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PRANVEER SINGH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHAUTI,KANPUR AI LAB QUIZ(EIT-752) NAME..................................... ROLLNO.................................. MA .MARKS!"# TIME!

2# MIN
1.What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving? A. Heuristic B. Critical C. Value based D. Anal tical !."n a rule#based s stem$ procedural domain %no&ledge is in the form of' A. production rules B. rule interpreters C. meta#rules D. control rules (.An A" techni)ue that allo&s computers to understand associations and relationships bet&een objects and events is called' A. heuristic processing B. cognitive science C. relative s mbolism D. pattern matching *. +one of the above ,.What is the name of the computer program that simulates the thought processes of human beings? A. Human logic B. *-pert reason C. *-pert s stem D. .ersonal information /.+atural language processing is divided into the t&o subfields of' A. s mbolic and numeric B. time and motion C. algorithmic and heuristic D. understanding and generation 0.Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include' A. colour and motion B. depth and te-ture C. height and &eight D. a and b

1. A.2. turing developed a techni)ue for determining &hether a computer could or could not demonstrate the artificial "ntelligence$$ .resentl $ this techni)ue is called A. 3uring 3est B. Algorithm C. Boolean Algebra D. 4ogarithm 5.3he area of A" that investigates methods of facilitating communication bet&een people and computers is' A. natural language processing B. s mbolic processing C. decision support D. robotics *. +one of the above 6."nput segments of A" programming contain7s8 A. sound B. smell C. touch D. sight and taste *. All of the above

19.Computers normall solve problem b brea%ing them do&n into a series of es#or#no decisions represented b 1s and 9s. What is the name of the logic that allo&s computers to assign numerical values that fail some&here bet&een 9 and 1? A. Human logic B. :u;; logic C. Boolean logic D. <perational logic

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