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Dark field Microscopy

A dark field microscope is arranged so that the light source is blocked off, causing light to scatter as it hits the specimen. A dark field microscope can offer brilliant, light images against a dark background of otherwise difficult to view specimens. The entire field appears dark when there is no sample on the microscope stage; thus the name dark-field microscopy. When a sample is on the stage, the light at the apex of the cone strikes it. The rays scattered by the sample and captured in the objective lens thus make the image. In darkfield microscopy the condenser is designed to form a hollow cone of light. The entire field of view appears dark when there is no sample on the microscope stage. However, when a sample is placed on the stage it appears bright against a dark background.

Dark-field microscopy has many applications in microbiology. It allows the visualization of live bacteria, and distinguishes some structure (rods, curved rods, spirals, or cocci) and movement. It is also used in viewing blood cells , Bacteria, different types of algae , hairline metal fracture, diamonds and other precious stones, shrimp or other invertebrates . Dark field microscopy has recently been used in computer mouse pointing devices, in order to allow an optical mouse to work on transparent glass by imaging microscopic flaws and dust on its surface.

Dark-field microscopes are ideal for viewing objects that are unstained, transparent and absorb little or no light. It is also used to study marine organisms such as algae and plankton, diatoms, insects, fibers, hairs, yeast and protozoa as well as some minerals and crystals, thin polymers and some ceramics. It provide more accurate, higher contrasted images and can be used to observe a greater number of specimens.It is more useful in examining external details, such as outlines, edges, grain boundaries and surface defects than internal structure.

Dark field images are prone to degradation, distortion and inaccuracies. The preparation and quality of the slides can grossly affect the contrast and accuracy of a dark field image. Similarly, if you need to use oil or water on the condenser and/or slide, it is almost impossible to avoid all air bubbles. Dark field needs an intense amount of light to work.

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