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Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski speaks to

the players after a scrimmage during

know that you will not tolerate dis-
USA Senior Mens National Team practice obedience.
If you don't take control, your
players are not going to take your
discipline seriously. ! don't mean
that you have to be a tyrant. Just let
them know what you expect of them,
namely their attention and effort, and
stay consistent.

Treat everyone on your team
equally. Team rules are meant for
everyone, not just some players. The
quickest way to cause dissention is to
let one player get away with some-
thing, and then punish another who
has done the same thing.
Even if the player is your child, he
or she must follow the same rules as
everyone else: We have no stars on
the team. Everyonereceivesthe
same treatment. Treat them all the
same, whether complimenting them

Ten Qualities of a or correcting them, and you will earn

the respect of all of them.

Successful Coach # 4 COMMITMENTS

When you decide to become a
By Steve Pavlovic, Basketball Coaches Coordinator coach, you are making a commitment
St. Cyril and Methodius Catholic School, Lemon, IL to a team. A team that is depending
on you and looking at you as its leader
and resident "expert" on the sport.

Don't let them down! Show that
hether coaching a pay attention to you and follow your you are committed to them by
child's youth instructions. For those who don't, always being at practice, being
team, a junior you must leave a reminder of the rea- enthusiastic, and showing concern
high school team, son they are there. for their development.
a high school team, or a college team, Always follow your own rules.
coaches require the same kind of # 2 DISCIPLINE When you tell the players to be at a
qualities to be successful. In addition to patience, you must practice or game at a certain time,
In my 22 years of coaching youth also maintain control of the team. make sure you are also there on time.
sports, I believe I can list the 10 quali- You don't want anyone goofing 1 always try to show up at least 20
ties that will assure success on both around and distracting the rest of the minutes early. Being on time is a
the coaching and playing levels. team. Sure, everyone wants to have practice that will be useful to every-
fun. But the main objective is to one throughout his or her lives. Show
# 1 PATIENCE leam how to play the sport. them that it is important to you, too.
The younger the players, the more For those who are misbehaving, If you are consistently late, your play-
patience you must have. You cannot you can add extra drills or talk with ers will begin thinking, "If coach isn't
expect everyone to latch on to the their parents about their behavior. on time, why should I be?" Show
skill being taught at the same time. You must take control of the situation that you are committed to the entire
Your challenge will be to get them to immediately—letting the players team by doing as you say.


# 5 LEAD BY EXAMPLE in tum helps them with their players. your best as a coach, and ignore any
Being on time is an excellent way Don't let your ego get in the way. misinformed comments from parents
to lead by example. But thea* are If you don't understand a skill, ask a or fans.
many others ways. You must realize veteran coach or refer to some other
that your kids art* watching your source for the answer. Always # 9 PERFORM THE SKILLS
every move. If they see you perform remember, you are there to help your OF THE SPORT
a questionable act, they may also players leam. Since you will be called upon to
think it is OK for them to do it. demonstrate drills to your players,
You must be mindful of this at all # 7 KEEP EVERYONE you must be able to do them. This
times, whether it's during a game or INVOLVED only makes sense. Take the time to
at a practice. You want your players Whether it's a practice or a game, work on it, whether it is in the gym,
to follow your attitude and demeanor. don't have anyone sitting on the side- on the field, or wherever. I've seen a
If you are going to constantly yell lines for an extended period of time. team lose confidence in their coach
at an official or referee during a game, Obviously, there will be times when because of this. Why would you lis-
your players will pick up on that. If you're working on things like an ten to a coach tell you about shooting,
you do it, it must be alright for them. offense, with just a set number of when he can't demonstrate it the
We as adults know that this isn't the players. That's fine. right way? Show your players the
case, yet we continually see coaches But you have to get everyone way you want something done, and
do it and then be followed by the involved at some point. When you earn their respect in the process.
players doing the same thing and fail to involve a person, you may not
complaining to the officials. only hurt that individual, but also # 1 0 HAVE A PRACTICE PLAN
That is not what you want your the team. Practice time is very important,
team to be doing. Remember to han- How does it hurt the team? Well, and there never seems to be enough
dle yourstif in an adult manner. You if that player doesn't know the of it. So make sure you don't waste
must always ask yourself, "Are my offense you are rurming because he any of it. Take the time to write up a
actions going to benefit my players?" hasn't been involved in a practice, plan before practice. Consult your
This includes the language that you how will he know it when he plays in assistants, too, so that they have input
use, how much yelling you do at the game? and know what will be going on dur-
practice and games, and how well Keeping everyone involved in drills ing practice. It will make for a much
you maintain your composure. and games will help everyone develop smoother practice, with much more
a sense of accomplishment no matter being accomplished.
# 6 BE WILLING TO LEARN what their skill level. Coaching is a big responsibility,
Never think that you know all but a very rewarding one. Take the
there is to know about a sport. Even # 8 BE THICK-SKINNEO time to follow this list and you'll do
after all the years I have coached, I One of the downsides of coaching just fine. The best part of coaching is
am still learning different tech- is being criticized. For a new coach, watching a player and team develop
niques, always trying to improve this can be devastating. 1 can remem- over the course of a season. Make it
myself as a coach. ber the first time I heard about a few interesting for the players; yet make
Many coaches assume that they parents questioning my strategy dur- sure they leam a lot too. Sports
know all there is to know, either ing a game. should be enjoyable for everyone! •
because they played the game in high I can tell you, it hurt my feelings.
school or have seen it on TV. Then it made me angry. But I sat
Don't get caught in this trap. down with a few veteran coaches, Steve Pavlovic is a youth basketball coach
Check out sports shows on TV, read and they set me straight. at SL Cyril and Methodius Catholic School
books at the library, or go to a book- All they did was ask one simple in Lemont, IL. He has coached for the past
store to increase your knowledge. question: "Are you doing what is in 22 years at all levels from 4th grade
If clinics are available, try to par- the best interest of your players, help- through 8th grade, and over the past six
ticipate in them. Take advantage of ing them develop?" If you are, then years he has also served as the basketball
the knowledge of veteran coaches. I don't worry about it when anyone coaches coordinator. He is also author of
help supervise basketball coaches in else disagrees! several self-published e-book series on
our sports program, and I try to pass That simple piece of advice has basketball skills. You can visit his site at
along tips to our newer coaches. This stayed with me all these years. So do


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