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I miss her

Kimberly. That’s my name. I’m a regular high school girl and I’m 17.
I have two best friends, Anne and GaGa. We’re best friends since 9th
grade. I’m so lucky that I have them. I’m more close to Anne than to
GaGa. Maybe because Anne was more silly than GaGa. I really hoped that
our friendship will last. Maybe I wasn’t so lucky.

At school, I’ve a crush on a guy named Keane. He sits behind me in

class. And I’ll get nervous every time he speaks in front of the class. I can
hardly breathe. I’ve a crush on him since 8th grade. Anne and Gaga knew
that. But I never try to speak with him. I just can’t. I can’t speak or even
breathe when he’s near me. I try to talk but I don’t want to look silly in
front of him. The sad part was when one day I knew that Keane have a
crush on Anne, my best friend.

That night, Anne came to my house just to make sure that I’m fine. “
I would never break your heart. You knew that. “, Anne said. “ I know. It’s
just that I can’t believe all this. He knew that I liked him but how come he
. . . “, I started to cry. “ He’s not the only one. You can get a better guy
than him. “, she told me. Thank God I have Anne. She knew how to handle
all these things. She’s been dating guys since 8th grade. It’s not surprising
because she’s very pretty and kind. Gaga, already have the love of her
life, Kevin.

A week later. I was busy to settle everything for my birthday party.

That evening, Anne came to my house with him, Keane. “ This is not like
what you think. “, she said. “ Never mind. It’s nothing. I’m so over him. “, I
replied. I gave her a smile and went to my room. I really wanted to scream
but I can’t. How could she do this to me? She said that she’ll never break
my heart. Now what the hell happened? Is she falling in love with him or

That night, I don’t even want to talk to Anne. Somehow her face was
just so annoying. The next day I didn’t go to school. Just lying in bed all
day long thinking what will happen to our friendship. How could she
betray me? I trusted her all my life and I would rather lose everything as
long as she’s fine. How could she do this to me? I didn’t eat hell a thing
since last night. I decided not to go to school for a few days. I told my
mother that I want to go to my village for a few days to relax. She totally
supported me. She knew that every time I have serious heart problems,
I’ll go to my village. There we can only see peaceful scenery. With all
those flowers, pond, small hut. I would never refuse to go there.

I stayed there with my aunt. One day, without even thinking about
anything that would happen, a girl came and sits next to me. Anne, she
came. “Why are you keep avoiding me? Don’t tell me that this is all about
that boy. “, she said. I stand up and said “
no. Nothing. Just leave me alone! “. She shouted “what are you doing?
Running away from me? For all these years we’ve been through. How
could a boy, ruin our friendship? What the hell are you doing? You can’t
just run away from me. You knew that. Stop acting like fool! Please! I need
my friend back. I need Kim. I really wanted to see her and hug her. And I
really need to tell her something”. I said “you want to hug her? Why don’t
you hug Keane? Kim’s no longer your friend. I never thought you could do
this to me. You knew that I like him damn much. Why on Earth you came
with him to my birthday party? It’s not a joke! Don’t you know you already
broke my heart? You promised that you’ll never hurt me. I guess, you tend
to break promises. I should never trust you all these years. I should trust
what people said about you! “.

She cried and went away. I don’t know. What have I done? She’s my
friend. My best friend. I’ve shouldn’t say that to her. I totally felt that I was
wrong. But this is all her fault. I’ve done nothing wrong. One day I go to
school, they told me that Anne moved to Australia with her mother. So, it’s
just me and Gaga. I miss her. I miss Anne. I would never laugh hard the
way I laugh when Anne’s here. Somehow she brought a part of me with
her. Two years later, I graduated and continued my studies in Australia. I
chose to stay there because I wanted to see her. And then one day, at the
market, I saw Anne’s mother. “Aunt Reese, how are you? Where’s Anne? “,
I asked. Aunt Reese smile and shed a tear and said “would you mind to
have dinner with me? There’s something I wanted to give you”. “I’d love
to”, I said with joy.

The house was big and lovely. Lots of flowers. My favourite flower,
Lilies. It’s her favourite too. We have dinner without Anne. I wondered
where she is. After dinner Aunt Reese gave me an envelope. “This is it.
Open it. Read it when you come home. It’s from her”, Aunt Reese told me.
I went home and quickly open the envelope. In the letter, it said “Hi there
Kimberly. First of all, I want you to know that I miss you. I hope you miss
me too. I know you’ll be wondering why I wrote this letter. When you read
this letter, I’m no longer here. I’m not here. Not anymore. Remember the
last day we see each other at your village? I wanted to tell you something.
I was sick. Brain tumour. Yes. I suffered from brain tumour. I really wanted
to tell you. It’s just that, I can’t. I really hope you can forgive me. I want
you to know too, that I came to the party with Keane because he wanted
to tell you that he likes you. I was surprised too when he told me that. He
just saying that he likes me because he wanted to know whether you
really like him or not. So, now you know. I forgive you. And I hope you can
forgive me too. Please. Kim, I know. You love me. And I love you too. See
me in heaven. P/s: I love you and forever you’re my best friend. Don’t
blame yourself. It’s not your fault. “

Suddenly, tears running down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve

totally done a big mistake. I went to see Aunt Reese and hug her.
“Remember dear. Don’t you ever blame yourself. She loves you. And
always do”, Aunt Reese gave me a smile. I miss Anne’s smile. I really do. I
hope I could tell her that I miss her smile. I couldn’t believe that she’s not
here anymore. She’s not with me. I miss her. All of a sudden, a guy came. I
could tell that I knew that guy. “Don’t you miss me? Hi Kimberly”. He
came closer to me. I can’t say anything. I can hardly breathe. Oh my God!
It’s him. “Why don’t you tell me? Why? ”, I started to cry. “I love you. I’ve
been searching for you. Kim, I want you to be my wife”. “I don’t know. I
love you too, but. Anne. She’s . . .”, I cried. “She would be happy if you’re
with me. You knew that too. Please. Don’t break my heart”, he said. “I
would never break your heart”, then I cried because it’s the same thing
Anne told me.

If I can go back to the past, I would never do such a thing. Maybe I

can still hang out with her until her last day. But, it’s okay. She’s already
gone. Life must go on. Now I have Keane, I will always remember her and
keep her in my heart forever.

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