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ELTM Course Material # 1 A. Media of Teaching Media is something which delivers or continues information between source and receiver.

It can be kinds of communications; printing, audio-visual, and tools. While, media of teaching are some tools which are used by a teacher to delivers the materials, to make the teaching process more effective and also prevent verbalism on students. B. The Function of Media By using media the information will be easier to deliver. Then, the receiver will understand more what the speaker talks about, because they can see, read or listen to it directly. Another function of media is to break the boundaries of place and time. For example someone is talking about France, then the receiver should not come to French to understand what the speaker talks about, but the media such as video or pictures will make the explanation becomes alive and understand easily. Media of teaching is also useful to break uncontrolled situation, because classrooms condition carries many unpredictable situations.Then, media can be used to support the presentation when the teachers explain something to the students. C. Types of Media There are six types of media of teaching such as text, audio, visuals, audio visual, manipulatives or realia, and people. 1. Text is alphanumeric character that may be displayed in any format; book, journal, magazines, poster, modules, handsout, worksheet, etc. 2. Audio includes anything we can hear; a persons voice, music, mechanical sounds, tape, disc, etc. 3. Visuals are pictures, poster, drawings on a whiteboard, photographs, graphic, map, diagram, cartoons, etc. 4. Audio visual is media that shows motion and has an audio/sound including DVDs, videotape, computer animation, etc. 5. Manipulative or realia are three dimensional and can be touched and handled by students such as specimen, artefact, souvenirs, toys, diorama, etc. 6. People may be teachers, students, or subject-matters experts

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