation is time,dependent and nonpermanent" while plastic deformation is permanent.


Concept Check ).2 Questions: $f those metals listed in 0a&le ).3* -a. Which will e%"erience the greatest "ercent reduction in area? Why? -&. Which is the strongest? Why? -c. Which is the stiffest? Why?

Table ).& Tensile stress,strain data for se#eral hypothetical metals to be used with Concept Checks ).2 and ).*

?ield @aterial A 4 C C / (trength (@Aa &15 155 *1+ 955

Tensile (trength (@Aa &*5 125 ++5 D+5 %ractures before yielding

(train at %racture 5.2& 5.*5 5.1+ 5.1*

%racture (trength (@Aa 2)+ 15+ +55 925 )+5

/lastic @odulus (BAa 215 1+5 &15 215 &+5

Answers: (d @aterial 4 will e!perience the greatest percent area reduction since it has the highest strain at fracture" and" therefore is most ductile. (e @aterial C is the strongest because it has the highest yield and tensile strengths. (f @aterial / is the stiffest because it has the highest elastic modulus.

19 ' Concept

Check ).&

Question: ?a+e a schematic "lot showing the tensile engineering stress@strain &ehavior for a ty"ical metal alloy to the "oint of fracture. 4ow su"erim"ose on this "lot a schematic com"ressive engineering stress!strain curve for the same alloy. 2%"lain any differences &etween the two curves. Answer: The schematic stress,strain graph on which is plotted the two cur#es is shown below.

The initial linear (elastic portions of both cur#es will be the same. Etherwise" there are three differences between the two cur#es which are as follows: (1 4eyond the elastic region" the tension cur#e lies below the compression one. The reason for this is that" during compression" the cross,sectional area of the specimen is increasing Fthat is" for two specimens that ha#e the same initial cross,sectional area (;5 " at some specific strain #alue the instantaneous cross,sectional area in compression will be greater than in tension. Conse0uently" the applied force necessary to continue deformation will be greater for compression than for tension- and" since stress is defined according to /0uation ).1 as F G3 ;5

the applied force is greater for compression" so also will the stress be greater (since ;5 is the same for both cases . (2 The compression cur#e will not display a ma!imum inasmuch as the specimen tested in compression will not e!perience neckingFthe cross,sectional area o#er which deformation is occurring is continually increasing for compression. (& The strain at which failure occurs will be greater for compression. Again" this beha#ior is e!plained by the lack of necking for the specimen tested in compression.

1) # Concept

Check ).*

Question: $f those metals listed in 0a&le ).3* which is the hardest? Why? Answer: @aterial C is the hardest because it has the highest tensile strength.

1A 1 Concept

Check 9.1

Question: Which of the following is the sli" system for the sim"le cu&ic crystal structure? Why? H155IJ115: H115IJ115: H155IJ515: H115IJ111: (4ote6 a unit cell for the sim"le cu&ic crystal structure is shown in Figure 3.23. Answer: The slip system for some crystal structure corresponds to the most densely packed crystallographic plane" and" in that plane" the most closely packed crystallographic direction. %or simple cubic" the most densely packed atomic plane is the H155I type plane- the most densely packed direction within this plane is an J515: type direction. Therefore" the slip system for simple cubic is H155IJ515:.

1A 3 Concept

Check 9.2

Question: 2%"lain the difference &etween resolved shear stress and critical resolved shear stress. Answer: 5esolved shear stress is the shear component of an applied tensile (or compressi#e stress resol#ed along a slip plane that is other than perpendicular or parallel to the stress a!is. The critical resolved shear stress is the #alue of resol#ed shear stress at which yielding begins- it is a property of the material.


Concept Check 9.& Question: When ma+ing hardness measurements* what will &e the effect of ma+ing an indentation very close to a "ree%isting indentation? Why? Answer: The hardness measured from an indentation that is positioned #ery close to a pree!isting indentation will be high. The material in this #icinity was cold,worked when the first indentation was made.

1( ' Concept

Check 9.*

Question: Would you e%"ect a crystalline ceramic material to strain harden at room tem"erature? Why or why not? Answer: 1o" it would not be e!pected. 6n order for a material to strain harden it must be plastically deformed- since ceramic materials are brittle at room temperature" they will fracture before any plastic deformation takes place.

1( A Concept

Check 9.+

Question: 8riefly e%"lain why some metals -e.g.* lead and tin. do not strain harden when deformed at room tem"erature. Answer: @etals such as lead and tin do not strain harden at room temperature because their recrystalli2ation temperatures lie below room temperature (Table 9.2 .

1( ( Concept

Check 9.)

Question: Would you e%"ect it to &e "ossi&le for ceramic materials to e%"erience recrystalli1ation? Why or why not? Answer: 1o" recrystalli2ation is not e!pected in ceramic materials. 6n order to e!perience recrystalli2ation" a material must first be plastically deformed" and ceramic materials are too brittle to be plastically deformed.

2# A Concept

Check D.1

Question: Cite two situations in which the "ossi&ility of failure is "art of the design of a com"onent or "roduct. Answer: (e#eral situations in which the possibility of failure is part of the design of a component or product are as follows: (1 the pull tab on the top of aluminum be#erage cans- (2 aluminum utility;light poles that reside along freewaysFa minimum of damage occurs to a #ehicle when it collides with the pole- and (& in some machinery components" a shear pin is used to connect a gear or pulley to a shaftFthe pin is designed shear off before damage is done to either the shaft or gear in an o#erload situation.


Concept Check D.2 Question: ?a+e a schematic s+etch of a stress!versus!time "lot for the situation when the stress ratio 5 has a value of +1. Answer: %or a stress ratio (5 of '1" then" from /0uation D.19" 3 ma!


This is to say that the stress remains constant (or does not fluctuate with time" or the stress, #ersus,time plot would appear as

Concept Check D.& Question: Bsing 23uations A.1) and A.17* demonstrate that increasing the value of the stress ratio 5 "roduces a decrease in stress am"litude a. Answer: %rom /0uation D.19 " min 35" %urthermore" /0uation D.1) is





(ubstitution of

from the former e!pression into the latter gi#es

" #5" "a 3

ma ! ma !

" 3 ( 15 K

22 Therefore" as the magnitude of 5 increases (or becomes more positi#e the magnitude of a !


23 ' Concept

Check D.*

Question: urfaces for some steel s"ecimens that have failed &y fatigue have a &right crystalline or grainy a""earance. Caymen may e%"lain the failure &y saying that the metal crystalli1ed while in service. $ffer a criticism for this e%"lanation. Answer: To crystalli2e means to become crystalline. Thus" the statement GThe metal fractured because it crystalli2edG is erroneous inasmuch as the metal was crystalline prior to being stressed (#irtually all metals are crystalline .


Concept Check D.+ Question: u"erim"ose on the same strain!versus!time "lot schematic cree" curves for &oth constant tensile stress and constant tensile load* and e%"lain the differences in &ehavior. Answer: (chematic creep cur#es at both constant stress and constant load are shown below.

Lith increasing time" the constant load cur#e becomes progressi#ely higher than the constant stress cur#e. (ince these tests are tensile ones" the cross,sectional area diminishes as deformation progresses. Thus" in order to maintain a constant stress" the applied load must correspondingly be diminished since stress 3 load;area.

29 ) Concept

Check 7.1

Question: What is the difference &etween the states of "hase e3uili&rium and metasta&ility? Answer: %or the condition of phase e0uilibrium the free energy is a minimum" the system is completely stable meaning that o#er time the phase characteristics are constant. %or metastability" the system is not at e0uilibrium" and there are #ery slight (and often imperceptible changes of the phase characteristics with time.

2) 3 Concept

Check 7.2

Question: ; co""er!nic+el alloy of com"osition 7# wtD 4i!3# wtD Cu is slowly heated from a tem"erature of 13##7C. -g. ;t what tem"erature does the first li3uid "hase form? -h. What is the com"osition of this li3uid "hase? -i. ;t what tem"erature does com"lete melting of the alloy occur? -,. What is the com"osition of the last solid remaining "rior to com"lete melting? (olution: Mpon heating a copper,nickel alloy of composition 95 wtN 1i,&5 wtN Cu from 1&558C and utili2ing %igure 7.&a: (k The first li0uid forms at the temperature at which a #ertical line at this composition intersects the ,( ' C phase boundaryFi.e." about 1&+58C(l The composition of this li0uid phase corresponds to the intersection with the ( ' C , C phase boundary" of a tie line constructed across the ' C phase region at 1&+58CF i.e." +7 wtN 1i(m Complete melting of the alloy occurs at the intersection of this same #ertical line at 95 wtN 1i with the ( ' C ,C phase boundaryFi.e." about 1&D58C(n The composition of the last solid remaining prior to complete melting corresponds to the intersection with ,( ' C phase boundary" of the tie line constructed across the ' C phase region at 1&D58CFi.e." about 9D wtN 1i.

Concept Check 7.& Question: Es it "ossi&le to have a co""er!nic+el alloy that* at e3uili&rium* consists of an "hase of com"osition 37 wtD 4i!)3 wtD Cu* and also a li3uid "hase of com"osition 2# wtD ;g! A# wtD Cu? Ef so* what will &e the a""ro%imate tem"erature of the alloy? Ef this is not "ossi&le* e%"lain why. Answer: 6t is not "ossi&le to ha#e a Cu,1i alloy" which at e0uilibrium" consists of a li0uid phase of composition 25 wtN 1i,D5 wtN Cu and an phase of composition &9 wtN 1i,)& wtN Cu. %rom %igure 7.&a" a single tie line does not e!ist within the ' C region that intersects the phase boundaries at the gi#en compositions. At 25 wtN 1i" the C,( ' C phase boundary is at about 12558C" whereas at &9 wtN 1i the (C ' , phase boundary is at about 122+8C.


Concept Check 7.* Question: ;t 7##7C -12(#7F.* what is the ma%imum solu&ility -a. of Cu in ;g? -&. $f ;g in Cu? Answer: (a %rom the copper,sil#er phase diagram" %igure 7.9" the ma!imum solubility of Cu in Ag at 9558C corresponds to the position of the ,( ' phase boundary at this temperature" or to about ) wtN Cu. (b %rom this same figure" the ma!imum solubility of Ag in Cu corresponds to the position of the ,( ' phase boundary at this temperature" or about + wtN Ag.

Concept Check 7.+ Question: 8elow is a "ortion of the F2$!4aCl "hase diagram6

-o. Bsing this diagram* &riefly e%"lain how s"reading salt on ice that is at a tem"erature &elow #7C -327F. can cause the ice to melt. -". ;t what tem"erature is salt no longer useful in causing ice to melt?

(olution: (a (preading salt on ice will lower the melting temperature" since the li0uidus line decreases from 58C (at 155N O25 to the eutectic temperature at about ,218C (2& wtN 1aCl . Thus" ice at a temperature below 58C (and abo#e ,218C can be made to form a li0uid phase by the addition of salt. (b At ,218C and below ice is no longer useful in causing ice to melt because this is the lowest temperature at which a li0uid phase forms (i.e." it is the eutectic temperature for this system .


Concept Check 7.) Question: 0he figure &elow is the hafnium!vanadium "hase diagram* for which only single!"hase regions are la&eled. write the reaction u"on cooling. "ecify tem"erature!com"osition "oints at which all eutectics* eutectoids* "eritectics* and congruent "hase transformations occur. ;lso* for each*

Answer: There are two eutectics on this phase diagram. Ene e!ists at 1D wtN P,D2 wt N Of and 1*++8C. The reaction upon cooling is C (&Of ' OfP2

The other eutectic e!ists at &7 wtN P,)1 wtN Of and 1+258C. This reaction upon cooling is C OfP2 ' P(solid solution There is one eutectoid at ) wtN P,7* wtN Of and 11758C. 6ts reaction upon cooling is

(&Of ,: aOf + OfP2 There is one congruent melting point at &) wtN P,)* wtN Of and 1++58C. The reaction ! upon cooling is C ,: OfP2 1o peritectics are present.

2A ( Concept

Check 7.9

Question: For a ternary system* three com"onents are "resentG tem"erature is also a varia&le. What is the ma%imum num&er of "hases that may &e "resent for a ternary system* assuming that "ressure is held constant? Answer: %or a ternary system (C 3 & at constant pressure (4 3 1 " Bibbs phase rule" /0uation 7.1)" becomes H'F3C'43&'13* Er" H3*>F Thus" when F 3 5" H will ha#e its ma!imum #alue of *" which means that the ma!imum number of phases present for this situation is *.

2( ( Concept

Check 7.D

Question: 8riefly e%"lain why a "roeutectoid "hase -ferrite or cementite. forms along austenite grain &oundaries. Fint6 Consult ection '.). Answer: Associated with grain boundaries is an interfacial energy (i.e." grain boundary energyF(ection *.) . A lower net interfacial energy increase results when a proeutectoid phase forms along e!isting austenite grain boundaries than when the proeutectoid phase forms within the interior of the grains.

33 # Concept

Check 15.1

Question: Which is the more sta&le* the "earlitic or the s"heroiditic microstructure? Why? Answer: (pheroiditic microstructures are more stable than pearlitic ones. (ince pearlite transforms to spheroidite" the latter is more stable

33 2 Concept

Check 15.2

Question: Cite two ma,or differences &etween martensitic and "earlitic transformations. Answer: Two ma.or differences are: 1 atomic diffusion is necessary for the pearlitic transformation" whereas the martensitic transformation is diffusionless- and 2 relati#e to transformation rate" the martensitic transformation is #irtually instantaneous" while the pearlitic transformation is time,dependent.


Concept Check 15.& Question: ?a+e a co"y of the isothermal transformation diagram for an iron!car&on alloy of eutectoid com"osition -Figure 1#.22. and then s+etch and la&el on this diagram a time! tem"erature "ath that will "roduce 1##D fine "earlite. Answer: 4elow is shown an isothermal transformation diagram for a eutectoid iron, carbon alloy on which is included a time,temperature path that will produce 155N fine pearlite.

33 ( Concept

Check 15.*

Question: 8riefly descri&e the sim"lest continuous cooling heat treatment "rocedure that would &e used to convert a '3'# steel from -martensite + &ainite. to -ferrite + "earlite.. (olution: 6n order to con#ert from (martensite ' bainite to (ferrite ' pearlite it is necessary to heat abo#e about 9258C" allow complete austeniti2ation" then cool to room temperature at a rate e0ual to or less than 5.55)8C;s (%igure 15.2D .


Concept Check 15.+ Question: 5an+ the following iron!car&on alloys and associated microstructures from the highest to the lowest tensile strength6 #.29 wtDC with s"heroidite #.29 wtDC with coarse "earlite #.) wtDC with fine "earlite* and #.) wtDC with coarse "earlite. Iustify this ran+ing. Answer: This ranking called for is as follows: (1 5.) wtNC with fine pearlite (0 5.) wtNC with coarse pearlite (r 5.2+ wtNC with coarse pearlite (s 5.2+ wtNC with spheroidite The 5.2+ wtN C" coarse pearlite is stronger than the 5.2+ wtN C" spheroidite since coarse pearlite is stronger than spheroidite- the composition of the alloys is the same. The 5.) wtN C" coarse pearlite is stronger than the 5.2+ wtN C" coarse pearlite" since increasing the carbon content increases the strength (while maintained the same coarse pearlite microstructure . %inally" the 5.) wtN C" fine pearlite is stronger than the 5.) wtN C" coarse pearlite inasmuch as the strength of fine pearlite is greater than coarse pearlite because of the many more ferrite,cementite phase boundaries in fine pearlite.

Concept Check 15.) Question: For a eutectoid steel* descri&e an isothermal heat treatment that would &e re3uired to "roduce a s"ecimen having a hardness of (3 F58. Answer: %rom %igure 15.&5(a " in order for a 5.9) wtN C alloy to ha#e a Qockwell hardness of 7& OQ4" the microstructure must be coarse pearlite. Thus" utili2ing the isothermal transformation diagram for this alloy" %igure 15.22" after austeniti2ing at about 9)58C" rapidly cool to a temperature at which coarse pearlite forms (i.e." to about )9+8C " and allow the specimen to isothermally and completely transform to coarse pearlite. At this temperature an

isothermal heat treatment for at least 255 s is re0uired. Then cool to room temperature (cooling rate is not important .


Concept Check 15.9 Question: ; steel alloy is 3uenched from a tem"erature within the austenite "hase region into water at room tem"erature so as to form martensiteG the alloy is su&se3uently tem"ered at an elevated tem"erature which is held constant. -t. ?a+e a schematic "lot showing how room!tem"erature ductility varies with the logarithm of tem"ering time at the elevated tem"erature. -8e sure to la&el your a%es.. -u. u"erim"ose and la&el on this same "lot the room!tem"erature &ehavior resulting from tem"ering at a higher tem"ering tem"erature and &riefly e%"lain the difference in &ehavior &etween these two tem"eratures. Answer: (a (hown below is the plot that was re0uested.

(b The line for the higher temperature (labeled 0F will lie abo#e the one at the lower temperature (labeled 0C because the %e&C particles in tempered martensite will grow faster at the higher temperature- thus" at some gi#en tempering time they will be larger at the higher temperature. The alloy tempered at the higher temperature will be more ductile because there will be fewer ,%e&C phase boundaries (due to the larger %e&C particles that may impede

dislocation motion.

3) ) Concept

Check 11.1

Question: 8riefly e%"lain why ferritic and austenitic stainless steels are not heat treata&le. Fint6 you may want to consult the first "ortion of ection 11.3. Answer: %erritic and austenitic stainless steels are not heat treatable since Gheat treatableG is taken to mean that martensite may be made to form with relati#e ease upon 0uenching austenite from an ele#ated temperature. %or ferritic stainless steels" austenite does not form upon heating" and" therefore" the austenite,to,martensite transformation is not possible. %or austenitic stainless steels" the austenite phase field e!tends to such low temperatures that the martensitic transformation does not occur.

37 1 Concept

Check 11.2

Question: Et is "ossi&le to "roduce cast irons that consist of a martensite matri% in which gra"hite is em&edded in either fla+e* nodule* or rosette form. 8riefly descri&e the treatment necessary to "roduce each of these three microstructures. Answer: %or graphite flakes" gray cast iron is formed (as described in (ection 11.2 " which is then heated to a temperature at which the ferrite transforms to austenite- the austenite is then rapidly 0uenched" which transforms to martensite. %or graphite nodules and rosettes" nodular and malleable cast irons are first formed (again as described in (ection 11.2 " which are then austeniti2ed and rapidly 0uenched.


Concept Check 11.& Question: What is the main difference &etween a &rass and a &ron1e? Answer: 4oth brasses and bron2es are copper,based alloys. %or brasses" the principal alloying element is 2inc" whereas the bron2es are alloyed with other elements such as tin" aluminum" silicon" or nickel.

37 9 Concept

Check 11.*

Question: 2%"lain why* under some circumstances* it is not advisa&le to weld a structure that is fa&ricated with a 3##3 aluminum alloy. Fint6 you may want to consult ection 7.12. Answer: (trengthening of a &55& aluminum alloy is accomplished by cold working. Lelding a structure of a cold,worked &55& alloy will cause it to e!perience recrystalli2ation" and a resultant loss of strength.

37 7 Concept

Check 11.+

Question: $n the &asis of melting tem"erature* o%idation resistance* yield strength* and degree of &rittleness* discuss whether it would &e advisa&le to hot wor+ or to cold wor+ -a. aluminum alloys* and -&. magnesium alloys. Fint6 you may want to consult ections 7.1# and 7.12. Answer: @ost aluminum alloys may be cold,worked since they are ductile and ha#e relati#ely low yield strengths. @agnesium alloys are normally hot,worked inasmuch as they are 0uite brittle at room temperature. Also" magnesium alloys ha#e relati#ely low recrystalli2ation temperatures.

3A ) Concept

Check 11.)

Question: -a. Cite two advantages of "owder metallurgy over casting. -&. Cite two disadvantages. Answer: (a Ad#antages of powder metallurgy o#er casting are as follows: (# 6t is used for alloys ha#ing high melting temperatures. (w 4etter dimensional tolerances result. & Aorosity may be introduced" the degree of which may be controlled (which is desirable in some applications such as self,lubricating bearings . (b The disad#antages of powder metallurgy o#er casting are as follows: (! Aroduction of the powder is e!pensi#e. (y Oeat treatment after compaction is necessary.


Concept Check 11.9 Question: What are the "rinci"al differences &etween welding* &ra1ing* and soldering? :ou may need to consult another reference. Answer: %or welding" there is melting of the pieces to be .oined in the #icinity of the bond- a filler material may or may not be used. %or bra2ing" a filler material is used which has a melting temperature in e!cess of about *2+8C (D558% - the filler material is melted" whereas the pieces to be .oined are not melted. %or soldering" a filler material is used which has a melting temperature less than about *2+8C (D558% - the filler material is melted" whereas the pieces to be .oined are not.

3( 7 Concept

Check 11.D

Question: 4ame the three factors that influence the degree to which martensite is formed throughout the cross section of a steel s"ecimen. For each* tell how the e%tent of martensite formation may &e increased. Answer: The three factors that influence the degree to which martensite is formed are as follows: 1 Alloying elements- adding alloying elements increases the e!tent to which martensite forms. 2 & (pecimen si2e and shape- the e!tent of martensite formation increases as the specimen cross,section decreases and as the degree of shape irregularity increases. Quenching medium- the more se#ere the 0uench" the more martensite is formed. Later pro#ides a more se#ere 0uench than does oil" which is followed by air. Agitating the medium also enhances the se#erity of 0uench.


Concept Check 11.7 Question: Es it "ossi&le to "roduce a "reci"itation hardened 2#1' aluminum alloy having a minimum yield strength of 39# ?Ha -9#*### "si. and a ductility of at least 1AD2C? Ef so* s"ecify the "reci"itation heat treatment. Ef it is not "ossi&le then e%"lain why. Answer: 6n order to answer this 0uestion it is necessary to consult %igures 11.29(a and 11.29(b . 4elow are tabulated the times re0uired at the #arious temperatures to achie#e the stipulated yield strength. Temperature (8C 2)5 25* 1*7 121 Time Qange (h not possible 5.&,15 7,)55 :&55

Lith regard to temperatures and times to gi#e the desired 1DN /R ductility <%igure 11.29(b =: Temperature (8C 2)5 25* 1*7 121 Time Qange (h not possible J5.5D J) J&55

Therefore" an alloy ha#ing this combination of yield strength and ductility is not possible. At none of the four heat treating temperatures is there an o#erlap of time or time ranges re0uired to achie#e both the desired yield strength and ductility #alues.

'2 ' Concept

Check 12.1

Question: 0a&le 12.3 gives the ionic radii for J+ and $2! as #.13A and #.1'# nm* res"ectively. -1. What would &e the coordination num&er for each $2! ion? -aa.8riefly descri&e the resulting crystal structure for J2$. -&&.2%"lain why this is called the antifluorite structure. Answer: (a %irst" let us find the coordination number of each E2, ion for S2 E. Taking the cation,anion radii ratio r' S r 2,

5.1&D nm = 35.7D) 5.1*5 nm

%rom Table 12.2" the coordination number for o!ygen is eight.

(b According to Table 12.*" for a coordination number of eight for both cations and anions" the crystal structure should be cesium chloride. Oowe#er" there are twice as many S ' as E2, ions. Therefore" the centers of the S' ions are positioned at the corners of cubic unit cells" while half of the cube centers are occupied by E2, ions.


This structure is called the antifluorite crystal structure because anions and

cations are interchanged with one another from the fluorite structure (%igure 12.+ .


Concept Check 12.2 Question: Can chott+y defects e%ist in J2$? Ef so* &riefly descri&e this ty"e of defect. Ef they cannot e%ist* then e%"lain why.. Answer: This 0uestion can be answered in two ways" as follows: (1 ?es" (chottky defects can e!ist in S2E- each defect will consist of one E2, #acancy and two S' #acancies. (2 1o" in the strict sense" (chottky cannot e!ist in S2E if we consider this type of defect to consist of a cation,anion pair- for e#ery E2, #acancy created there must e!ist two S' #acancies.


Concept Check 12.& Question: What "oint defects are "ossi&le for ?g$ as an im"urity in ;l2$3? Fow many ?g2' ions must &e added to form each of these defects? Answer: %or e#ery @g2' ion that substitutes for Al&' in Al 2 E & " a single positi#e charge is remo#ed. Thus" in order to maintain charge neutrality" either a positi#e charge must be added or a negati#e charge must be remo#ed. Aositi#e charges are added by forming Al&' interstitials" and one Al&' interstitial would be formed for e#ery three @g2' ions added. 1egati#e charges may be remo#ed by forming E2, #acancies" and one o!ygen #acancy would be formed for e#ery two @g2' ions added.


Concept Check 12.* Question: -a. For the i$2!;l2$3 system* what is the ma%imum tem"erature that is "ossi&le without the formation of a li3uid "hase? -&. ;t what com"osition or over what range of com"ositions will this ma%imum tem"erature &e achieved? Answer: (a According to %igure 12.29 this ma!imum temperature is 1D75 T 158C" (b which is possible for compositions between about 99 wtN Al E and #irtually 155 wtN Al E .

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