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16 May 2011 Daniel R.

Levinson Inspector General, Office of Inspector General (OIG) Office of Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services A !" HO #I!$ %O &o' 2()*+ ,ashin-ton. D/ 20026 Dear Inspector General #evinson0 On 1 March 2011 I sent my first re1uest for an investi-ation into DHHS Maine2 I have yet to hear if a case 3as opened or not2 I am a-ain re1uestin- an investi-ation into DHHS Maine4s 5iddin- process and decision to contract 3ith De5 %oole a %h2D2 researcher from Michi-an2 Did DHHS Maine re1uest three 5ids6 ,ho 3ere the other 5idders6 ,hy 3as De5 %oole contracted a5ove everyone else6 Ho3 much money 3as Dr2 %oole -iven6 ,hat is her contract arran-ement and 3ho made these decisions at DHHS Maine6 ,hy 3as Spur3in7. a clinic in Maine 3ith a national reputation for e'cellence. that DHHS has used for years to handled child a5use investi-ations suddenly dropped 5y DHHS Maine from intervie3in- a5used children in favor of an un7no3n academic from Michi-an 3ith no clinical e'perience 3hatsoever6 I currently reside in ,ashin-ton D/ and am availa5le at any time2 ,e have also hired a retired Maine State rooper 3ho 3as 5een 3or7in- our case. to try and protect my little dau-hter since 8anuary2 So far. to no avail2 Mr2 Steve %ic7erin- is also -lad to share the results of his investi-ation 3ith you at any point2 Sincerely. #ori Handrahan. %h2D2 Sorrento Maine9,ashin-ton D/ 20:;*12;01+1

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