New Client Packet 2pups

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

New Client Packet

Thank you for choosin 2 Paws Up Pet Services! "nstructions# If you are downloading this form from the website, please print one copy of this packet and complete using a pen. This form can be printed one-sided or two, in black & white or color. This Packet "ncludes# Key Handling Agreement eterinary !elease "#ill in amount, sign and return$ %egal &onsiderations "'ign and return$ (et Information #orm "(rint one copy for each pet) each form is * pages, and return$ (lease complete one (et Information #orm for each pet, litter, or fish tank. 'er+ice !e,uest "#ill out one for each trip or ser+ice period, sign and return$ $ave These "te%s &eady for the "nitial "nterview# -. .our signed documents. /. A key. 0e will pro+ide a key chain and a code "no name will be put on your key$. *. A /nd key that we can code with permanent ink "THI' I' 1(TI12A%, we can make this complementary spare$. 3. 4mergency contact information for yourself, and / other contacts. 5. A list of items you plan to lea+e out during pet sitter +isits "such as paper towel, medicines, etc$. 6. eterinary contact & medical information "allergies, conditions$. 7. Trip information, including hotel, contact information and if you plan to ha+e +isitors while away.

' 200( )oun

* PetSits+Co%

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

,ey $andlin - ree%ent

" have provided 2 Paws Up Pet Services with the followin key.s/ on date# 0000000000000000
(Please describe in detail, including the doors the keys will open)

9ain Keys: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <ackup Keys: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Alarm &ode to Acti+ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Alarm &ode to =eacti+ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

" further%ore a ree to and understand the followin conditions and ter%s#
/ (aws 8p (et 'er+ices agrees to place an identifying code on my keys. 9y keys will not be marked with my name, address, or pet>s names. 0hen not in use or prepared for use, my keys will be stored in a secure location by the pet sitter. 9y keys will be automatically retained by my pet sitter at the end of each ser+ice period. The pet sitter will place the key in a secured location until future ser+ice is re,uested. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices has permission to pro+ide my keys to any of its employees or independent contractors that will be pro+iding me with (et 'itting 'er+ice.

,ey &eturns
I understand that if I decide that if at any time I>d prefer to ha+e my key returned at the last +isit of my ser+ice, I will lea+e a note on the first day of ser+ice. This note will include the message ?(et 'itter - %ea+e Key on...@, the date and time of the last scheduled +isit, and instructions on how to secure my home while lea+ing the key. I understand that the pet sitter will not be able to access my house again after the pet sitter has left the key, including in the case of emergencies or delays in my return. Key return at the last +isit of ser+ice is free. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is willing to eAchange keys +ia drop off or pick up. 4ach personal key transfer is charged to the client at a rate of B-C. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is not willing to eAchange keys +ia mail. This re,uest %ust 1e confir%ed by my pet sitter, and a Si ned Copy %ust 1e left for the pet sitter. <y submitting this re,uest, I agree to all terms as stated on our website.

&lientD1wner 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Client Si nature# 0000000000000000000000000000000 2ate# 00000000000

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

3eterinary &elease
In the e+ent that any of my pets or large animals appears to ill, inEured, or at significant risk of eAperiencing a medical problem at the start of ser+ice or while in the care of / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices, I gi+e permission to / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices to seek +eterinary ser+ice from a +eterinarian or a +eterinary clinic. 9y preferred +eterinary ser+ices are listed on each indi+idual (et Information #orm. ;;;;;;;;1ther +eterinarians or emergency care clinics chosen by the pet sitter are acceptable. ;;;;;;;;1ther +eterinarians or emergency care clinics chosen by the pet sitter are 21T acceptable. I ask / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices to inform the attending clinic or +eterinarian of my re,uested total diagnosis and treatment limit of B;;;;;;;;;;;;; per pet D all pets "most common +alues are B/CC, B-CCC, or unlimited$. I understand that efforts will be made to contact me regarding any treatments, illness, inEury, or potential problems as soon as the condition is deemed not life threatening andDor contact is possible. I understand that / (aws (et 'er+ices care pro+iders work hard to pre+ent accidents and inEuries, and that such problems may occur no matter how well a pet is cared for. I agree to allow / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices care pro+iders to use their best Eudgment in handling these situations, and I understand that / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices and its staff assume no responsibility for the actions and decisions of the +eterinary staff, the health, or death of my pet"s$. I will assume full responsibility for the payment andDor reimbursement for any and all +eterinary ser+ices rendered, including but not limited to diagnosis, treatment, grooming, medical supplies, and boarding. 'uch payments will be made within -3 days of the initial incident. I also agree to be responsible for all 'pecial 'er+ice fees assessed by / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices for emergency transportation, care, super+ision, or hiring of emergency caregi+ers, and will pay such fees within -3 days of each incident. I further authoriFe / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices and my primary +eterinarian"s$ to share all of the medical records of all of my animals with +eterinary clinics in an emergency in the interest of pro+iding the best care for my ill or inEured animal"s$. 4+ery dog, cat, and horse at the site of ser+ice will be current "per my +eterinarians recommendations$ on its rabies +accinations prior to the arri+al of any caregi+er. I will also make arrangements to guarantee that each animal will remain current on its rabies +accinations throughout each ser+ice +isit period. I agree to notify / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices of any signs of inEury or possible illness before any +isit as soon as the condition appears. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices reser+es the right to cancel ser+ice at any location where a pet with a potentially infectious condition eAists. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices stri+es to pro+ide clean, safe ser+ice to each of our clients. In doing so, / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices strongly recommends that each pet and large animal be +accinated, dewormed, and protected from harmful insects according to +eterinarian recommended standards. This agreement is +alid from the date below and grants permission for future +eterinary care without the need for additional authoriFation each time / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices cares for one or more of my pets. I understand that this agreement applies to all of the pets and large animals within / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices care. In signing this contract, I agree that I ha+e the sole authority to make health, medical, and financial decisions regarding the animals that will be scheduled to recei+e ser+ice.

&lientD1wner 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

'ignature: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;;

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

G /CC* .oung, (et'its.&om

4e al Considerations
#or the purposes of this document, the terms &lient, 1wner, (et 1wner, and &ustomer are synonymous with the person contracting ser+ices for one or more domestic animals. A si ned Service &e5uest must be pro+ided to your sitter before ser+ice is pro+ided for any period. =eposit in full is due at time of reser+ation. &eservations are not held until payment in full is recei+ed by / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices or special arrangements are agreed upon by both parties in writing. A B/ per +isit late charge will be assessed to ser+ice that is not paid in ad+ance. There will be a 620 service char e for each returned check. 8npaid ser+ice may be canceled without notice, including prior to or during the ser+ice period. &ancellation &harge 'chedule effecti+e -/D-HD/C-* "I applies to entire ser+ice period total$: 0 7 48 hours prior to any ser+ice, andDor Holidays: (ayment in full is charged "no refunds$ 2 7 9 days prior to ser+ice: /CI of ser+ice total is due "e,uals an JCI refund$ 8 days prior to ser+ice or more: 2o charge, refund in full. !eser+ations are made to plan sitter a+ailability to clients. Therefore, clients returning home early will be re,uired to pay for the reser+ed amount of time scheduled including tra+el time. &lients will not ha+e to pay for scheduled 'pecial 'er+ices not preformed. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices are not responsible for wilted, dead or otherwise unhealthy plants. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices will work hard to follow your written directions as precisely as possible, but cannot be responsible if the results are not fa+orable. Please place all indoor plants together on a waterproof surface in plain sight, as your pet sitter is not responsible for water damaged areas or missed plants. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is not responsible for damage to the home beyond the control of the (et 'itter. This includes, but is not limited to leaks, electrical problems, and acts of nature. In these situations, the company will attempt to contact the customer and then the emergency contact before making a subEecti+e decision on dealing with the problem. All repairs and related fees "including 'pecial 'er+ice emergency ser+ice time and coordination fees$ will be paid by the client, or fully reimbursed to / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices within -3 days. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is not responsible for any damage to property of the client or others unless such damage is caused by the negligent act of the (et 'itter. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices agrees to remain fully insured through ('A or a comparable entity, including optional 'pecial (roperty 4ndorsement "protects against theft, breakage, etc as caused by an employee$ or bonding. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices accepts no responsibility for security of the premises or loss if other indi+iduals ha+e access to a client>s home, or if the home is not properly secured. All other indi+iduals that +isit the home will lea+e a log of their +isit. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is not liable for any loss or damage in the e+ent a burglary or other crime that should occur while under this contract. (et 1wner agrees to secure home prior to lea+ing the premises. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each +isit. 0hile keys are in the possession of a (et 'itter, they will be either on the 'itter>s physical person, or be properly stored an undisclosed location. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices subscribes to insurance co+erage through ('A for lost key lock replacements. (et 1wner must ha+e legal rights to place the animals in the care of (et 'itters, Kennels, and eterinary &linics. The (et 'itter cannot ser+ice a home with ? isiting@ pets or animals that do not belong to the resident of the ser+ice site without separate sets of agreement forms, including a %egal &onsiderations Agreement, accepted and signed by each rightful owner"s$. The terms of this document apply to all the pets owned by the client, including any and all new pets that the customer obtains on or after the date this document was signed, at any and all locations the owner designates for ser+ice. (et 1wner is responsible for pet-proofing house and yard, and the security fencesDgatesDlatches. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

will not be responsible for the safety of any pets and will not be liable for the inEury, disappearance, death, or fines of any pet with unsuper+ised access to the outdoors. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices is authoriFed to seek any emergency +eterinarian assistance needed during +isits, at the cost of the client, from any +eterinarian as chosen by the sitter. Howe+er, the company is not responsible for the healthDwell being of the animal. (et 1wner is responsible for supplying the necessary, safe e,uipmentDsupplies needed for care of their pet"s$, including but not limited to a sturdy, well-fit harness "halter, collar, etcK$ for walks or in case of emergencies, firmly affiAed +accination tags, a lead rope or leash, pooper-scoopers, litter boAes, food, cleaning supplies, medicines, pet food, and cat litter. (et 1wner authoriFes any purchases necessary for the satisfactory performance of duties. (et 1wner agrees to be responsible for the payment of such items, as well as ser+ice fees for obtaining items, and will reimburse / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices within -3 days for all purchases made. (et 1wner will be responsible for all medical eApenses and damages resulting from an inEury to a (et 'itter, or other persons, by the (et. &ustomer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices, in the e+ent of a claim by any person inEured by the (et. It is suggested that arrangements be made with someone to e+acuate your pets in case of a disaster or weather related e+entDcrisisD@&ode !ed@. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices will definitely try to see to your pets safetyDcare should such e+ents occur, but cannot guarantee it. #uture 'er+ices: I authoriFe this contract to be +alid appro+al for ser+ices so as to permit / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices to accept all future telephone, online, mail or email reser+ations and enter my home without additional signed contracts or written authoriFations. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices reser+es the right to terminate this contract at any if the (et 'itter, in hisDher sole discretion determines that 1wner>s pet poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people, or the (et 'itter. If concerns prohibit the (et 'itter from caring for the pet, the 1wner authoriFes the pet to be placed in a kennel "or pre+iously arranged locale$, with all charges "including but not limited to transportation, kenneling, tran,uiliFing, treating, accessing, and liability$ to be the responsibility of the 1wner. / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices agrees to pro+ide ser+ices stated in this agreement in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner. In consideration of the ser+ices as an eApress condition thereof, the client eApressly wai+es and relin,uishes any and all claims against the company and its employees, eAcept those arising from negligence. &laims of negligence that in+ol+e a hired Independent &ontractor, hired by / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices, will be the responsibility of the Independent &ontractor and the company they represent. All hired Independent &ontractors are re,uired to carry liability insurance with optional co+erage or bonding through a reputable company. &lient agrees to notify / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices of any concerns within /3 hours of return. This agreement is +alid from the date signed, and replaces any prior %egal &onsiderations agreements. &lient agrees to any future / (aws 8p (et 'er+ices term changes relayed verbally to the client, mailed or emailed in writing to the client, or posted on our website under the heading Terms . The owner states that heDshe has read this agreement in its entirety and fully understands and accepts its terms and conditions.

&lientD1wner 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

'ignature: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

G /CC* .oung, (et'its.&om

Pet "nfor%ation
(lease complete one (et Information =isclosure form per pet or litter. :wner# (et Type: <reed: 'eA: <irth date: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 =og D &at D Horse D ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 9aleD#emale ;;;;;;;;;;;; =eclawed: .D2 1r Age: ;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2eutered: .D 2 0eight: ;;;;;;;;;;;; 1r 'iFe: ;;;;;;;;;;;; Pet Na%e# 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

(hysical =escription "if similar to another animal in the house$: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;eedin "nstructions# L#eed apart from other petsDsuper+ise L=ispose of uneaten food L!emo+e food after ;;;; 9inutes <2ry
<rand: 9easure with: Amount: 0here to feed: <rand: 9easure with: Amount: 0here to feed: Amt: %ocation: Hide In Treat:



Amt: %ocation: Hide In Treat:

<=ater <Treats
2ame: Amt: %ocation:

Water will be cleaned and filled frequently

L9orning LAfternoon L=usk L2ight L9orning LAfternoon L=usk L2ight L9orning LAfternoon L=usk L2ight L9orning LAfternoon L=usk L2ight LTap L<ottled L#iltered





=ish %ocation: 0ater %ocation:

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

' 200( )oun

* PetSits+Co%

Pet?s 4ivin -rea# L21T allowed outdoors at all L12%. allowed outdoors on leash LTurn out, in+isible fenced yard with collar LTurn out, secure fence: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LTurn out, no fence, but doesn>t lea+e yard L21T allowed indoors @%er ency Care# LAllowed on furniture, counters, beds L!estrict pet areaDcrate only when pet is alone L!estrict pet areaDcrate at all times
!estricted AreaD&rate %ocation: 1ther off-limit areas:

*Placing Credit Card on file at vets office is recommended et 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &linic 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &linic Address: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (hone: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; accinations up to date on "monthDyr$: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (et Allergies: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Heartworm test: 2egati+e D (ositi+e

Pet >edical $istory# "ongoing or reoccurring known illnessesDinEuries, treatments & medications$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Te%pera%ent/Personality# 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Pet 2oesn?t 4ike# L<aths LToenail &lip L9assage LTouch 4ars L'prays

LHot =ays L!ain D 'now D &old L2ew Animals L1ther family pets L(eople near food dish

L'haring #ood =ishes L%oud 2oise D acuum D Marbage =isposal D Thunder LAll Humans L'trangers L1ther: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(et reacts to the abo+e by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

$as Pet @ver# LAttacked someoneDbit someone LAttacked another animal LInEured self Descaped out of fear LInEured self out of boredom L4scaped from home,
0here does heDshe like to escape toN How can heDshe be retrie+edN

=escribe "e+en if mild, or under eAtremeDunusual situations$

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Co%%ands# "(lease circle commands we know, and underline commands we are working on$:
'it 'tay 2o =own 1utside 0alk 9ake (oo #ood (otty 0ho>s Here <ad <oyDMirl Mood <oyDMirl <ath 9o+e In the House !ide

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2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

&ome Heal

%ay 1ut

=on>t (ull 0alk 2ice

Treat &ookie

<ack 2aughty

=rop OitP =on>t Touch

&ome-on 1ff

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Allowed to go for rides in sitter +ehicleN . D 2 #a+orite Mames, Toys, and Acti+ities: &omments:

9ay play with sitter>s personal pet"s$ for socialiFationN . D 2

$ow %ay we reach you while you are awayA (hone: 4mail:

Trip 2escription/$otel/Notes B 3isitors @Cpected

Tasks Take 1ut Trash 0alk =og #eed (ill D 'hots InEections (lants &lean %itter <oA

Special Notes B :ther Tasks

Pay%ent >ethod Pay 2ate

Special -lerts

L #%IMHT !I'K, =escribe: L 18T 12 %4A'H 12%. L 2o %eash 1utside L 0AT&H =8!I2M #44=I2M' L 'eparate =ishes L 21 T!4AT' L (ick 8p =ish after ;;;;;; 9inutes L HA' HI'T1!. 1# '4IQ8!4' L 1ther:
&lientD1wner 2ame: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

/(8(' &opy


2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

'ignature: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;;

G /CC* .oung, (et'its.&om

Service &e5uest
Client Na%e# 000000000000000000000000000 Pet.s/ Na%e#00000000000000000000000000000000

0000000000000000000000000000000000 4-9ail: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000

Service De ins# 00000000000000000 Ti%e# 000000000000000 Service @nds# 00000000000000000 Ti%e# 000000000000000

L =aily
2etails 9orning Afternoon =usk 2ight

L 4+ery 1ther =ay

Visit Time

< 0eekdays
Visit Type Rate R R R R # of Visits Total

S S S S 'ubtotal Additional &harges =iscounts Erand Total 2eposit 2ue This re,uest %ust 1e confir%ed by my pet sitter, and a Si ned Copy %ust 1e left for the pet sitter. <y submitting this re,uest, I agree to all terms as stated on our website .

&lient 2ame:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'ignature: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =ate: ;;;;;;;;;;;

/(8(' &opy


2 Paws Up Pet Services

Updated 01/01/14

G /CC* .oung, (et'its.&om

/(8(' &opy



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