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Classroom English

Key Ex pr essions
• Sorry, I was late today. Please check my attendance.
• I will be absent next week.
• Sorry, I don’t understand. / I don’t know the answer. / I don’t know.
• Please help me.

Key Questions
• May I go to the bathroom, please?
• Could you repeat that, please? / Could you say that again, please?
• Could you speak a little slower, please?
• Which page?
• What does _____ mean?
• What’s the answer to number ___?
• How do you spell that? / How do you spell ______ ?
• How do you pronounce this word?

Key Ex pr essions
• Please open your books to page ____.
• Please close your books.
• Find a partner. / Work with a partner. / Practice with a partner.
• Listen and repeat.
• Please raise your hand.
• Please make a full sentence.
• Just a minute, please.

Key Questions
• Can I have a volunteer, please?
• Do you have any questions?
• I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat?
• Can you speak louder, please?

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