Cummings Emails Series

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From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2 !! 2:!

" #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: and is )a*man still liable +or t'e !.25 i+ Cummings settled, - t'in. not//rig't,

Dear %ori, - +ound t'e 0a0er1or. o+ 1'en 1e recei2ed our settlement c'ec. +rom 3erman 4 Simmons. 5'e co0y o+ t'e c'ec. only s'o1s our net settlement o+ 672, 968. 7. 5'e gross amount 1as 6!5 , . , and - 'a2e t'e brea.do1n o+ 'o1 it 1as allocated. )'en 1e 0ic.ed u0 t'e c'ec. in t'eir %e1iston o++ice, 9ttorney Silin 1as not :a2ailable:, 'is secretary met us in t'e 1aiting area and 1e bot' 'ad to sign +or t'e +unds. )e did sign a release at t'at time and - 'a2e a co0y o+ t'ose documents. ;not sure 1'at e*actly t'at release 1as +or, -.e. <ust +or t'e c'ec. or ot'er reasons=. )e ne2er sa1 t'e c'ec. t'at 1as issued to 3erman 4 Simmons, su00osedly +rom )est0ort -nsurance Co. -s it 0ossible t'at t'e original c'ec. t'at 1ent to 3erman 4 Simmons 1as a substantially larger amount, >ood ?uestion, rig't, @ne 0alm greases t'e ot'er, so to s0ea.. - 'a2e a call into my +riend, t'e attorney, and 'o0e+ully 'e 1ill call me bac.. - need to .no1 1'at my rig'ts are to obtain t'ose 2 bo*es o+ material t'at 1ent to SilinAs o++ice, 1'ic' includes t'at letter +rom $ic'ael )a*man t'at told us to sue 'im +or mal0ractice. - do not 'a2e t'at letter in my 0ossession no1. @n a con+idential note, my +riendAs name is (ic.y %. 3runette, maybe your la1yer +riend .no1s 'im. - t'in. 'eAs an u0standing guy, but - only .no1 'im on a +riend to +riend basis. &e did re0resent me in an auto accident claim bac. in t'e B As. 9t t'at time, - signed t'e c'ec. t'at 'e got +rom t'e 1omenAs insurance com0any t'at rear/ended me, 1'ic' 1as made out to (ic.yAs +irm and mysel+. 9+ter signing, 'e t'en issued me a c'ec. a+ter 'is +ee, but - at least got a co0y o+ t'e original c'ec.. )'y not +rom Silin, (eally me ?uestion SilinAs 0ractices no1. %et me .no1 1'at you t'in.. $aybe your +riend also 1ould 'a2e some in0ut, and - 1ill let you .no1 i+ - 'ear anyt'ing +rom my +riend. >od S0eed and .ee0 0lugging along, %ori. Cou 'a2e +riends 1'o are 0raying +or youD Debbi and Jim Cummings
From: %ori &andra'an Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2 !! !!:8B 9$ To: < Subject: E): and is )a*man still liable +or t'e !.25 i+ Cummings settled, - t'in. not//rig't,

Deb/James, Did you sign a release?

From: Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2 !! !!:26 9$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: 1'o 1as t'e <udge t'at signed t'at !.25 million,

Lori, I just listened to your voicemail.... Are you sure Steve Silian was the lawyer who won the case or the !."# million? I don$t thin% so, It loo%s li%e he came later in "&&' when the cummings went ban%ru(t. )e don$t %now who is the lawyer that won the mal(ractice case. I thin% whoever it was may have had a deal with wa*man...
From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2 !! 2:88 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: 1'o 1as t'e <udge t'at signed t'at !.25 million,

Dear %ori, 5'e only attorneys t'at 1e e2er met 1it' 1ere $ic'ael )a*man +irst, t'en 3arry Sc'.lair, t'e ban.ru0tcy attorney, 1'o steered us to Ste2en Silin. 5'e ban.ru0tcy occurred in 2 6, so Silin did come into all o+ t'is eit'er t'e end o+ 2 5, or beginning o+ 2 6. - .no1 1e 1ent to court about t'e mal0ractice against )a*man in July and 'ad to a00ear be+ore a <udge, and 'e is t'e one 1'o a1arded us t'e !.25. -Am at t'e summary <udgment and it says t'e F. S. $agistrate Jude 1as $argaret J. Gra2c'u. and t'is case 1as assigned to Judge >ene Carter, and t'at name does ring a bell in our 'eads. Cou can see t'is entire transcri0t on line, District o+ $aine, Cummings 2. )est0ort -nsurance Com0any Ci2il Ho. 5/2 6/#/C. &o0es t'is 'el0s. -tAs only about !2 0ages long, and - <ust 0rinted it out +or my o1n records. %oo. it o2er and see 1'at you t'in.. Deb
From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2 !! B:"9 #$ To: James (. $ars'I %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: 1'o 1as t'e <udge t'at signed t'at !.25 million,

Dear %ori, - am going to try to attac' a 0d+ +ile o+ t'e District Court document t'at says >ene Carter 1as t'e assigned <udge. )e ne2er 1ent into t'e courtroom again a+ter t'at a1ard. 5'e ne*t t'ing t'at 'a00ened 1as a mediation 1it' 9ttorney Silin, t'e mediator, 2 attorneys +rom C'icago ;or at least one 1as +rom C'icago= and t'e local attorney +rom 3erstein, S'ur, and Sa1yer. 5'e mediatorAs reaction to )est0ortAs 0ro0osed amount 1as s'oc. to say t'e least. &e told us a+ter t'at mediation, t'at

'e 1as e*0ecting no less t'an 66 , . to 665 , . 9+ter a cou0le o+ 'ours t'e entire mediation 1ent do1n t'e tubes. 5'e day o+ t'e a1ard, our trial 1as interru0ted +or o2er an 'our, because t'e Judge 1as also t'e Judge +or t'e Srey murder trial about t'e >or'am boy 1'o 1as .illed at DennyAs in #ortland. 5'is may con+irm >ene Carter or at least gi2e t'e name o+ t'e Judge t'at 0resided o2er our case. - 'o0e t'e attac'ed documents may gi2e you a clue. - am not a legalese, by any stretc' o+ t'e imagination, so maybe your +riend can inter0ret. -Am still 1aiting +or my +riend to call bac., but, - do t'in. 'e 'as retired, so may be in a 1armer climate +or t'e 1inter mont's. - called 'is Scarboroug' number, since t'at is all 'a2e. %et me .no1 i+ you get t'is attac'ed 0d+ +ile. Debbi
From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: 5uesday, January !!, 2 !! 9:52 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: 3o*es +rom 9ttorney Silin

Dear %ori, #lease acce0t my a0ology +or not getting bac. to you sooner, - 'ad a +amily emergency regarding my sister. Jim called SilinAs o++ice today and 0layed it 2ery cool by telling t'e secretary 1e 1ere in t'e 0rocess o+ getting medical records and legal records +or a 0ossible mo2e in t'e near +uture. 5'e bo*es are stored o++ site, as - sus0ected, but s'e is going to call us tomorro1 and 1e are going to do our 2ery best to get t'em on 5'ursday i+ t'ey 'a2e been gotten +rom t'e o++ site storage +acility. @+ course, as you .no1, our main concern is getting our 'ands on t'at letter +rom )a*man t'at tells us to sue 'im and 'e t'en sent us to #eter (od1ay +or re0resentation. (od1ay, did, 'o1e2er, bac. out and t'at is 1'y t'ere 1as suc' a la0se in our la1suit. -Am sure 1e 1ill also +ind out t'e name o+ t'e <udge t'at ordered t'e !.25. - am 0raying t'at 1e can get it on 5'ursday. - 1ill go t'roug' e2ery 0iece o+ 0a0er to +ind t'at letter, and 'o0e+ully it 1ill be o+ 'el0 to you. -Am not sure 1'et'er 1e 1ould be able to be at t'e court'ouse on Eriday, but, i+ +ind t'at letter, - 1ill scan it and send it to you to gi2e to your attorney. -t s'ould, at 2ery least, s'o1 'o1 +raudulent t'is S@3 is. - am still 'a2ing a 'ard time +at'oming 'o1 t'is idiot is getting a1ay 1it' all t'is cra0. - guess t'e old adage t'at money tal.s, and bulls'it 1al.s is true. &is money seems to s0ea. 2olumes. )'en Jim tal.ed 1it' t'at young lady at SilinAs o++ice today, s'e did remember on t'is case +or 'im, but ga2e Jim t'e im0ression t'at Silin doesnAt need to .no1 1e are re?uesting our bo*es, since s'e told Jim t'at 1e 'a2e e2ery rig't to ta.e t'em, since t'ey belong to us. %etAs 'o0e t'at not'ing 'as been tam0ered 1it' in any 1ay. - 1ill send you o++ an email as soon as 1e 'ear +rom 'er tomorro1 and 'o0e+ully it 1ill all be good ne1sD

-Am 0raying +or you and $ila, %ori. >od 3less you and 0lease .ee0 t'e +ait'. Debbi

From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: )ednesday, January !2, 2 !! 5:55 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: Just bet1een you and me

Dear %ori, - continue to be so ba++led by a <udicial system t'at seemingly <ust donAt care about t'e 1el+are o+ an innocent little girl. - 'a2e to tell you, and itAs 'ard 0utting into 1ords, 'o1 muc' - admire your tenacity and all t'e leg 1or. you 'a2e done. 0ersonally t'in. t'at - 1ould 'a2e s'ot t'ose t1o S@3As by no1, or at 2ery least, been into 1'ere - could +lee to get t'at s1eet baby a1ay +rom t'em. Cour +riend is so rig't, t'is is li.e a true li+e made +or 5J mo2ieD - donAt .no1 your age, dear, but surmise you must be in t'e same age as one o+ my girls, 1'o bot' 'a2e 2 c'ildren, and - 'a2e to tell you, - 1ould be 'onored to call you my daug'ter. - can 0icture bot' o+ my girls +ig'ting +or t'eir c'ildren, <ust as you are doing +or your s1eet little $ila. Cou must 'a2e incredible strengt' and you are ob2iously 2ery intelligent and - +or one, certainly a00laud you. Cou go girlD - 'o0e t'ey +ind a 1ay to loc. t'ose t1o u0 +or t'e rest o+ t'eir miserable li2es, so t'at you can gi2e $ila 'er ballet, singing lessons and s'e gets to 0lay soccer, anyt'ing s'e 1ants. S'e is certainly entitled to be +ree +rom all t'at cra0 and s'ould be allo1ed to li2e li.e any ot'er little girl o+ 'er age. S'e deser2es to be 'a00y and 'ealt'y and not endure 1'at t'ose men are 0utting 'er t'roug'. - 1ill certainly in+orm you 1'en 1e get t'ose bo*es, and 0ray 1e +ind t'at letter. #lease do let us .no1 'o1 t'ings go in court on Eriday, and my 0rayers are 1it' you and $ila e2eryday and nig'tD >od 3less and you .ee0 t'at strengt' goingD Debbi

From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: 5'ursday, January !8, 2 !! 2: 7 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e?uested bo*es

Dear %ori, 5'e young lady ;s'e is a 0aralegal= <ust called bac. +rom 9ttorney SilinAs o++ice in re+erence to t'e bo*es o+ materials 1e re?uested. Ho1 s'e ga2e t'e im0ression t'at 1e could 0ic. t'em u0 today and t'ere 1asnAt muc' o+ a need to see. SilinAs a00ro2al. )'en - <ust s0o.e to 'er, s'e said t'at s'e 'ad not been able to sit 1it' Silin and :log: e2eryt'ing out t'at 1e 1ould be getting bac.. S'e said s'e 1ould 'a2e to contact us on $onday o+ ne*t 1ee. and set u0 a day, 0robably 5uesday or )ednesday +or us to 0ic. t'em u0. 5'is me a bit uncom+ortable as to 1'y e2eryt'ing needs to be :logged:. )'y 1ould t'ey 'a2e to log out e2eryt'ing 1'en t'ey 0ut most o+ it in t'ere, &mmmm, 5'e +irst t'ing t'at 0o00ed into my mind is t'is: )'en Silin +irst got t'ose bo*es, -Am sure e2eryt'ing 'ad to be logged in as to 1'at 1as in t'ose bo*es. @nce t'e case 1as settled my im0ression 1ould be t'at t'ose bo*es 1ere sealed, labeled and sent to t'e o++ site storage +acility. -+ t'at be t'e case, 1'y, i+ t'e seal 'as not been bro.en, 1ould t'e seal 'a2e to be bro.en to :log: out t'ose materials, )'y also, did t'is 1oman not identi+y 'ersel+ as SilinAs 0aralegal on $onday, but s'e identi+ied 'ersel+ as so today, 9nd 1'y 1as Jim told t'at it 1as all our 0ersonal 0ro0erty on $onday, not 'a2e to be gone t'roug' by Silin and t'e 0aralegal, but today t'e entire scenario 'as c'anged, Somet'ing is rotten in Denmar., so to s0ea.. 5'e more 1e del2e into t'is case, t'e more rotten it smells. -Am t' t'ere s'ould be at least 8 bo*es no1, since SilinAs materials s'ould be included 1it' t'e 2 0re2ious bo*es. -t 1ill be 2ery interesting to see 'o1 t'is material ends u0 being condensed. - certainly donAt 'a2e t'e +unds +or an attorney, and as 1e .no1, 1'ic' one 1ould 1e be able to 0ic. in t'is state t'at mig't not be connected to $ic'ael )a*man. &e 'as certainly 1o2en a 2ery tangled 1eb indeed. - 'o0e -Am not rambling %ori, 'o1e2er, it certainly loo.s li.e t'ey 1ere connected and 0ossibly :on t'e ta.e: along 1it' some <udges. - 1ould lo2e to 'ear 1'at your ta.e is on all t'is. Cou 'a2e muc' more legalese t'an - do, de+initely not my line o+ e*0ertise, since - 1as an accountant all my career. $y 0rayers are 1it' you and $ila. Stay strong and .no1 t'at 1e are 1it' you e2eryday. Debbi

From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: 5'ursday, January !8, 2 !! B: 2 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: )a*man and )est0ort -nsurance

Dear %ori, 5'e e/mail +rom Je++ 5'aler is interesting. -+ t'ey 'a2enAt re0resented $ic'ael )a*man since 2 5, 1'o in t'e 1orld 0aid us, )e didnAt settle t'is t'ing until @ct. 2 6 and recei2ed our c'ec. in Ho2. 2 6. @$> t'is is really

getting s0oo.y. - t'in. - 1ill 'a2e Jim call SilanAs o++ice tomorro1 morning and tell t'em 1e 1ant to be 0resent 1'en t'ose bo*es are unsealed. Do you t'in. my ?uestions 1ere 2alid 0oints, @ur understanding 1as 1e 1ere 0aid by )est0ort and t'e attorneys t'at 1ere t'ere +rom C'icago 1ere re0resentati2es o+ )est0ort -nsurance Com0any. - 1onder i+ Je++ 5'aler e2er sa1 t'e c'ec. t'at 1as su00osed to be issued to us +rom )est0ort, since 'e 1as at t'e mediation, - can see 0lainly no1, - need to do some in2estigation 1or. also. 5'an. you %ori, maybe 1e 1ill end u0 'el0ing eac' ot'er in a 2ery 0ositi2e 1ay. Debbi

From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: 5'ursday, January !8, 2 !! B:! #$ To: James (. $ars'I %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: (e?uested bo*es

- 'a2e a sus0icion t'at t'ose bo*es 'a2e already been tam0ered 1it', long be+ore t'ey 1ere sealed a+ter our case 1as settled. - 1ill 'a2e Jim re?uest t'at 1e be t'ere 1'en t'ey are :logged:. 5'e more 1e del2e into t'is, it seems, t'e more discre0ancies 1e are +inding. Su00osedly, $r. )a*man 'as not been re0resented by )est0ort -nsurance since 2 5, 0er Je++ 5'aler, 1e ne2er settled until @ctober o+ 2 6 and recei2ed t'e c'ec. in Ho2ember o+ 2 6. - de+initely 'a2e a +eeling t'at )a*man and Silan did, in +act, .no1 eac' ot'er and made some sort o+ deal. 5'ey bot' .ne1 1e 1ere in dire straits, -.e. our ban.ru0tcy 1as on t'e 2erge o+ going +or1ard. - 'o0e 1e can untangle t'is 1eb o+ lies and 0er<uries t'at )a*man 'as created. Gee0 in touc' %ori, and - 1ill do t'e same. >ood luc. in court tomorro1, our 0rayers are 1it' you and $ila. Debbi 4 Jim
From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: 5'ursday, January !8, 2 !! B:!5 #$ To: %ori &andra'an Subject: (e: (e?uested bo*es calling Silan o++ice to get t'e leter t'at )a*man outlined 'is intention to commit insurance +raud

Dear %ori,

Ste2e Silan is 0art o+ t'e la1 +irm o+ 3erman 4 Simmons. 5'ey 'a2e o++ices in %e1iston and #ortland. 5'ere is an B number and t'en t'e #ortland number. !/ B /2""/8576 and #ortland is 77"/5277. S'ould 1e ti0 t'em o++ or <ust see 1'at is 0resented to us, $aybe 9ttorney $ars' could guide us. - 0ray to >od t'at letter 'asnAt already been destroyedD %et me .no1. >ood luc. tomorro1 %ori and .no1 t'at Jim and - are 0raying +or you and $ila. Debbi
From: Debbi Cummings [] Sent: Sunday, January !6, 2 !! 7:2" #$ To: %ori &andra'anI Je++ery 9 5'aler Subject: Cour case against $ic'ael )a*man

%ori, 9s you 0robably surmised 2ery early on, -Am a 2ery em0'atic 0erson. )'en you told me your 0lig't 1it' your daug'ter, es0ecially since - 'a2e 2 daug'ters and 2 granddaug'ters, - 1as sorry to 'ear all t'at 1as going on. Eriday, - came do1n 1it' a +lu t'at made me 2ery sic.. Somet'ing you did not .no1 about me is t'at - 'ad a gastric by/0ass surgery many years ago, and 'a2e an e*tremely sensiti2e stomac'. Due to t'is condition, 1'en -Am sic., -Am not able to ta.e my 0ain meds, and t'e meds t'at t'e doctor 'as me on are 2ery 0o1er+ul and ma.e me groggy and - 'a2e a tendency to ramble on, along 1it' nostalgia. 5oday, 1it' a clear 'ead, - re/read emails +rom you and my res0onses bac. to you and - 1as 'orri+iedD - seemed to 'a2e gi2en you t'e 1rong im0ression about $ic'ael )a*man. 5'e man ne2er mistreated Jim and - in any 1ay, nor do 1e +eel t'at 1e 1ere not re0resented 0ro0erly to t'e best o+ 'is abilities. Cou also did not .no1 t'at 1e are in t'e 0rocess o+ re/located to a 1armer climate, t'ere+ore, 1e 1ere already re?uested 0ersonal legal and medical records. - +eel li.e you are on a mission to destroy $ic'ael )a*manAs career and anyone else t'at gets in your 1ay, and Jim and - 'a2e no intention, nor did 1e e2er, to e*coriate anyone +or your 0ur0oses. )e 1ere re0resented by 9ttorney Silan in a 2ery 0ro+essional and courtesy manner also, and 'a2e no intention o+ alienating 0eo0le t'at tried t'eir best on our be'al+. 9s you may, or may not .no1, Jim 'ad a 2ery large s0inal surgery in Ho2ember and 1e 'a2e bot' been on 0otent 0ain medications, and ?uite, our +ocus is on 'is 'ealing. - am a breast cancer sur2i2or, but 'a2e more medical tests to be done be+ore - 'a2e any sort o+ diagnosis on my o1n medical issues t'at -Am being treated +or no1. - 1is' you luc. in your endea2ors, but 0lease do not contact us 2ia email or tele0'one again. Jim and - bot' +eel you +ound 2 0eo0le 1'o 1ere nice and you too. ad2antage o+ us, sensing 1e 1ere totally lay 0eo0le in re+erence to anyt'ing legal and you 0layed t'at card to us into your 0ersonal 0roblems. 9+ter re/ reading t'ose emails, - can see 'o1 you maneu2ered t'ings your 1ay and 1e 1ant no 0art o+ any o+ it, and +irmly includes your 0'one message statement o+ :-+ - 1ere you, - 1ould call t'e >o2ernor and 9>As o++ice:, you must be .iddingD &ad - not been t'ose maintenance drugs t'at -Am re?uired to ta.e, - 1ould not 'a2e

tal.ed to a total stranger about anyt'ing 0ersonal, es0ecially somet'ing o+ a legal nature. Jim and - are 0ri2ate 0eo0le, 1e mind our business, 0ay our dues, and stay to oursel2es and are not in t'e 'abit o+ about anyone. Cou 'a2e a 1ay o+ mani0ulating and dra1ing in+ormation out o+ 0eo0le, es0ecially 1'en t'ey are at a disad2antage. )ell, it sto0s no1D - 'a2e +or1arded a co0y o+ t'is letter to $r. 5'aler, so t'ere 1ill be no misunderstanding o+ our intentions and you 1ill not be able to misconstrue 1'at -Am saying to you. 9gain, 0lease, 1e do not 1ant any more communication +rom you, nor 1ill you e2er 'ear +rom us again. (es0ect+ully, James 4 Debora' Cummings

-----Original Message----From: Debbi Cummings <> o: Mic!ael "a#man <m$%a#&> 'en(: Fri) Jan 2*) 2+,, 6:,2 -m 'ub$ec(: Fe%: .our case agains( Mic!ael "a#man

January 2B, 2 ! James 4 Debora' Cummings " &olden &ills (oad 3ridgton, $aine " 9/"5"" Dear $r. )a*man, Jim and - are 0leased t'at you contacted us in re+erence to $s. &andra'anAs re+erence to us. -All try not to ramble, but 1ould li.e to e*0lain 1'at too. 0lace 1it' 'er. S'e called our 'ome one nig't, late in t'e e2ening, not identi+ying 'ersel+, but said s'e 'ad seen our names in connection to you 'a2ing re0resented us in t'e case against $r. $c-ntyre and t'e City o+ #ortland. S'e as.ed 2ery general ?uestions and - ans1ered to t'e best o+ my recollection. 9 +e1 days or 0ossibly a 1ee. or so later, s'e called, and t'at is 1'en s'e tal.ed 1it' Jim on t'e tele0'one. )ell, - 1ould li.e to tell you, t'at t'e con2ersation t'at 1e read in t'e enclosure o+ todayAs letter is all lies on 'er 0art. 5'is 1oman inter<ected 'er o1n +eelings into t'at con2ersation. Jim did H@5 say any o+ t'e t'ings t'at s'e mentions. S'e ob2iously 'as ta.en 0ublic .no1ledge and added 'er o1n ad<ecti2es to suit 'er 0ur0ose, 1'ic' is, ob2ious to me no1, to destroy your good name and re0utation. 5'is 1oman 'as 'er o1n agenda and is trying to +orm a little :army: o+ 'er o1n to side 1it' 'er.

$ic'ael, Jim and - absolutely +eel, and .no1 in our 'earts, t'at you did e2eryt'ing you could +or us. Cou admitted you made an error and 1e .no1 'o1 badly you +elt about t'at. )e did not go out attorneys to go a+ter you +or mal0racticeI <ust t'e o00osite. )e actually didnAt really t'in. muc' more about it until 1e 1ent to 3arry Sc'.lair to amend our c'a0ter !8 into a straig't ban.ru0tcy. Jim did miss a lot o+ 1or., not +or surgery a+ter surgery as $s. &andra'an noted in 'er corres0ondence. Jim 1as told t'at 'e 1as, at t'at 0oint, ino0erable. &e 1as let go +rom $aine $edical Center because o+ so muc' time missed at 1or., along 1it' some 0olitical t'ings going on at t'e time. 9t one o+ t'e meetings t'at 1e 'ad 1it' 9ttorney Sc'.lair, 'e suggested t'at Ste2en Silan mig't be able to 'el0 us. )e met 1it' 9ttorney Silan and 'e said 'e 1ould loo. at e2eryt'ing and only ta.e t'e case i+ 'e +elt it 'ad merit, 1'ic' 'e did re0resent us as you .no1. )e 1ere e*tremely grate+ul to recei2e t'e money t'at 1e did. )e 1ere able to 0ay bac. t'e 3an.ru0tcy Court, buy anot'er 'ome, and ma.e a ne1 start, and get on 1it' our li2es. 9s you 1ill see by t'e attac'ment it 1ill e*0lain 'o1 $s. &andra'an 1as able to totally us. Jim and - 'a2e bot' 'ad many medical issues going on and t'e 0ain meds t'at t'e doctor 'as me on is @*ycontin, and ?uite, it .noc.s me +or a loo0, but is needed +or a disc 'erniation and a ner2e root com0ression. Jim <ust did 'a2e a 2ery serious s0inal surgery t'at 'e is still recu0erating +rom. - still 'a2e ot'er medical issues t'at are being addressed rig't no1, so 1'ate2er $s. &andra'anAs issues are, t'ey are 'er o1n, and Jim and - are not going to be in2ol2ed in 'er 2engeance. 5o ma.e a long story s'ort, 1e 'a2e no intentions, no1 or in t'e +uture, to discredit you or 9ttorney Silan in any 1ay, s'a0e or +orm. 9s you 0robably remember, 1e are <ust 0lain ordinary +ol.s 1'o are trying to ma.e it day to day, and not in t'e 'abit o+ 'urting anyone. - +eel t'at - o1e you a 'uge a0ology and and - sincerely 'o0e t'at you acce0t my a0ology. - s'ould 'a2e realiKed sooner t'at t'is 1oman ob2iously needs 0syc'iatric counseling in a big 1ay, and 'o0e s'e gets itD Jim and - 1is' you 1ell in all +uture endea2ors and 'o0e t'at you and yours are 'a00y and in a good 0lace. %ord .no1s, 1e all deser2e t'at, so again, our best al1ays to you $ic'ael. 5'e attac'ment t'at -Am sending you is t'e last corres0ondence t'at - 'ad 1it' $s. &andra'an, and +or lac. o+ not .no1ing 1'at else to do, - sent a co0y o+ 1'at 1rote to 'er to 9ttorney Je++ 5'aler, since - did 'a2e an email address +or 'im. So, i+ s'e e2er says, t'at s'e 'as t'is :+riends'i0: 1it' us, it is a total lie. #lease +eel +ree to contact me i+ you 'a2e any ?uestions about t'e con2ersations 'ad 1it' $s. &andra'an, and to my o1n 'orror, my emails to 'er. - 1ill be totally u0+ront and 'onest 1it' you, e2en t'oug', - may be embarrassed at 1'at - may 'a2e said 1'ile on t'ose 0ain meds. )it' 1armest regards, Jim and Debbi Cummings

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