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9 July 2011 Daniel R.

Levinson Inspector General, Office of Inspector General (OIG) Office of Inspector General- Department of Health and Human Services !!"# HO!$I"%- &O 'o( 2)*+9 ,ashin-ton. D/ 20020 Dear Inspector General $evinson1 !his is my third re2uest for a full and complete investi-ation into every aspect of the operations of the /hild &rotection Division of DHHS 3aine4 s you 5no6 from my last complaint. on )1 3ay some 20 people. includin- some of the country7s top e(perts. met 6ith 3aine DHHS /ommissioner 3ary 3ayhe6. Deputy /ommissioner 'onnie Smith and Head of /hild &rotection Dan Despard to e(press their concerns a8out 3ila7s safety and the immediate ris5 to her life and present the over6helminand on-oin- a8use of 3ila 8y her father. 6ho retains 9oint custody4 ll of these e(pert and all of this evidence 6as i-nored4 DHHS recently informed me the case has 8een closed 8ecause they can find no evidence of a8use of 3ila 8y her father4 See attached4 !his occurred after DHHS Supervisors had assured me the case 6as still open and also occurred after 3ichael ,a(man. the a8usive and corrupt la6yer for 3ila:s father. threatened DHHS4 See attached4 Dr4 /arl 'aum. Director of &ediatric !o(icolo-y at ;ale "e6 Haven has already e(pressed his deep concern for 3ila:s very life and safety as 6ell as his outra-e at DHHS directly to the Governor of 3aine4 See attached4 I -ather others 6ill also 8e lettin- the Governor 5no6 of their deep concern for the practice of DHHS:s /hild &rotection division as 6ell as their alarm over 3ila:s safety and 6ell-8ein- that DHHS has i-nored4 I a-ain. 8e- the Inspector General. to please conduct a full. complete investi-ation into the massive fraud and collusion occurrin- 6ithin DHHS 3aine:s /hild &rotection division and one very corrupt. a8usive. and 6ealthy attorney1 3ichael ,a(man4 Sincerely. $ori Handrahan. &h4D4 ,ashin-ton D/ /ell# 20<-+12-0191

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