Case Study Land Use and Soil Erosion in Tikolod, Sabah, Malaysia

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PHASES Pre-study In!or$ation stage

Creative (hase

Eva uation (hase

Deve o($ent (hase Presentation (hase Post-study (hase

ACTIVITES INCLUDED In recent years there has been an increasing concern over soi erosion and the deterioration o! "ater #ua ity o! "ater #ua ity syste$ in %a aysia& The in!or$ants "ere se ected "ith the aid o! a young $an ti'o od vi age and re(resented a range o! age )!ar$ si*e and and use and ca$e river and ca$e both !ro$ the bo oti'on river and the ti'o od river "atershed& Event oggers "ere insta ed u(strea$ in the t"o "ater shie ds !or continuous $onitoring o! rain!a characteristics and sedi$ent concentration "as deter$ined an a nu$ber o! se ected "ater sa$( es& To e+( ore the re ationshi( bet"een and use and erosion and its o!!-site e!!ect) t"o hydro ogica gauging "ere estab ished river discharge !ro$ the bo oti'on river and ti'o od river "atershed to ,uston& -uture and use and in (articu ar the ength o! the !a o" (eriod are crucia in ter$s o! erosion and are re ated to and tenure& The (resent study sho"ed that a though soi erosion is a "e de!ined conce(t a$ong !a$ers in ti'o od &it not in'ed but entire y to rain !a & A shi!t to"ards $ore incentive agricu tures and a shortening o! !a o" (eriod "ou d re#uired the ada(tion o! conversation (ractices and or the use o! bu!!er *ones to (revent ess in soi (roductivity and deterioration o! "ater #ua ity due sedi$eny concentration&

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