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Student Resume and Profile Ian Herrin Mobile: 901-387-9391 Email: ianherrin@gmail !

om Summary: " #or$ing standu% !omedian in the &e# 'or$ "rea after ha(ing studied under )im Mendrinos " *raduate of the +ni(ersit, of Southern -alifornia for -riti!al Studies of the -inemati! "rts #ith a minor in *eneral .heatri!al Studies and an o(erall *P" of 3 78 /rings a strong #or$ ethi!0 enthusiasm0 leadershi%0 and inter%ersonal s$ills in addition to a %ro(en tra!$ re!ord of deli(ering %ro1e!ts %re!isel, and in a timel, fashion Theatrical Credits: 2riter0 -odire!tor0 and Star of the 3riginal %ie!e Rocks & Sticks %erformed at +S- in the 4all of 5015 Re!ei(ed an 6"ll-Star -ast6 "#ard for the role of 3rgon in 7ouston 7igh S!hool8s 5008 %rodu!tion of Tartuffe at the "rlington -ount,8s 3ne "!t -om%etition " member of the *ermanto#n -ommunit, .heater8s 'outh .rou%e for the summers of 5001-5003 Film Awards: 2rote s!reen%la,s0 %rodu!ed0 %erformed0 !horeogra%hed0 edited0 and dire!ted in o(er se(ent,-fi(e short inde%endent films 2on 'outh S!reening a#ard at the Mem%his 9ndie 4ilm 4esti(al Pla!ed first in 7ouston 7igh S!hool 4ilm -om%etition fi(e of the si: times in the histor, of the e(ent; %la!ed se!ond in Shelb, -ount, and re!ei(ed 7onorable mention in the nation#ide Refle!tions 4ilm -om%etitions Media and Editing Projects: 7osted an "nnual 4ilm 4esti(al and %rodu!ed a short introdu!tion to film for

%ros%e!ti(e students -reated a satiri!al training (ideo for in!umbent 7ouston Middle S!hool tea!hers #hi!h is aired annuall, at the s!hool <ire!ted the final -.PR 590 Pro1e!t at +S- in 5011 entitled 62hat 5 Sa,6 4re=uent !ontributor to %rofessional (ideos for the %rodu!tion !om%an, )<R Media: htt%:>>### ,outube !om>user>)<Resour!esMedia in!luding s!ri%ting0 filming and editing Editor of %rofessional sho#reels for ?os "ngeles based /ritish "!tor Peter M!go#an Produ!tion "ssistant #ith the -.PR @80 %ro1e!t 6.he Moral .hief6 at +S- in 5010 Personal: -onfidant in a leadershi% role be!ause of %ast e:%erien!e and the %assion brought to e(er, %ro1e!t underta$en Strong interest in 4ilm 7istor, and the <ramati! "rts: ha(e attended numerous films and theatri!al %rodu!tions in multi%le !ountries <ual &ationalit,: +S" and +A Re erences: Mr Rand, Mell: B513C 7@0-95930 mell@us! edu Mr Peter M!go#an: B310C @91-D9310 %eter m!go#an@1dresour!es !o

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