Lesson 7 Desktop Portfolio Student

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Name Homeroom Topic 2: It Begins!

Mission: (Hig !ig t t is !ine an" t#pe #o$r Mission ere%

Lesson 2: Win, Lose, Or Draw

& a!!enge ': Tac(!e )oca*$!ar#: '+ (Hig !ig t t is !ine an" t#pe t e "e,inition ,or cas$a!ties ere+% 2+ (Hig !ig t t is !ine an" t#pe t e "e,inition ,or resistance ere+% -+ (Hig !ig t t is !ine an" t#pe t e "e,inition ,or o,,ensi.e ere+% /+ (Hig !ig t t is !ine an" t#pe t e "e,inition ,or 0eppe!in ere+% & a!!enge '+ (Hig !ig 2+ (Hig !ig -+ (Hig !ig /+ (Hig !ig 4+ (Hig !ig 2: Hac( T ro$g t e t t is !ine an" t#pe t t t is !ine an" t#pe t t t is !ine an" t#pe t t t is !ine an" t#pe t t t is !ine an" t#pe t 1ea"ing 2$estions: e t e answer to 3$estions e t e answer to 3$estions e t e answer to 3$estions e t e answer to 3$estions e t e answer to 3$estions ' 2 / 4 ere+% ere+% ere+% ere+% ere+%

& a!!enge -: Batt!e 5or 6n"erstan"ing & art: Wor!" War I 7ma0ing 1ace Wor!" War I Batt!es 8rap ic Organi0er Batt!e o, &aporetto 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, La(e Naroc 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, )er"$n 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, ;pres 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Dar"ane!!es &ampaign 9.ents O$tcome

Name Homeroom Topic 2: It Begins!

Lesson 2: Win, Lose, Or Draw

Wor!" War I Batt!es 8rap ic Organi0er Hig !ig t : T#pe Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, <omme 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, t e Marne 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

Batt!e o, Tannen*erg 9.ents Hig !ig t : T#pe O$tcome Hig !ig t : T#pe

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