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Books A Bend in the river A Brush with Life A Conceptual Encyclopaedia of Guru Granth Sahib A !

orei"n #olicy for $ndia A !ortune %eller %old &e A Gender Lens on Social #sycholo"y A General and )is Ar*y A )i*alayan Love Story A Last Leap South A Nation !lawed-Lesson fro* $ndian )istory A #eep into the #ast A #ossible $ndia A #sychoanalysis of the #rophets A .eveolutionary Life A Secular A"enda A Si*ple #ath A Suitable Boy A %ale of %wo Gardens A %ribute to #eople1s #rincess2 3iana A %ryst 4ith 3estiny Abbot Absalo*5 Absalo* Absalo* and Achitophel Acoession to E/tinction Across Borders5 !ifty-years of $ndia1s !orei"n #olicy Ada* Bede Adhe Adhure Adonis Adrain &ole-%he 4ilderness 6ears Adventures of )uc+leberry !inn Adventures of .obinson Crusoe Adventures of Sally Adventures of Sherloc+ )ol*es Adventures of %o* Sawyer Adversary in the )ouse Advice and Consent Aeneid Affairs Affluent Society Af"hanistan2 &ullah5 &ar/ and &ujahid Africa1s Challen"e to A*erica

Authors V.S. Naipaul Satish Gujral S.S. ohli $. . Gujral %i'iano %er'ani (udith A )oward and (ocelyn A.)ollander Geor"y Vladi*ov Na*ita Go+hale Vladi*ir ,hirinovs+y #.N. Chopra Vasant Navre+ar #artha Chatterjee Abdulla a*al La/*i Seh"al Arun Shourie Lucinda Vardey Vi+ra* Seth 0ctavio #a' #eter 3onelli Stanley 4olfer 4alter Scott 4illia* !aul+ner (ohn 3ryden 3... &an+e+ar (.N. 3i/it Geor"e Eliot &ohan .a+esh #.B. Shelley Sue %ownsend &ar+ %wain 3aniel 3efoe #.G. 4odehouse Sir Arthur Conan 3oyle &ar+ %wain lrvin" Stone Allen 3rury Vir"il C.#.Snow (. .Galbraith ..). &a"nus 7 Eden Naby Chester Bowles

After All %hese 6ears After the 3ar+ Ni"ht A"ainst the Grain A"e of .eason A"ni #ari+sha A"ni Veena A"ony and the Ecstasy Ain-i-A+bari Airport Ajatshatru A+barna*a Alas+a 8nbound Alche*ist Ale/ander 9uartet Ale/ander the Great Alice in 4onderland Alien Nation All for Love All is 4ell that Ends 4ell All 9uiet on the 4estern !ront All the in"1s &en All the #resident1s &en All thin"s Bri"ht and Beautiful All 8nder )eaven Alon" the .oad Altered States A*ar osh A*bassador1s (ournal A*bassador1s .eport A*elia A*erican Capitalis* An A*erican 3ile**a An A*erican %ra"edy An Apolo"y for $dlers An Autobio"raphy An Eye to China An idealist View of Life Anand*ath Anato*y of a !lawed inheritance Ancient Evenin"s Ancient &ariner And 9uiet !lows the 3on And %hrou"h the Loo+in" Glass

Susan $ssacs S.&. Ali Boris 6eltsin (ean #aul Sartre Acharya %ulsi a'i Na'rul $sla* $rvin" Stone Abul !a'al Arthur )ailey (ai Shan+ar #rasad Abul !a'al (a*es &ichener Ben (ohnson Lawrence 3urrel (ohn Gunther Lewis Carroll #eter Bri*elow (ohn 3ryden 4illia* Sha+espeare Erich &aria .e*ar:ue .obert #enn 4arren Carl Bernstein and Bob 4oodward (a*es )erroit #earl S.Buc+ Aldous )u/ley Anita Broo+ner A*ar Sin"h (. . Galbraith Chester Bowles )enry !ieldin" (. . Galbraith Gunnar &yrdal %heodore 3reiser .obert Louis Stevenson (awaharlal Nehru 3avid Selbourne 3r.S. .adha+rishnan Ban+i* Chandra Chatterjee (.N. 3i/it Nor*an &ailer Sa*uel %aylor Colerid"e &i+hali Sholo+hov Lewis Carroll

Androcles and the Lion An"ry Letters An"uish of 3eprived Ani*al !ar* Anna arenina Another Life Answer to )istory Antic )ay Antony and Cleopatra Ape and Essence Apple Cart Arabian Ni"hts Area of 3ar+ness Arion and the 3olphin Ar*s and the &an Around the 4orld in Ei"hty 3ays Arran"e*ent Arrival and 3eparture Arrow in the Blue Arrow of Good Arrows*ith Arthashastra As $ Lay 3yin" As 6ou Li+e $t Ascent of the Everest Ashtadhyayi Asia and 4estern 3o*inance Asian 3ra*a Aspects of the Novel Assassination of a #ri*e &inister Assi"n*ent Colo*bo Assi"n*ent $ndia Athenian Constitution Ato*s of )ope Au"ust ;<;= Au"ust Coup Author1s !arce Autobio"raphy of an 8n+nown $ndian Autu*n Leaves Avanti Sundari Babbit Baburna*a Baby and Child

Geor"e Bernard Shaw 4ille* 3oevenduin La+sh*idhar &ishra Geor"e 0rwell Count Leo %olstoy 3ere+ 4alcott &oha**ad .e'a #ahlavi Aldous )u/ley 4illia* Sha+espeare Aldous )u/ley Geor"e Bernad Shaw Sir .ichard Burton V.S. Naipaul Vi+ra* Seth Geor"e Bernard Shaw (ules verne Elia a'an Arthur oestler Arthur oestler (oseph Conrad Sinclair Lewis autilya 4illia* !aul+ner 4illia* Sha+espeare Sir (ohn )unt #anini .&. #ani++ar Gunnar &yrdal E.&. !orster S.Anandra* (.N. 3i/it Christopher %ho*as Aristotle &ohan Sundara .ajan Ale/ander Sol'henitsyn &i+hali S. Gorbachev )enry !ieldin" Nirad C. Chaudhuri 0.#ulla .eddi 3andin Sinclair Lewis Babur #enelope Leach

Bac+ to &ethuselah Bac+ward #lace Bandicoot .un Ban"-i-3ara Ban"la 3esh-%he 8nifinished .evolution Banyan %ree Beach Boy Beast and &an Beatin" the Street Be"innin" of the Be"innin" Beloved Ben )ur Bend in the Gan"es Ber*uda %rian"le Berry #atches Best and the Bri"htest Betrayal of #earl )arbour Between )ope and )istory Between )ope and )istory Between the Lines Bewildered $ndia-$dentity5 #luralis*5 3iscord Beyond Boundaries2 A &e*oire Beyond the )ori'on Beyond &odernisation5 Beyond Self Beyond #eace Bha"wat Gita Bharal Aur Europe Bharat Bharati Bharaitya #ara*para e &ool Swar Bi" !isher*an Bi" &oney Bill the Con:ueror Billy Bio"raphia Literaria Birds and Beasts Birth and 3eath of %he Sun Birth and Evolution of the soul Birth of Europe Bisarjan Bitter Sweet Blac+ Arrow Blac+ 3iaspora Blac+ )oles and Baby 8niverses

G.B. Shaw .uth #rawer (habwala &anohar &al"on+ar &oha**ad l:bal Lawrence Lifschult' )u"h %in+er Ardesher Va+il &urry &id"ley #eter Lynch Acharya .ajneesh %oni &orrison Lewis 4allace &anohar &al"on+ar Charles Berlit' 6ev"eny 6evtushen+o 3avid )alberstan (a*es .usbrid"er and Eric Nave Bill Clinton Bill Clinton uldip Nayar .asheedud-din han Swaraj #aul Eu"ene 01Neill Sisir u*ar Ghose .ichard Ni/on Veda Vyas Nir*al Ver*a &aithili Sharan Gupta Govind Chandra #ande Lloyd C. 3ou"las #.G. 4odehouse #.G. 4odehouse Albert !rench Sa*uel %aylor colerid"e &ar+ %wain Geor"e Ga*ow Annie Besant .obert5 S. Lope' ..N. %a"ore Noel Coward .obert Louis Stevenson .onald Se"al Stephen )aw+in"

Blac+ Sheep Blac+ %ulip Blea+ )ouse Blind A*bitions Blind Beauty Blind &en of )indoostan-indo-#a+ Nuclear 4ar Bliss was it in that 3awn Bloodline Blood Sport Blue Bird Bofors2 %he A*bassador1s Evidence Bone #eople Boo+ of the Sword Borders 7 Boundaries2 4o*en in $ndia1s #artition Born !ree Bostaan Bread5 Beauty and .evolution Brea+in" the Silence Brea+throu"h Bride for the Sahib and 0ther Stories Brid"e1s Boo+ of Beauty Brid"es of &adison Country Brif )istory of %i*e Brishbi++ha Britain1s %rue )istory Bro+en 4in"s Brothers ara*a'hov Bubble Buddha Charita* Bunch of 0ld Letters Bureaucra'y Butterfield > By God1s 3ecree By Love #ossessed By'antiu* Caesar and Cleopatra Call the Briefin" Cancer 4ard Canterbury %ales Canvass of Life Caravans Cardinal Castle

)onore de Bal'ac Ale/ander 3u*as Charles 3ic+ens (ohn 3ean Boris #asterna+ Gen. rishnaswa*y Sundarji &inoo &asani Sidney Sheldon (a*es Stewart &aurice &acterlin+ B.&. 0'a eri )ul*e Sir .ichard Burton .itu &enon 7 a*la Bhasin (oy Ada*son Shei+h Saadi hwaja Ah*ed Abbas Anees (un" Gen.&oshe 3ayan hushwant Sin"h &ul+ .aj Anand ..(. 4aller Stephen )aw+in" Ban+i* Chandra Chatterji #re* Bhatia Sarojini Naidu !yodor 3ostoevs+i &ul+ .aj Anand Ashva"hosha (awaharlal Nehru &. . aw (ohn 01)ara apil 3ev (a*es Gould Co''ens 4.B. 6eats G.B. Shaw &artin !it'water Ale+sandr Sol'henitsyn G.Chaucer Sheila Gujral (a*es A. &ichener )enry &. .obinson !ran' af+a

Catch-?? Catcher in the .ye Centennial Chance Chandali+a Che**een Cherry 0rchard Chida*bara Chi+aveera .ajendra Child 4ho Never Grew Childe )arold1s #il"ri*a"e Childhood Children of Gabelawi Children of the Sun China #assa"e China-#ast and #resent China1s 4ater"ate Chinese Betrayal Chitra Cho*a1s 3ru* Christabel Christ*as %ales Chronicle of a 3eath !oretold Chithirappaavai City of (oy City of Saints Class Cli*ate of %reason Cloc+wor+ 0ran"e Clown Coc+tail #arty Colonel Sun Co*edy of Errors Co**on Sense Co**unist &anifesto Confessions Confessions of a Lover Co*us Confessions of an $n:uirin" Spirit Confessions of an En"lish 0piu* Eater5 Confidential Cler+ Confrontation with #a+istan Con:uest of )appiness

(oseph )eller (.3. Salin"er (a*es &ichener (oseph Conrad .abindranath %a"ore %ha+a'hi Sivasan+ara #illai Anton Che+hov Su*itranandan #ant &asti Ven+atesh lyen"ar #earl S. Buc+ Geor"e Byron &a/i* Gor+y Na:uib &ahfou' &a/i* Gor+y (. . Galbraith #earl S. Buc+ Leo Goodstadt B.N. &ullic+ .abindranath %a"ore . Shivara* aranath Sa*uel %aylor Colerid"e Charles 3ic+ens Gabriel Garcia &ar:ue' #.V. A+ilanda* 3o*ini:ue Lapierre Sir .ichard Burton Erich Se"al Andrew Boyle Anthony Bur"ess )einrich Boll %.S. Eliot in"sley A*is 4illia* Sha+espeare %ho*as #aine arl &ar/ (.(..ousseau &ul+ .aj Anand (ohn &ilton S.%. Colerid"e %ho*as 3e 9uincy %.S. Eliot Gen. B.&. aul Bertrand .ussell

Con:uest of Self Conservationist Continent of Circle Coolie Count of &onte Cristo Coup Court 3ancer Coverly #apers Cranford Creation Crescent &oon Crescent 0ver ash*ir Cric+et on the )earth Cri*e and #unish*ent Crisis in $ndia Crisis into Chaos Critical &ass Criti:ue of #ure .eason Crossin" in .iver Crossin" the Sacred Line-4o*en1s Search for #olitical #ower Crossin" the %hreshold of )ope Crown and the Loincloth Crown of 4ild 0live Cry5 &y Beloved Country Cuc+old Culture and Anarchy Culture in the Vanity Ba" Curtain .aisers 3a*sel in 3istress 3ancin" with the 3evil 3an"erous #la:ce 3an"erous Su**er 3an"lin" &an 3aniel 3eronda 3ar+ .oo* 3ar+ 3ebts 3ar+ )o*e Co*in" 3ar+ Side of Ca*elot 3ar+ness at Noon 3as apital 3ash+u*ar Charita* 3au"hter of the East

&ahat*a Gandhi Nadine Gordi*er Nirad C.Chaudhuri &ul+ .aj Anand Ale/ander 3u*as (ohn 8pdi+e .abindranath %a"ore (oseph Addison &rs. Gas+ell Gore Vidal .abindranath %a"ore Anil &aheshwari Charles 3ic+ens !yodor 3ostoevs+y .onald Se"al E.&.S. Na*boodiripad 4illia* E. Burrows $**anuel ant Caryl #hillips Abhilasha 7 Sabina idwai #ope (ohn #aul $$ Cha*an Nahal (ohn .us+in Alan #atan iran Na"ar ar &atthew Arnold Nirad C. Chaudhuri . Natwar Sin"h #.G. 4odehouse .od Bar+er 3aniel #atric+ &oynihan E*est )e*in"way Saul Bellow Gero"e Eliot .. . Narayan aren )all Eric Lustbader Sey*our )ersh Arthur oestler arl &ar/ 3andi Bena'ir Bhutto

3avid Copperfield 3ay in Shadow 3ay of the (ac+al 3ays of Grace 3ays of his Grace 3ays of &y 6ers 3e #rofundis 3ean1s 3ece*ber 3eath and After 3eath Be Not #roud 3eath in the Castle 3eath in Venice 3eath of a City 3eath of a #atriot 3eath on the Nile 3eath of a #resident 3eath of a Sales*an 3eath-%he Supre*e !riend 3eath 8nder sail 3ebacle 3eca*eron 3ecline and !all of $ndira Gandhi 3ecline and !all of the .o*an E*pire 3ecline of the 4est 3e*ocracy &eans Bread and !reedo* 3e*ocracy .edee*ed 3escent of &an 3eserted Villa"e 3esperate .e*edies 3etective 3evadas 3har*ashastra 3ialo"ue with 3eath 3iana-)er %i*e Story in )er 0wn 4ords 3iana-#rincess of 4ales 2 A %ribute 3iana-%he Story So !ar 3iana-%he %rue Story 3iana Versus Charles 3ie Blendun" 3ile**a of 0ur %i*e 3iplo*acy 3iplo*acy and 3isillustion 3iplo*acy in #eace and 4ar

Charles 3ic+ens Nayantara Seh"al !rederic+ !orsyth Arthur Ashe 7 Arnold .a*persad Eyvind (ohnson ).#. Nanda 0scar 4ilde Saul Bellow Annie Besant (ohn Gunther #earl S. Buc+ %ho*as &ann A*rita #rita* ..E. )arrin"ton A"atha Christie 4illia* &anchester Arthur &iller a+asaheb alel+ar C.#. Snow E*ile ,ola Giovannie Boccaccio 3... &an+e+ar and a*ala &an+e+ar Edward Gibbon 01 Spen"ler #iloo &ody V. . Narsi*han Charles 3arwin 0liver Golds*ith %ho*as )ardy Arthur )ailey Sarat Chandra Chatterjee &anu Arthur oestler Andrew &artin %i* Graha* (ulia 3onelli Andrew &orton (a*es 4hita+er Elias Canetti )arold (oseph Las+i )enry issin"er Geor"e 8rbans (.N. aul

3isappearin" Acts 3iscovery of $ndia 3istant 3ru*s 3istant Nei"hbours 3ivine Co*edy 3ivine Life 3octor !austus 3octor1s 3ile**a 3r. (e+yll and &r. )yde 3r. ,hiva"o 3oll1s )ouse 3olly-%he Birth of a Clone 3on (uan 3on 9ui/ote 3on1t Lau"h-4e are #olice 3ouble Betrayal 3ouble )eli/ 3ouble %on"ue 3ouble %eeth 3ro"on1s Seed 3rea* in )awaii 3ra* of !air to &iddlin" 4o*en 3rea*s5 .oses and !ire 3run+ard 3ur"esh Nandini 3yna*ics of Social Chan"e Earth Earth in the Balance2 !or"in" a New Co**on #urpose Earth &other East of Eden East 4est East 4ind Econo*ic #lannin" of $ndia Econo*ics of #eace and Lau"hter Econo*ics of the %hird 4orld Education of #ublic &an Edwina and Nehru E"*ont Ei"ht Lives

%erry &c&illan (awaharlal Nehru &anohar &al"on+ar uldip Nayar A.3ante Swa*i Sivananda Christopher &arlowe G.B.Shaw .obert Louis Stevensan Boris #asterna+ lbsen (ina olata Geor"e Byron Cervantes Bishan Lal Vohra #aula .. Newbur" (.3. 4atson 4illia* Goldin" 8.B. Sinclair #earl S. Buc+ Bhabani Bhattacharya Sa*uel Bec+ett Eyvind (ohnson E*ile ,ola Ban+i* Chandra Chatterjee Chandra She+har E*ile ,ola Al Gore #upul (aya+ar B.N. &ullic+ Sal*an .ushdie #earl S. Buc+ Asho+ &ehta (ohn . Galbraith S. . .ay )ubert )u*phrey Catherine Cle*ent (.4. Von Goethe .aj*ohan Gandhi

Ele"y 4ritten in a Country Churchyard E*ile E*inent Churchillians E**a E*pire of the Soul2 So*e (ourneys in $ndia Ends and &eans End of a Beautiful Era End of an Era End of )istory and the Last &an End of the Chapter Ene*ies En"lish Au"ust Envoy to Nehru Erewhon Escape Eassay on Life Essays for #oor to the .ich Essays in Criticis* Essays 0n Gita Essays of Elia Estate Eternal )i*alayas Eternal $ndia Eternity Ethics Europa Eu"enie Grandet Everlastin" &an E/ecutioner1s Son" E/ile and the in"do* E/pandin" 8niverse Eye of the Stor* Eyeless in Ga'a !aces to Everest !acts are !acts !airie 9ueene

%ho*as Gray (.(. .ousseau Andrew .oberts (ane Austen #aul 4illia* .oberts Aldous )u/ley (oseph Brods+y C.S. #andit !rancis !u+uya*a (ohn !orsyte &a/i* Gor+y 8pa*anyu Chatterjee Escott .eid Sa*uel Butler (ohn !orsyte Sa*uel Butler (ohn enneth Galbraith &atthew Arnold Aurobindo Ghosh Charles La*b $ssac Bashevis Sin"er &ajor ).#.S.Ahluwalia $ndira Gandhi Anwar Shai+h Aristotle %i*e #ar+s )onore de Bal'ac G. . Chesterton Nor*an &ailer Albert Ca*us Arthur Stanley Eddin"ton #atric+ 4hite Aldous )u/ley &aj. ).#.S. Ahluwalia han Abdul 4ali han Ed*und Spencer

!aith 7 !ire2 A 4ay 4ithin !all of a Sparrow !a*ily &os+at !a*ily .eunion !a*ished .oad !ar !ro* the &addin" Crowd !ar #avilions !araway &usic !arewell to the %ru*pets !arewell to a Ghost !arewell to Ar*s !ar* )ouse !asana-i-A'ad !athers and Sons !aust !austus !idelio !iesta !ifth Colu*n !ifth )orse*an !inal 3ays !inal #assa"e !indin" a Voice-Asian 4o*en in Britain !ine Balance !ire Ne/t %i*e !ire 8nder the Snow2 %esti*ony of a %ibetan #risoner !irst Circle !la"s in the 3ust !la*es fro* the Ashes !lounder !ollywood !lashbac+ !ood5 Nutrition and #overty in $ndia !or the #resident1s Eyes 0nly !or 4ho* the Bell %olls !orbidden Sea !orsyte Sa"a

&adhu %andon Sali* Ali $ssac Bashevis Sin"er %.S.Eliot Ben 0+ri %ho*as )ardy &.&. aye Svetlana Allilueva (a*es &orris &anoj 3as Ernest )e*in"way Geor"e 0rwell .atan Nath Sar+ar lvan %ur"enev (.4. Von Goethe Chirstopher &arlow L.Beethoven Ernest )e*in"way Ernest )e*in"way Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lapierre Bob 4oodward and Carl Bernstein Caryl #hillips A*rit 4ilson .ohinton &istry (a*es Baldwin #alden Gyatso Ale/ander Sol'henitsyn 4illia* !aul+ner #.3. %andon Gunder Grass Bunny .euben V. ...V. .ao Christopher Andrew E*est )e*in"way %ara Ali Bai" (ohn Galsworthy

!ortynine 3ays !ran+lin1s %ale !raternity !ree &an1s 4orship !reedo* at &idni"ht !rench .evolution !reedo* Behind Bars !reedo* fro* !ear !rench Leave !riend !riends and !oes !riends5 Not &asters !ro* )ero to Eternity !ro* india to A*erica !ro* .aj to .ajiv !ro* .ajpath to Lo+path !ro'en Assets !ull &oon !uture of N#% Ga*bler Ganadevata Gandhi and Stalin Gardener Garric+ 6ear Gatherin" Stor* Geeta Govind Ghasira* otwal Ghosts in the &achine Girl in Blue Girl 0n the Boat Gita .ahasya Gitanjali Gladiators Gli*pses of $ndian 0cean Gli*pses of 4orld )istory Go 3own &oses

A*rita #rita* Geoffrey Chaucer (ohn !orsyte Bertrand .ussell Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lapierre %ho*as Carlyle Shei+h &ohd. Abdullah Aun" San Suu yi #.G. 4odehouse Sa*uel %ayelor Colerid"e Shei+h &ujibur .eh*an Ayub han (a*es (ones S.Chandrashe+har &ar+ %ully and ,aheer &asani Vijaya .aja Scindia #.G. 4odehouse #.G.4odehouse Savita #ande !yodor 3ostoevs+y %ara Shan+ar Bandopadhyaya Louis !isher .abindra Nath %a"ore &ar"aret 3rabble 4inston Churchill (aya 3ev Vijay %endul+ar Arthur oestler #.G. 4odehouse #.G. 4odehouse Bal Gan"adhar %ila+ .abindra Nath %a"ore Arthur oestler ,.A. 9uasi* (awaharlal Nehru 4illia* !aul+ner

Goa God and the Bible Godan Godfather Godrej2 A )undred 6ears Gold Bat Golden Borou"h Golden Gate Golden %hreshold Gone Away Gone with the 4ind Good Earth Goodbye5 &r Chips Gora Grace Notes Gra**ar of #olitics Grapes of 4rath Grapes and the 4ind Great Challen"e Great 3epression of ;<<@ Great Gatsby Great lllusion Great %ra"edy Grey E*inence Grub Street Guide Guide for the #erple/ed Gul-e-Na"h*a Gula" Archipela"o Gulistan Boston Gulliver1s %ravels Gul'ari Lal Nanda2 A #eep in the Service of the #eople Gurusa"ara* GypsyBpoe*C )a*let )ard %i*es

Asif Curri*bhoy &attew Arnold &unshi #re* Chand &ario #u'o B. . aranjia #.G. 4odehouse (a*es !ra'er Vi+ra* Seth Sarojini Naidu 3o* &oraes &ar"aret &itchell #earl S.Buc+ (a*es )ilton .abindra Nath %a"ore Bernard &ac Lavarto )arold (oseph Las+i (ohn Steinbec+ #ablo Neruda Louis !ischer .avi Batra !. Scott !it'"erald Nor*an An"ell ,.A. Bhutto Aldous )u/ley )enry !ieldin" .. . Narayan E.!. Schu*acher .a"hupati Sahai A!ira:1 Gora+hpuri Ale/ander Sol'henitsyn Shei+h Saadi (onathan Swift #ro*illa alhan 0.V. Vijayan #ush+in 4illia* Sha+espeare Charles 3ic+ens

)arsha Charita )a*sters )andful of 3ust )appy 3eath )arlot )i"h and Low )arvest )eart of 3ar+ness )eave* )as No !avourites )eat and 3ust )eavy 4eather )enderson the .ain in" )erita"e )ero of 0ur %i*es )eroes and )ero worship )enry Es*ond )eir Apparent )i"her than )ope )i*alayan Blunder )indu View of Life )istory of )indu Che*istry )itopadesh )indi Sahitya Aur Sa*vedna a Vi+as )ind Swaraj )indu Civilisation )induis* )is E/cellency )istory of the En"lish Spea+in" #eoples )o*e Co*in"s )onest %hief and 0ther Stories )ornet1s Nest )ot 4ater )ound of the Bas+ervillese )ouse for &r. Biswas )ouse of the 3ead )ouse of Spirits )ouse 3ivided

Bana Bhatt C.#. Snow Evelyn 4au"h Albert Ca*us )onore de Bal'ac &ajula #ad*anabhan (oseph Conrad Eric &aria .e*ar:ue .uth #rawer (habwala #.G. 4odehouse Saul Bellow Anthony 4est .ichard )ou"h %ho*as Carlyle %hac+eray 3r. aran Sin"h !ati*a &eer Bri" (.#. 3alvi 3r. S..adha+rishnan Sir.#.C. .ay .. .Narayan ..S. Chaturvedi &. .Gandhi (.&. Barrie Nirad C.Choudhury E*ile ,ola Sir 4inston Churchil C.#. Snow !yodor 3ostoevs+y #atricia Cornwell #.G. 4odehouse Sir Arthur Conan 3oyle V.S. Naipaul !yodor 3ostoevs+y $sabel Allende #earl S. Buc+

)ow Late $t 4as5 )ow Late )u*an !actor )u*an nowled"e )u*boldt1s Gift )u*our )unchbac+ of Notre 3a*e )un"ry Stones $ a* not an $sland $ 3are $ follow the &ahat*a $dylls of the in" $ &useD %herefore $ a* $diot $dols $f $ a* Assassinated $*perial 4o*an $*portance of Bein" Earnest $n Af"hanistan1s Shadow $n Confidence $n Evil )our $n Li"ht of $ndia $n .etrospect-%he %ra"edy and Lessons of Vietna* $n Search of Gandhi $n Search of $dentity $n the Afternoon of %i*e $n the Bluest Eye $n the Li"ht of the Blac+ Sun $n the Shadow of #ines $ndia ?@?@2 A Vision for the New &illenniu* $ndia-A 4ounded Civilisation $ndia discovered $ndia-!acin" the %wenty-!irst Century $ndia-!ro* Cur'on to Nehru and After $ndia-!ro* &idni"ht to the &illenniu* $ndia-$ndependence !estival B;<=E-;<<EC

(a*es el*an Graha* Greene Bertrand .ussell Saul Bellow Ben (ohnson Victor )u"o .abindra Nath %a"ore .A Abbas #ar*esh 3an"wal .&. &unshi %ennyson V.N.Narayanan !yodor 3ostoevs+y Sunil Gavas+ar ,.A. Bhutto #earl S. Buc+ 0scar 4ilde Sali" S. )arrison Anatolyu 3obrynin Gabriel Garcia &ar:ue' 0ctavio #a' .obert S. &cNa*ara .ichard Attenborou"h Anwar el-Sadat 3r..upert Snell %oni &orrison .ohit &anchanda &andeep .ai 3r. A.#.(. Abdul ala* 7 3r. 6.S. .ajan V.S. Naipaul (ohn eay Barbara Crossette 3ur"a 3ass Shashi %haroor .a"hu .ai

$ndia in %ransition $ndia is for Sale $ndia of 0ur 3rea*s $ndia .e*e*bered $ndia %oday $ndia 4e Left $ndian )o*e .ule $ndian #hilosophy $ndia1s China 4ar $ndia1s Culture the State the Arts 7 Beyond $ndia1s Econo*ic Crisis $ndia1s Econo*ic .efor*s and 3evelop*ent Essay1s for &an*ohan Sin"h $ndia1s .ise to #ower in the %wentieth Century 7 Beyond $ndian Ar*s Ba'aar $ndian &ansions $ndia Chan"es $ndia 3ivided $ndia 4ins !reedo* $ndian &usli*s $ndia5 the Critial 6ears $ndo-#a+istan Conflict $ndica $ndira Gandhi1s E*er"ence and Style $ndira1s $ndia $nferno $nner Circle $nnocence of !ather Brown $nside the CB$ $nside the %hird .eich $nsider $n &e*oria* $nside Asia $nside Europe $nside Africa $nsulted and the injured

#.of.(a"dish Bha"wati Chitra Subra*ania* &.V. a*ath #ercival 7 &ar"aret Spear .ajni #al*e 3utt )y*phry %revelyan &. . Gandhi 3r.S..adha+rishnan Neville &a/well B.#. Sin"h 3r. Bi*al (alan $.(.Ahluwalia 7 $.&.3. Little Sandy Gordon &aj-Gen5 #ratap Narain Sarah %iloston %aya ,in+in .ajendra #rasad &aulana Abul ala* A'ad #rof. &ohd.&ujeeb uldip Nayar .ussen Brines &e"asthenes Nayantara Seh"al S.Nihal Sin"h Ali"hieri 3ante (onathan !irst G. .Chesterton (o"inder Sin"h Albert Spencer #.V. Narasi*ha .ao %ennyson (ohn Gunther (ohn Gunther (ohn Gun ther !yodor 3ostoevs+y

$ntelli"ence Services $nterpreters $nti*acy $ntruder in the 3ust $nvisible &an $ron in the Soul $ronhand $s #aris Burnin" $sabella $sla*ic Bo*b $sland inthe Strea*s $t is Always #ossible $vanov $vanhoe (ac+ and (ac+le-#ortrait of an A*erican &arria"e (ai So*nath (a"uar S*ile (ajar5 Churashir &aa (ane Eyre (an+ijeevana* (awaharlal Nehru-A Co**unicator 7 3e*ocratic Leader (awaharlal Nehru5 .ebel and States*an (a'' (ean Christopher (esus .ediscovered (ewel (hoota Sach (obs for &illions (o+e (ud"e1s &iscellany (ulius Caesar (urassic #ar+ (un"le Boo+ (un"lee Girl ada*bari a*adhenu

3r. Bhashya* asturi 4ole Soyin+a (ean #aul Sartre 4illia* !aul+ner ).G. 4ells (ean #aul Sartre (.4. Von Goethe Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lapierre (ohn eats Stev 4eiss*an 7 )erbert rousney Ernest )e*in"way iran Bedi Anton Che+hov Sir 4alter Scott Chirstopher Anderson .&. &unshi Sal*an .ushdie &ahashweta 3evi Charlotte Bronte #rof. .ajendra &ishra A. . 3a*odran B... Nanda %oni &orrison .o*ain .olland &alcol* &u""erid"e 3anielle Steel 6ashpal V.V. Giri &ilan undra &. )idayatullah 4illia* Sha+espeare &ichael Crichton .udyard iplin" Ginu a*ani Bana Bhatt ubernath .ay

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Vatsyayan A*rita #rita* (ai Shan+ar #andit %o*oji &uto a*leshwar .aja .ao Vijay %endul+ar Ban+i* Chandra Chatterjee )ari (aisin"h &.(.A+bar Gen.Arjun .ay Ajit Bhattacharjee Victoria Shaffield %avleen Sin"h .a* Sharan (oshi &unshi #re* Chand %ha+a'hi Sivasan+ara #illai &ilan undera Sir 4alter Scott &ichael Shaara %.N. aul ..L. Stevenson .abindra Nath %a"ore Bharavi .udyard iplin" Sha+espeare ).G.4ells S.).Vatsyayan %asli*a Nasreen A*rita #rita* S.%. Colerid"e Ghalib alidas A. 3ante Albert Ca*us Sir 4alter Scott

Lady with the Lapdo" Lady Chatterly1s Lover Lajja Lal Bahadur Shastri Last Analysis Last Burden Last &aharaja Last 0rders Last 3ays of #o*peii Last #hase Last %hin"s Law5 Lawyers 7 (ud"es Laws Versus (ustice Leaders Leaves of Grass Lead indly Li"ht Le Contract Social B%he Social ContractC Les &iserables Le"acy of a 3ivided Nation Latter fro* #e+in" Letters !ro* the !ield Leviathan Liberty or 3eath Life and 3eath of &r. Bad*an Li"ht %hat !ailed Li+e 4ater for Chocolate Life 3ivine Life is Elsewhere Life of Sa*uel (ohnson Lines of !ate Lipi+a Livin" .oo* Lon" Shadow inside Stalin1s !a*ily Lon" 4al+ to !reedo* Loo+ Bac+ in An"er Lord (i*

Anton Che+hov 3.).Lawrence %asli*a Nasreen C.#. Srivastava Saul Bellow 8pa*anyu5 Chatterjee (ean Louis Nou 7 (ac:ues #ouchepadass Graha* Swift Edward Geor"e Lytton #yare Lal C.#. Snow )... Bhardwaj V... rishna lyer .ichard Ni/on 4alt 4hit*an Cardinal New*an (.(. .ousseau Victor )u"o #rof. &ushirul )asan #eral S. Buc+ &ar"aret &ead %ho*as )obbes #atric+ !rench (ohn Bunyan .udyard iplin" Laura Es:uivel Aurobindo Ghosh &ilan undera (a*es Boswell &ar+ haritonov .abindranath %a"ore Graha* Greene Svetlana Allilyuyeva Nelson &andela (ohn 0sborne (oseph Conrad

Lord of the !iles Lost Child Lost )onour Lost lllusion Lotus Eaters Love and Lon"in" in Bo*bay Love in A Blue %i*e Lolita Loneliness of the Lon" 3istance .unner Lon" 3ay1s (ourney into Ni"ht Love5 %ruth and A Little &alice Lycidas &acbeth &a"ic &ountain &ahabharata &alati &adhav &a"ic !ishbone &a"nificent &aharaja &ahat*a Gandhi &ajor Barbara &a+in" of a &idsu**er Ni"ht1s 3rea* &alavi+a"ni*itra &ain Street &an5 %he 8n+nown &an and Super*an &an for &oscow &an of #roperty &an5 Beast and Virtue &an eaters of u*aon &arria"e and &orals &ana"in" of the !uture &a*a &an for All Seasons &an of 3estiny &andarin &an+ind and &other Earth

4illia* Goldin" &ul+ .aj Anand (ohn 3ean )onore de Bal'ac A.%ennyson Vi+ra* Chandra )anif hureshi V.Nabo+ov Allan Sillitoe Eu"ene 01Neill hushwant Sin"h (ohn &ilton 4illia* Sha+espeare %ho*as &ann Vyasa Bhavabhuti Charles 3ic+ens .Natwar Sin"h Girija u*ar &athur Geor"e Bernard Shaw 3avid Selbourne alidas Sinclair Lewis Lewis Carroll G.B. Shaw G.Lynne (ohn Galsworthy Lui"i #irandello (i* Corbett Bertrand .ussell #eter5 !. 3ruc+er %erry &c&illan .obert Bolt Geor"e Bernard Shaw Si*on de Beauvoir Arnold %oynbee

&ansfield #ar+ &anviya Sans+riti e .achnat*a+ Aaya* &any 4orlds &asters &ati &atal &aurice &ayor of Casterbrid"e &e"hdoot &ein a*pf &e*oris of the Second 4orld 4ar &e*oris of a Bystander2 Life in 3iplo*acy &o*ories of )ope &en 4ho epl the Secrets &en 4ho illed Gandhi &eri .ehen &eri &an'il &iddle &arch &iddle Ground &idni"ht1s Children &idsu**er Ni"ht1s 3rea* &ill on the !loss &illion &utinies Now &irror of the Sea &iser &issed 0ppertunites2 $ndo-#a+ 4ar ;<FG &ista+en identity &oby 3ic+ &odern #ainters &other $ndia &od Classics &odern South Asia2 )istory5 Culture5 #olitical Econo*y &odernity &orality And %he &ahat*a &ondays on 3ar+ Ni"ht of &oon &oo+hajjiva anasu"alu &oon and Si/ #ence &oonli"ht Sonata &oonwal+

(ane Austen #rof. .a"huvansh .#.S. &enon C.#. Snow Gopinath &ohanty E.&. !orster %ho*as )ardy alidas Adolf )itler Churchill l:bal A+hund Charles de Gaulle %ho*as #owers &anohar &al"on+ar rishna #uri Geor"e Eliot &ar"aret 3rabble Sal*an .ushdie 4illia* Sha+espeare Geor"e Eliot V.S. Naipaul (oseph Conrad &oliere &aj-Gen5 La+sh*an Sin"h Nayantara Seh"al )er*an &elville (ohn .us+in atherine &ayo (oseph Conrad Su"ata Bose 7 Ayesha (alal &adhuri Santhana* Sondhi irin Narayan . Shivra* aranth 4. So*erset &au"ha* L.Beethoven &ichael (ac+son

&oor1s Last Si"h &other &ountbatten and $ndependent $ndia &ountbatten and the #artition of $ndia &rinalini &ritunjaya &rs. 3e 4inter &rs. Gandhi1s Second .ei"n &uch Ado About Nothin" &udra ra+shasa &urder in the Cathedral &u"hal &aharajas And %he &ahat*a &urder on the 0rient E/press &ur+y Business &urder of A'i' han &usli* Law and the Constitution &y 3ays &y Early Life &y E/peri*ent 4ith %ruth &y Life and %i*es &y 0wn Boswell &y !ather5 3en" Hiaopin" &y $ndia &y &usic5 &y Love &y #residential 6ears &y %ruth &ysterious 8niverse &y Several 4orlds &y Son1s !ather &y South Bloc+ 6ears &y Stru""les &yths of sisyphus &y #rison 3iary Naari Nana Na"anandan

Sal*an .ushdie &a/i* Gor+y Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lapierre Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lapierre Ban+i* Chandra Charrerjee Shivaji Sawant Susah )ill Arun Shourie Sha+espeare Visha+hadatta %.S. Eliot ...N. Swa*i A"atha Christie )onore de Bal'ac ,ulfi+ar Ghose A.&. Bhattacharjea .. . Narayan &. . Gandhi &. . Gandhi V.V.Giri &.)idayatullah Hiao .on" S. Nihal Sin"h .avi Shan+ar .a*aswa*y Ven+atara*an $ndira Gandhi (a*es (eans #earl S. Buc+ 3o* &oraes (.N. 3i/it E. . Nayanar Albert Ca*us (.# Narayan )u*ayun A'ad E*ile ,ola )arsha Vardhana

Na+u %hanthi Nai 3uniya o Sala* 7 #athor i 3ewar Naivedya* B%he 0fferin"C Na+ed Ca*e the Stran"er Nac+ed !ace Na+ed %rian"le Napoleon of Nottin" )ill Nature and the Lan"ua"e #olitics of $ndia Nehru !a*ily and Si+hs Nelson &andela2 A Bio"raphy Netaji-3ead or Alive Never At )o*e New 3i*ensions of #eace New 3i*ensions of $ndia1s !orei"n #olicy Nice Guys !inish Second Nicholas Nic+elby Ni"ht &ana"er Nile Basin Nine 3ays 4onder Nisheeth Niti-Sata+a Nineteen Ei"hty-!our ;<<<-Victory 4ithout 4ar Nirbashita Narir abita Non-Violence in #eace and 4ar North Northan"er Abbey Nothin" Li+e %he Sun No !ull stops in $ndia Nuclear $ndia Nurturin" 3evelop*ent Nursery Alice 01(erusale* 0ccasion for Lovin" 0dessa !ile 0da++u'al

3... Bendre Ali Sardar (afri N. Bala*ani A**a #enelope Ashe Sydney Sheldon Balwant Gar"i G. . Chesterton .obert 3. in" )arbans Sin"h &artin &eredith Sa*ar Guha 3o* &oraes Chester Bowles Atal Behari Vajpayee B. . Nehru Charles 3ic+ens (ohn le Carre Sir .ichard Burton (ohn &ansfield 8*a Shan+ar (oshi Bhartrihari Geor"e 0rwell .ichard Ni/on %asli*a Nasreen &. . Gandhi Sea*us )eanev (ane Austen Anthony Bur"ess &ar+ %ully G.G. &irchandani and #. .S. Na*boodari $s*ail Sera"eldin Lewis Carroll Larry Collins and 3o*ini:ue Lepierre Nadine Gordi*er !rederic+ !orsyth G.Shan+ara urup

0dyssey 0f )u*an Bonda"e 0h5 Le Beau/ (ours 0ld Curiosity Shop 0ld Goriot 0ld &an and the Sea 0ld #ath2 white Clouds 0liver1s Story 0liver %wist 0liver %wist 0*eros 0n )istory 0ne 3ay in the Life of lvan 3enisovich 0ne-eyed 8ncle 0ne 4orld to Share 0ne the %hreshold of )ope 0ne )undred 6ears of Solitude 0ne 8p*anship 0ne 4orld and $ndia 0ne 4orld 0nly 0ne 6ear 0peration Bluestar-the %rue Story 0peration Shyloc+ 0ri"in of Species 0ru 3esathinte atha 0ther Side of &idni"ht 0thello 0ur !il*s5 %heir !il*s 0ur $ndia 0ut of 3ust #addy Clar+e )a5 )a5 )a #ad*avati #ainted Veil #ainter of Si"ns #air of Blue Eyes #a+istan in the ?@th Century #olitical )istory

)o*er 4.So*erset &au"ha* Sa*uel Bec+ett Charles 3ic+ens )onore de Bal'ac Ernest )e*in"way %hich Nht )anh Erich Se"al Erich Se"al Charles 3ic+ens 3ere+ 4alcott Eric )obswan Ale+sandr Sol'henitsyn La/*i+ant &ahapatra Sridath .a*phal #ope john #aul Gabriel Garcia &ar:ue' Stephen #otter Arnold %oynbee 4endell 4il+ie Svetlana Lt-Gen. .S. Brar #hilip .oth Charles 3arwin S. . #otte+att Sydney Sheldon Sha+espeare Satyajit .ay &inoo &asani !.3. ara+a .eddy 3oyle &ali+ &oha**ed (ayasi 4. So*erset &au"ha* .. . Narayan %ho*as )ardy Lawrence ,irin"

#a+istan Crisis #a+istan #apers #a+istan-%he Gatherin" Stor* #ancha"ra* #anchtantra #aradise Lost #a+istan Cut to Si'e #aradiso #aradise .e"ained #assa"e to En"land #assa"e to $ndia #ast and #resent #ast !orward #ather #anchali #ath to #ower #atriot #avilion of 4o*en #eculiar &usic #eter #an #ersonal of 3e*ocracy #ersonal Adventure #ersuasion #ic+wic+ #apers #il"ri*1s #ro"ress #illow #roble*s and the %an"led %ale #injar #la"ue #lans for 3eparture #leadin" Guilty #oison Belt #olitics #ortrait of $ndia #ossessed #ost 0ffice #ower and Glory #ower of &ove*ent in #lants

3avid Losha+ &ani Shan+ar Aiyer Bena'ir Bhutto %arashan+ar Bandopadhyaya Vishnu Shar*a (ohn &ilton 3... &an+e+ar Ali"hieri 3ante (ohn &ilton Nirad C. Chaudhuri E.&. !orster %ho*as Carlyle G... Narayanan Bibhuti Bhushan Bandyopadhyaya &ar"aret %hatcher #earl S. Buc+ #earl S. Buc+ E*ily Bronte (.&. Barrie #.C. Ale/ander %heodore ). 4hite (ane Austen Charles 3ic+ens (ohn Bunyan Lewis Carroll A*rita #rita* Albert Ca*us Nayantara Seh"al Scott %urow Sir Arthur Conan 3oyle Aristotle Ved &ehta Albert Ca*us .abindranath %a"ore Graha* Greene Charles 3arwin

#ower %hat Be #ratha*a #ratishruti #re* #achisi #relude #re*onitions #reparin" for the %wentieth Century #rice of #artition #rice of #ower- issin"er in the Ni/on 4hite )ouse #rincess in Love #rison and Chocolate Ca+e #rison 3iary #risoner of ,enda #risoner1s Scrapboo+ #ri*ary Colors #rince #rithviraj .aso #ride and #rejudice #rincipia #rofessor #rofiles 7 Letters #ro*ises to eep #unjab5 %he ni"hts of !alsehood #ur"atory #yra*ids of Sacrifice #y"*ation 9uarantene 9uest for Conscience . 3ocu*ents .abbit5 .un .adharani .a"e of An"els .a"ti*e .a"huva*sa .ajtaran"ini .a* Charit &anas .a*ayana

3avid )alberstan Ashapurna 3evi #re* Chand 4illia* 4ordsworth #.N. )a+sar #aul ennedy .afi: ,a+aria Sey*our &. )ersh Ann #asterna+ Nayantara Seh"al (ayapra+ash Narayan Anthony )ope L. . Advani Anony*ous &achiavelli Chand Bardai (ane Austen $saac Newton Charlotte Bronte . Natwar Sin"h Chester Bowles .#.S. Gill Ali"hieri 3ante #eter L.Ber"er G.B. Shaw (i* Crass &adhu 3andavate $rvin" 4allace (ohn 8pdi+e Ban+i* Chandra Chatterjee Sydney Sheldon E.L. 3octorow alidas alhana %ulsidas &aharishi Val*i+i Bin Sans+ritC

.a*ayana 3harshana* .an"bhoo*i .ains Ca*e .ain in" .ainbow .aj 2 %he &a+in" 7 8n*a+in" of British $ndia .an"-e-Shairi .ape of the Loc+ .ape of Nan+in"2 An undeniable )istory of #hoto"raphs .ape of Ban"ladesh .are Gli*pses of the .aj .atnavali .avi #aar BAcross the .aviC .a'or1s Ed"e .ebel .ebirth .ed and Blac+ .ed Star 0ver China .ed 4heel .ediscoverin" Gandhi .eflections on the !rence .evolution .ed Bad"e of Coura"e .e*e*berin" Babylon .e*iniscences .e*iniscences .e*iniscences of the Nehru A"e .ende'vous with .a*a .eprieve .epublic .escue .esurrection .eturn of the Aryans .eturn of the Native .eturnin" to the Source .evenue Sta*p .ich Li+e 8s

.V. #uttappa #re* Chand Louis Bro*efield Saul Bellow #earl S. Buc+ Lawrence (a*es .a"hupati Sahai A!ira:1 Gora+hpuri Ale/ander #ope Shi 6oun" Anthony &ascarenhas #ran Nevile )arsha Vardhan Gul'ar So*erset &au"ha* Albert Ca*us Leonid Bre'hnev Stendhal Ed"ar Snow Ale/ander Sol'henitsyn 6o"esh Chadha Ed*und Bur+e Stephen Crane 3avid &alouf %ho*as Carlyle %ho*as Carlyle &.0. &athai Arthur C. Clar+ (ean #aul Sartre #lato (oseph Conrad Leo %olstoy Bha"wan S. Gidwani %ho*as )ardy Acharya .ajneesh A*rita #rita* Nayantara Seh"al

.idin" the Stor* .i"hts the &an .ise and !all of the Great #owers .itu a #ehla #hool .itu Sa*hara .ivals .iver Sutra .oad to !olly .oad to !reedo* .obe .obinson Crusoe .o*eo and (uliet .oo* at the %op .ubaiyat-i-0*ar hayya* .u+h %e .ishi Sader-i-.iyasat Sardar #atel and $ndian &usli*s Sa+hara* Binder Sa+et Satyartha #ra+ash S*aler1s #lanet Sanctuary Sands of %i*e Santa Evita Satanic Verses Savitri Scarlet Letter Scarlet #i*pernel Scenes fro* a 4riter1s Life Sceptred !lute Schindlr1s List Scholar E/traordinary School for Scandal Scope of )appiness Search for )o*e Second 4orld 4ar

)arold &ac&illan %ho*as #aina #aul ennedy Vijendra alidas ..B. Sheridan Gita &ehta Leslie !ord . . hullar Lloyd C. 3ou"las 3aniel 3efoe 4illia* Sha+espeare (ohn Braine .oots Edward !it'"erald )arbhajan Sin"h aran Sin"h .afi: ,a+aria Vijay %endul+ar &aithili Sharan Gupta Swa*i 3ayanand Saul Bellow 4illia* !aul+ner Sidney Sheldon %o*as Eloy*artine' Sal*an .ushdie Aurobindo Ghosh Nathaniel )awthorne Baroness 0rc'y .us+in Bond Sarojini Naidu %ho*as eneally Nirad C. Chaudhuri ..B. Sheridan Vijayala+sh*i #andit Sasthi Brata 4inston Churchill

Secret A"ent Sense of %i*e Sesa*e and Lilies Seven La*ps of Architecture Seven Su**ers %ale of a %ub %ale of %wo Cities %ales fro* Sha+espeare %ales of Sherloc+ )ol*es %alis*an %a*as %ar Baby %ar+ash %ar'an of the Apes %ehri:-e-&ujahideen %e*ple %i"er %ess of 318rbervilles %han+ 6ou5 (eeves %he A"e of E/tre*es %he Assassination %he A"enda-$ndide the Clinton 4hite )ouse %he A"ony and Ecstasy %he Best and the Bri"htest %he Beach %ree %he Betrayal of East #a+istan %he Calcutta Chro*oso*e %he Career 7 Le"end of Vasco de Ga*a %he Co**it*ents %he Cardinal %he Chan"in" 4orld of E/ecutive %he Chinese Betrayal %he Con"ress Splits %he 3ar+ Side of Ca*elot %he 3efeat or 3istant 3ru*beats %he 3iplo*atic Ba" 8"ly 3uc+lin"

(oseph Conrad S.). Vatsyayan (ohn .us+in (ohn .us+in &ul+ .aj Anand (onathan Swift Charles 3ic+ens Charles La*b Sir Arthur Conan 3oyle Sir 4alter Scott Bhisha* Sahni %oni &orrison (aved A+htar Ed"ar .ice Burrou"hs 3r. Sadi: )ussain (i* Corbett %ho*as )ardy #.G. 4odehouse Eric )olsbaw* . &ohandas Bob 4oodward $rvin" Stone 3avid &albersta* #earl S. Buc+ Lt. Gen. A.A. . Nia'i A*itav Ghosh Sanjay Subra*anya* .oddy 3oyle )enry &orton .obinson #eter 3ruc+er B.N. &ullic+ ..#. .ao Sey*ore )ersh Bhas+ar .oy (ohn 8re ).C. Anderson

8lysses 8ncle %o*1s Cabin 8nconsoled 8nder 4estern Eye 8nhappy $ndia 8niverse Around 8s 8ntil 3ar+ness 8touchable 8pturned Soil 8rvashi 8ttar .a*charita 8topia 8nto %his Last 8ntold Story Valley of 3olls Vanity !air Vendor of Sweets Venisa*hara Very 0ld Bones Victi* Victory Video Ni"hts in ath*andu View fro* 3elhi View fro* the 8N Vi+ra* and the Va*pire Villa"e by the Sea Villa"e Vinay #atri+a Viran"ana Vir"inians Vish Vri+sha Voice of Conscience Voice of !reedo* Voice of the Voiceless 4aitin" for Godot 4aitin" for the &ahat*a

(a*es (oyce &rs.)ariet Stowe a'uo $shi"uro (oseph Conrad Lala Lajpat .ai (a*es (eans #arvin Ghaffari &ul+ .aj Anand &i+hail Sholo+ov .a*dhari Sin"h A3in+ar1 Bhava Bhuti %ho*as &ore (ohn .us+in Gen.B.&. aul (ac:ueline Susanne %hac+eray .. .Narayan Narayana Bhatt 4illia* ennedy Saul Bellow (oseph Conrad #ico Lyer Chester Bowles 8 %hant Sir .ichard Burton Anita 3esai &ul+ .aj Anand %ulsidas &aithili Sharan Gupta 4illia* %hac+eray Ban+i* Chandra Chatterjee V.V. Giri Nayantara Seh"al .utsh )arrin" Sa*uel Bec+et .. . Narayan

4aitin" to E/hale 4a+e up $ndia 4alls of Glass 4ar and #eace 4ar and No #eace 0ver ash*ir 4ar &inus the Shootin" 4ar of $ndian $ndependence 4ar of the 4orlds 4aste Land 4ay of the 4orld 4e5 $ndians 4e5 the #eople 4ealth of Nations 4ee+ with Gandhi 4est 4ind 4estward )o 4here the Grass is Greener 4hile En"land Sleeps 4hispers of the 3esert 4hite )ouse 6ears 4idenin" 3ivide 4ild Ass1s S+in 4in"s of fire5 an Autobio"raphy 4inston Churchill 4itness to )istory 4ithout !ear or !avour 4itness to an Era 4o*an1s Life 4o*en and &en in &y Life 4onder %hat 4as $ndia 4orld Accordin" to Garp 4orld 4ithin 4ords 4orthy it is 4orshippin" !alse Gods 4rec+ 4utherin" )ei"hts

%erry &c&illan Annie Besant .A. Abbas %olstoy &aroof .a'a &i+e &ar:uesee Vir Savar+ar ).G.4ells %.S. Eliot 4illia* Con"reve hushwant Sin"h N.A. #al+hivala Ada* S*ith Louis !ischer #earl S. Buc+ Charles in"sley 3avid &. S*ith 3avid Leavitt !ati*a Bhutto )enry issin"er .afi: ,a+aria )onore de Bal'ac 3r. A.#.(. Abdul ala* 7 A. %iwari Clive #ontin" #re* Bhatia Neela* Sanjiva .eddy !ran+ &oraes Guy de &aupassant hushwant Sin"h A.L. Basha* (ohn $rvin" Stephen Spender 0dysseus Elytis Arun Shourie .abindra Nath %a"ore E*ily Bronte

6ajnaseni 6a*a 6ashodhara 6ayati 6ear of the 8pheaval 6ear of the Vulture 6ears of #il"ri*a"e 6esterday and %oday ,ool2 %he !inal 0dyssey ,hiva"o53r. ,lata1s 3iary-A Child1s ,ulfi5 &y !riend ,ulfi+ar Ali Bhutto 7 #a+istan

3r. #ratibha .oy &ahadevi Ver*a &aithili Sharan Gupta V.S. hande+ar )enry issin"er A*ita &ali+ 3r..aja .a*anna .#.S. &enon Arthur C. Clar+e Boris #asterna+ ,lata !ilipovic Life in Sarajero #iloo &ody .afi .a'a

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