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Wah Mong Weh Jabatan Matematik IPG KSAH

Test Statistic for One-Way ANOVA


variance between samples variance within samples

A excessively large F test statistic is evidence against equal population means. Thus, the null will be rejected.

The variance is calculated in two different ways and the ratio of the two values is formed.


MSB, Mean Square Between, the variance between samples, measures the differences related to the treatment given to each sample. 2. MSW Mean Square Within, the variance within samples, measures the differences related to entries within the same sample. The variance within samples is due to sampling error.

Example 1 (Equal sample sizes)

A researcher wishes to try three different techniques to lower the blood pressure of individuals diagnosed with high blood pressure. The subjects are randomly assigned to three groups; the first group takes medication, the second group exercises, and the third group follows a special diet. After four weeks, the reduction in each person's blood pressure is recorded. At =0.05, test the claim that there is no difference among the means. The data are shown

Medicati on

Exercis e

Diet 5
9 12 8 4

12 9 15 13
Sample means sample sd sample var

8 3 0 2

11.8 2.3874 5.7

3.8 3.193 10.2

7.6 3.209 10.3

The hypotheses H0: 1=2=3 H1: At least one mean is different from the others Find the critical value for F =0.05, df (2, 12) = 3.89

ns s

2 x 2 p

(i) Compute the variance of the sample means ie compute the variance of the three values: 11.8, 3.8, 7.6 with a calculator std dev = 4.00 var = 16 (ii) Compute the mean of the sample variances ie find the mean of the three values: 5.7, 10.2, 10.3 mean = 8.73 F = 5(16)/8.73 = 9.1638 = 9.16 (iii) Since 9.16 > 3.89, reject the null hypothesis There is enough evidence to support the claim that there is a difference among the means

Example 2
A PLUS employee wishes to see if there is a significant difference in the number of employees at the PLUS offices in three states. The data are shown. At =0.05, can it be concluded that there is a significant difference in the average number of employees at each state?

Kedah 7 14 32 19 10 11 mean std dev var 15.5 9.05 81.9

Penang 10 1 1 0 11 1 4 5.06 25.6

Perak 1 12 1 9 1 11 5.8 5.38 29.0


The hypotheses are

H0: 1=2=3 H1: At least one mean is different from the other

Find the critical value for F based on =0.05, df (2, 15) = 3.68
(i)Compute the variance of the sample means compute the variance of the three values: 15.5, 4.0, 5.8 with a calculator (ii)Compute the mean of the sample variances ie find the mean of the three values: 81.9, 25.6, 29.0


F = 6(38.32)/45.5 = = 5.05319 5.05

(iii) Since 5.05 > 3.68, reject the null hypothesis There is enough evidence to support the claim that there is a difference among the means


Example 1 (Equal sample sizes)

Medica tion 10 12 9 15 13 59 7.73 116 1162 Exercis e 6 8 3 0 2 19 Diet 5 9 12 8 4 38

Sample totals Grand mean = x = x2 =


The hypotheses are H0: 1=2=3 H1: At least one mean is different from the others Find the critical value for F =0.05, df (2, 12) 3.89 (i) Compute the total sum of squares SST (ii) Compute the between sum of squares SSB


Lets try solve example 2 with this method


Example 1 : Output Excel

Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Column 1 5 Column 2 5 Column 3 5 Sum 59 19 38 Average Variance 11.8 5.7 3.8 10.2 7.6 10.3

ANOVA Source of Variation SS Between Groups 160.13 Within Groups 104.80 Total 264.9333

df 2.00 12.00 14

MS 80.07 8.73

F 9.17

P-value 0.00

F crit 3.89


Sebanyak 15 orang telah diagih secara rawak kepada 3 kumpulan untuk menjalani satu kajian dengan 3 jenis kaedah pengajaran Matematik yang berbeza. Pada penghujung semester, ujian diberi kepada 15 pelajar itu. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan markah yang diperolehi oleh pelajar-pelajar dalam ketiga-tiga kumpulan itu.

50 70 50 65 90

KAEDAH B 85 55 70 90 70

KAEDAH C 95 75 70 85 70

N1 = 5
T1 = 325

N2 = 5
T2 = 370

N3 = 5
T3 = 395

(a) Jalan ujian ANOVA pada aras keertian 0.01 dengan (1) nyatakan hipotesis nol dan hipotesis alternatif yang berkaitan.


(ii) tentukan nilai kritikal bagi F

(iii) Kirakan nilai bagi ujian statistik

(b) Apakah keputusan ujian tersebut ?


Bahagian pentadbiran akademik Universiti Putra (UPM) berminat untuk mengkaji pencapaian akademik bagi tiga program Ijazah Sarjana Muda (BS). Data bagi purata mata gred terkumpul (PMGK) daripada program BS Pertanian, BS Ekonomi dan BS Ekologi telah dipungut dan direkod seperti dalam jadual dibawah.


BS Pertanian
2.3 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.5

BS Ekologi
2.5 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.6

BS Ekonomi
3.1 3.3 3.2 2.9 3.0

(a) Nyatakan hipotesis alternatif dan hipotesis nol.

(b) Lengkapkan jadual bagi ringkasan ANOVA


Punca Varians Antara Kumpulan Dalam kumpulan Jumlah

Darjah kebebasan (d,f) 2 12 14

Jumlah kuasa Dua (SS)

Varians (MS)

Gunakan = 0.05

( c) Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat oleh bahagian pentadbiran pada aras = 0.05 ?


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